Carnahan Enterprise Scholarship

The Enterprise Program at Michigan Technological University is pleased to offer the Carnahan Enterprise Scholarship funded by Dr. Robert D. Carnahan, class of 1953. The program will award up to two $500 merit-based scholarships for an undergraduate degree in Business and Economics and up to two $500 merit-based scholarships for an undergraduate degree in Humanities each year, dependent on availability of scholarship funding. It is envisioned that the key responsibilities of Business and Economics majors will be to guide technology, product, and/or business strategy within the Enterprise team. Key responsibilities of Humanities majors include the design, development, and production of written and visual communication, both in print and digital environments.

This scholarship is available to any eligible sophomore, junior or senior level student participating on an Enterprise team as part of their undergraduate degree program at Michigan Technological University. Recipients must be enrolled in an Enterprise Project Course for the semester after which the application is submitted. Project courses include ENT1960, ENT2950, ENT2960, ENT3950, ENT3960, ENT3980, ENT4900, ENT4910, ENT4950, ENT4960, and ENT4961. The recipient must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50. 

Submission Requirements
To be eligible for the Carnahan Enterprise Scholarship, interested students must complete this application form, which includes a 300-500 word essay describing their current and/or planned involvement in their Enterprise team. The Carnahan Enterprise Scholarship application deadline is Friday at 5pm of week seven for each Fall and Spring semester.  

If you have any questions regarding the Carnahan Enterprise scholarship, please contact us by emailing