Welcome to Design Expo, Michigan Tech's annual showcase for experiential, discovery-based learning. It's our 23rd year of showcasing the work of over 1,000 students from our Senior Design and Enterprise programs. They address practical, open-ended design challenges, work with clients in a business-like setting, and pioneer solutions. Teams display their work on a wide range of projects—building race cars, providing sustainable solutions, tackling complex industry problems with advanced technologies, using machine learning to program autonomous vehicles, and much more.
At Michigan Tech, we proudly refer to Senior Design as a “first job” rather than a “last class” tasking project teams to address engineering challenges. In Enterprise, larger multidisciplinary organizations of first-year through graduate-level students work directly with clients in a business-like setting to create products, deliver services, and pioneer solutions. Regardless of the pathway our students choose, they get valuable experience that prepares them for early career success. And the employers of our graduates know it, too!
Design Expo features student teams from all five Colleges at Michigan Tech: Business, Computing, Engineering, Forest Resources and Environmental Science, and Sciences and Arts. We are also hosting high school students from local schools to join in and get excited about the possibilities in their future!
On display at Design Expo you’ll find our students' spirit of imagination, innovation, and collaboration. As you talk with them, their projects and their level of dedication are sure to impress!
Design Expo 2023 is generously supported by industry and university sponsorship. We are grateful for all our sponsors who have made a strategic investment in our educational mission. Thank you!
Thank you for attending the 2023 Design Expo, and Go, Huskies!

Nagesh Hatti
- Director, The Enterprise Program and Chair, Enterprise Governing Board
- Advisor, ITOxygen
- nhatti@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2633
- M&M 722F
Leonard Bohmann
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
- Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- ljbohman@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2861
- M&M 703