Where to Get Help

It is important that all Michigan Tech University students, faculty, staff and visitors are aware of their rights and opportunities for support and assistance. There is assistance available to you at all times. Please contact any of the following departments and/or agencies for assistance. 


Public Safety and Police Services
206 MacInnes Drive
Houghton, Michigan 49931-1295
Phone: 906-487-2216

Dean of Students
Administration Bldg. Room 130
Phone: 906-487-2212
Email: deanofstudents@mtu.edu

University Title IX Coordinator
Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX
Administration Bldg. Room 310
Phone: 906-487-3310
Email: titleix@mtu.edu

Confidential Assistance

Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being
The Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being offers a partnership for mental health support services through the TELUS Health Student Support Program. The program provides year-round support to Michigan Tech students. All features offered by the previous MySSP program remain, including free mental health support with access to master’s level clinicians available 24/7; real-time phone, chat and text services as well as ongoing scheduled video sessions; and emergency/crisis support services. Options for language, culture and shared identity matching with counselors will also continue to be available. 
Existing users of MySSP app are being prompted to update the app to the new TELUS Health app. For questions, please reach out to counseling@mtu.edu.

Michigan Tech Ombuds Office
Susanna Peters
Phone: 906-487-2391
Email: speters@mtu.edu

Copper Shores (Formerly Dial Help)
Call Crisis Line: 906-482-5797
Call Business Line: 906-523-5920 Ext. 2
Email: vs@coppershores.org

Barbara Kettle Gundlach Shelter Home
BKG Shelter Phone: 906-337-5623
or toll-free in the UP: 888-337-5623

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Eligible faculty and staff, and their spouses and dependents, have free access to counseling sessions from Northstar EAP. Their services can help manage issues that may be impacting your personal and work life.
Phone: 906-225-3145

Also Michigan Tech's current health plan, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has behavioral health options.

Lighthouse Services
Michigan Tech provides this service as a confidential and anonymous way "to report activities that may involve fraud, misconduct, or violations of Michigan Tech policy."


Allegations of discrimination or harassment  based on protected characteristics involving staff, faculty and visitors should be reported to Michigan Tech’s Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX. If you are an employee and you are experiencing difficulties that do not pertain to protected characteristics issues, please refer to policy 6.13.1 - Employee Complaints and Grievance Procedures.

Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX
Beth Lunde-Stockero, Executive Director
Equal Opportunity Officer
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Administration Bldg. Room 310
Phone: 906-487-3310
Email: blunde@mtu.edu or eocompliance@mtu.edu

Public Safety and Police Services
206 MacInnes Drive
Houghton, Michigan 49931-1295
Phone: 906-487-2216

University Title IX Coordinator
Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX
Administration Bldg. Room 310
Phone: 906-487-3310
Email: titleix@mtu.edu