On October 1, 1998, three-year NSF grant EEC-9872533, titled "Redesigning Engineering Education with Active Learning and Integration Through the
Engineering Enterprise (REEALITEE)," is awarded to Michigan Tech. The next year, the program launched with the name that
4,821 Michigan Tech alumni (and counting!) from the last twenty years have used: Enterprise.
Twenty years of computers, robotics, and game development. Of better snowboards, open-source solutions, and space travel. Of clean snowmobiles and cinematography. Twenty years of learning about industry, leadership opportunities, occasional frustrations, and lifelong friendships.
If you were an Enterprise student, advisor, or sponsor, you're part of our history. Join the celebration.
1999: The Pilot Year
The first teams are Program in Integrated Sustainable Manufacturing (PrISM), Resource Engineering Associates (REA), and Wireless Communication Enterprise (WCE)—which is still operating today!
2000: Year One
Official program launch and scale-up from the successful pilot year.
2020: Two Decades Later
including seven of the teams launched in 2000
across all University schools and colleges