Campus Training
Accessible Technology Training Resources: From the Accessible Technology Working Group, these training resources assist the Michigan Tech community in making ICT accessible for everyone.
The Conflict Resolution Network provides a variety of conflict resolution options, training, and services to guide faculty, staff, and students in managing and resolving conflict through a variety of conflict resolution options including: Conflict Coaching, Facilitated Dialogue, Mediation, Restorative Practices, and Shuttle Diplomacy.
An international conflict resolution hub, also called the Conflict Resolution Network, aims to make conflict resolution skills, strategies, and attitudes universally accessible. Their website has ample information, resources, and free training materials including books, podcasts, and a course that awards a certification.
Safe Field Work Off-Campus Research Planning: In developing an off-campus research plan, MTU researchers must identify and evaluate the potential hazards/risks associated with work in their off-campus research site(s) and describe how they will mitigate or eliminate those hazards and risks.
Related Training
Civility At Sea training videos produced by NOAA and NSF