Additional Training and Resources

Campus Training

Accessible Technology Training Resources: From the Accessible Technology Working Group, these training resources assist the Michigan Tech community in making ICT accessible for everyone.

ADVANCE: Advocates and Allies: Using restorative justice and broad engagement to change university culture, men are engaged to be allies and advocates for women and gender diverse individuals. The Advocates and Allies program has established an Advocates and Allies Advisory Board (A3B) and Advocates Team consisting of faculty/staff from Michigan Tech. These two units will work in conjunction with the ADVANCE initiative to plan and implement workshops for the campus and work to institutionalize the Advocates and Allies program at Michigan Tech.

The Conflict Resolution Network provides a variety of conflict resolution options, training, and services to guide faculty, staff, and students in managing and resolving conflict through a variety of conflict resolution options including: Conflict Coaching, Facilitated Dialogue, Mediation, Restorative Practices, and Shuttle Diplomacy.

Cultural Competency: CDI’s cultural competency training is designed to engage, inspire, challenge and provoke serious conversations related to diversity and to encourage current or bourgeoning leaders become agents of change.

Safe and Inclusive Off-Campus Research Planning: In developing an off-campus research plan, MTU researchers must identify and evaluate the potential hazards/risks associated with work in their off-campus research site(s) and describe how they will mitigate or eliminate those hazards and risks.

Safe Place: A program to foster an environment of inclusion for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual (LGBTQIA+) individuals on our campus and in the surrounding community.

Related Training

Civility At Sea training videos produced by NOAA and NSF.

Beyond Bias: Fair and Inclusive Hiring Strategies for University Search Committees