Solar panel array in winter.


Engineering and applied science research at Michigan Tech spans nano through global scales, embracing environmental, economic, and societal sustainability.

Learn more about our research initiatives and the talented faculty who lead these activities. We welcome all inquiries.

Need To Reach Out?

Michelle Scherer

  • Dean, College of Engineering
  • Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering

Pasi Lautala, PE

  • Associate Dean for Research
  • Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
  • Director, Rail Transportation Program, Michigan Tech Transportation Institute

College of Engineering Research Initiatives

Multidisciplinary research projects are common within the College of Engineering, across campus, and externally with industry, government, and university partners.

We devote considerable effort to solving important challenges in seven key areas:

  • 9
    engineering departments engaged in research
  • 309
    sponsored program awards in 2022–23
  • $34.3M
    awarded in 2022–23
  • 42%
    increase over two years
“Discovering new knowledge through research. Launching new technologies through innovation. Translating ideas developed in a lab into valuable products, solutions, and jobs. These are goals we share with industry partners, funding agencies, government entities, faculty, staff, and students.”Audra Morse, Dean of the College of Engineering