- Director, Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences Institute (EPSSI)
- Distinguished Professor, Physics
- 906-487-1229
- DOW 307
Links of Interest
- Gamma-Ray Emission
- High-Energy Cosmic Rays
- Associate Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- 906-487-2534
- Dow 621
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Environmental Geophysics
- Fracture Dynamics and its Induced Seismicity
- Characterization of Heat and Fluid Transport in Porous Media
- Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School
- Interim Chair, Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology
- Professor, Physics
- 906-487-3007
- Admin 413A
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Atmospheric Science
- Cloud and aerosol physics and chemistry
- Nucleation
- Distinguished Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- 906-487-1756
- Dow 424
Research Interests
- Using satellite measurements to constrain global volcanic SO2 production and emissions from individual volcanoes
- Validation of OMI SO2 retrievals using correlative data from ground-based, airborne and space-borne instruments
- Tracking volcanic SO2 and ash clouds operationally for aviation hazard mitigation
- Remote sensing of tropospheric volcanic plumes using DOAS and FTIR
- Quantifying anthropogenic emissions of SO2 from sources such as copper smelters and oil and gas fields
- Mitigation of the environmental and health impacts of volcanic degassing using satellite data
- Comparisons between satellite observations and chemical transport model simulations of volcanic clouds and plumes
- Associate Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Witte Family Endowed Faculty Fellow in Mining Engineering
- 906-487-2516
- Dow 625
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Generative AI for mine safety
- Remote sensing for critical mineral exploration
- InSAR for mining hazards
- Geophysical inversion using deep learning
- Stochastic resource modeling and stochastic optimization in mining
Teaching Interests
- Mine Planning and Design
- Mineral Resource Estimation
- Mining System Reliability and Optimization
- Geostatistics and Data Analysis
- Associate Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- 906-487-1187
- Dow 306
Links of Interest
- Faculty Webpage (temporarily disabled)
- Research Page
- Source to surface transport of magmatic volatiles and fluid evolution in geothermal systems
- Evolution of the upper continental crust: generation and maintenance of large, silicic magma reservoirs
- Magma reservoir dynamics by quantifying textural fabrics and intracrystalline deformation formed during hindered settling and compaction
- Relationship between resurgent plutons and large, silicic ignimbrites in exhumed caldera-forming eruptive sequences
- Excess or cryptic degassing in volcanic systems
- Quantification of CO2 from diffuse degassing at large, caldera-forming volcanoes
- Research Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Cell: 281-923-1122
- Dow 402
Research Interests
- Structure and tectonics of the Midcontinent Rift System
- Structural discontinuity formation in the shallow crust
- Relative and absolute timing of rock deformation events
- Fractured reservoir characterization, analysis, and modeling
- Fluid flow through single fractures and fracture networks
- Automated acquisition and analysis of geologic data from the Earth’s surface and drill core
- Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Affiliated Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 906-487-2535
- Dow 405
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Hydrogeology
- Ground water Engineering
- Contaminant Transport
- Subsurface Remediation
Research Interests
- Field performance of air sparging for removing volatile organic chemicals from ground water
- Volatile organic vapor transport in unsaturated soils
- Sulfur dioxide interactions with volcanic ash
- Assistant Professor, Physics
- Fisher Hall 124B
Research Interests
- Cosmology
- Neutrinos Cosmology
- Large-scale structure and Cosmic Microwave Background radiation
- Dark energy and dark matter models
- Machine Learning applied on cosmological Challenges
- Computer vision and deep learning
- Bayesian analysis
- Predictive Modeling
- Professor Emerita, Chemistry
- 906-487-2048
- Chemical Sciences 607
Research Interests
- Climate change communication
- Science-policy interface
- Youth engagement in climate policy
- Response of aquatic systems to climate change
- Great Lakes
- Fluorescence-based analytical methods
- Aerosol chemistry
- Origin and fate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in terrestrial, lake, and marine environments
- Methods for detection of free radicals, photochemical transformations of natural and anthropogenic organic compounds in the environment
- Integration of biological, geological, physical, and chemical data for understanding global cycles.
- Research Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Dow 208
Research Interests
- Periglacial and process geomorphology
- Computer applications in statistical, numerical and cartographic techniques in the earth sciences
- Surface energy exchange as it relates to microclimatology
- Physics, mechanics and petrology of naturally occurring ice formations

"A good map tells a multitude of little white lies; it suppresses truth to help the user see what needs to be seen. ...the value of a map depends on how well its content reflects a chosen aspect of reality."
—Mark Monmonier
—Mark Monmonier
- Teaching Professor
- Master of Geographic Information Science Degree Program Director
- 906-487-2308
- Noblet Building 140A
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Geographic information systems
- Cartography
- Global positioning systems
- Great Lakes Quaternary (glacial) geomorphology
- Assistant Professor, Physics
- Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- 906-487-2356
- Fisher 109
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Atmospheric Physics
- Turbulence
- Thermal convection
- Numerical simulations
- Supercomputing
- Emeritus Research Professor, Biological Sciences
- Adjunct Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Aquatic Ecology
- Paleoecology
- Professor, Physics
- 906-487-2580
- Fisher 104
Links of Interest
- Atmospheric Physics
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
Research Interests
- Integrated geospatial technologies for sustainable development
- Mobile mapping platforms for geographical and environmental studies
- SAR- and LIDAR-based remote sensing and GIS
- Geosensorics, real-time networks of geosensors
- Human-computer symbiosis for knowledge extraction and expertise transfer
- Visual perception in remote sensing and GIS
- 3-D geospatial visualization and augmented reality
- Visual and automated feature extraction in multispectral and hyperspectral image interpretation
- Geospatial-sensor modeling and calibration
- Image processing and automated feature extraction from aerial and satellite imagery
- Automated systems for vision-based autonomous navigation and control of manned/unmanned robotic platforms
- Image fusion and analysis
- Photogrammetry of aerial and high-resolution satellite imagery
Teaching Interests
- Earth observation systems
- Geodesy
- Photogrammetry
- Geospatial technologies, data, and systems
- Global positioning systems
- Remote sensing
- LIDAR-, SAR-/InSAR-based remote sensing
- Geospatial 3-D visualization
- Geospatial imaging: perception and interpretation
- Introductory and advanced GIS
- Spatial analysis and modeling
- Spatial decision support
- Cartography and cybercartography
- Assistant Professor, Physics
- 906-487-2658
- Fisher 124C
- Active galactic Nuclei
- High-Energy Astrophysics
- Blazars
- Multimessenger Methods
- Theoretical Astrophysics
- Analytic & Semi-Analytic Methods
- Astrophysical Software
- Professor Emerita
- 906-487-2030
- Noblet Building 189
Areas of Expertise
- Remote sensing
- Digital image processing
- Geographic information systems
- Spatial modeling
- Professor Emeritus, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
Teaching Interests
- Groundwater flow and transport and subsurface remediation
Research Interests
- Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Contaminant Transport in Groundwater Vadose Zones
- Mathematical Optimization of Groundwater Remediation Systems: Multi-Objective and Uncertainty Problems
- Surfactant-Enhanced Dissolution of Nonaqueous Phase Liquids in Subsurface Systems
- Groundwater Flow in a Fault Zone in the Vicinity of Desert Hot Springs, California
- Simulation of Saltwater Intrusion in the Guaymas Valley, Sonora, Mexico California
- Professor, Physics
- Director, Atmospheric Sciences Ph.D. Program
- 906-487-1226
- Fisher 112
- Atmospheric Science
- Aerosol properties (optical, physical and morphological) and effects on clouds and climate
- Instrument development and environmental optics
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- 906-487-1853
- Chem Sci 402D
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Understanding the identities, occurrence, and transformation of aerosol organic compounds
- Identifying organic aerosol constituents from a variety of atmospheric environments
- Exploration of new LC column chemistries with ultrahigh pressure pumps for fast and thorough separations
- Aqueous reaction pathways
- University Professor
- Professor, Physics
- Fellow of American Physical Society
- 906-487-2198
- Fisher 124A
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Gamma-ray bursts
- Gravitational lensing
- Smartphones as science sensors
- Cosmology
- Gravitation
- Relativistic Illumination Fronts
- Professor Emeritus, Physics
- 906-487-2274
- Fisher Hall 124D
Links of Interest
- Experimental Particle Astrophysics
- Professor Emeritus, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Research Professor of Geophysical Engineering
Research Interests
- (Not accepting new graduate students)
- Properties of rocks under varying conditions of saturation, stress, and heterogeneity
- Oil and gas exploration and development
- Seismic petrophysics—relating rock properties to seismic observations, particularly in oil and gas development
- Earthquake seismology, particularly induced seismicity, and humanitarian aspects of large earthquakes
- Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Affiliated Professor, Chemistry
- 906-487-3641
- Dow 863
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Environmental Engineering
- Transport & Transformation of Organic Chemicals
- Boundary Layer Meteorology
- Sustainability
Research Interests
- Air and Water Quality
- Atmosphere-biosphere Exchange of Chemicals
- Micrometeorology
- Environmental Analytical Chemistry
- Sustainability
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- Affiliated Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
- 906-487-3214
- Chem Sci 402C
Links of Interest
- Perrine Research Group
- Positions are open for undergraduate, masters, and PhD students.
- Google Scholar Publications
Research Interests
- Surface chemistry and interfacial science
- Bridging reactions at the gas/solid and liquid/solid interfaces under model (ultra-high vacuum) and real (near ambient pressure) conditions
- Growth, properties, and reactions on complex surfaces for energy and environmental applications
- Designing metal and oxide architectures and nanostructured materials using tailored bottom-up approaches; growth techniques including, atomic layer deposition, physical vapor deposition, self-assembly, solution nucleation
- Professor Emeritus, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Research Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- 906-487-2367
- Dow 207
Research Interests
- Volcanology
- Remote Sensing
- Volcanic Clouds
- Geoheritage
- University Professor and Associate Chair, Physics
- Affiliated Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- 906-487-1961
- Office: Fisher 201G, Lab: Fisher 019B and Dow 105
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Atmospheric Physics
- Cloud Physics
- Nucleation
- Turbulence
- Digital Holography
- Chair, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Affiliated Professor, Physics
- 906-487-2365
- Dow 631
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- The long-term evolution of the Earth's magnetic field (especially in relation to the geodynamo mechanisms and the early history of the field) and its geological and geodynamical implications
- Geodynamics and global plate tectonics (eg., large igneous province formation and true polar wander)
- Magnetism of rocks, minerals, and synthetic materials
- Environmental magnetism (eg., biomineralization and the relationships between physical, chemical and magnetic properties of minerals)
- Development of new techniques and instruments for paleomagnetic and rock magnetic research
- Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- 906-487-3640
- 306 GLRC
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Environmental cycles of major and trace elements
- Sediment diagenesis and stratigraphy
- Chemistry of natural organic matter
- Wetland biogeochemistry
- Environmental impact and fate of pollutants
- Influence of organisms on the chemical environment
- Role of chemical environment in controlling populations
- Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- 906-487-3554
- Dow 428
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Seismic source mechanisms of tectonic and volcanic earthquakes
- Mantle and crustal-scale seismic tomography
- The relationship of seismic anisotropy to fluids and strain
- Active-source investigations of magmatic systems
- Triggering of earthquakes by magmatic and hydrous fluid migration
- Relationship between shallow syneruptive volcanic earthquakes and degassing
- Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- 906-487-2590
- Dow 429
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Interactions among climate, atmospheric chemistry, air quality, and land use/land cover
- Impacts of global change on atmospheric chemistry and long-range transport of air pollution
- Anthropogenic perturbations to the atmosphere and implications for environmental sustainability
- Atmosphere-biosphere interactions, especially in the context of global change
- Impacts of aerosols on the global hydrological cycle
- Assistant Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- 906-487-2029
- Dow 427
Links of Interest
Research Interests
Process-based modeling of the sources, transformation, transport, and sinks of atmospheric particulate matter and gases, and their impact on climate and air quality
Interactions between changes in land-cover/land-use and atmospheric compositions
Remote sensing science and applications in environmental mapping, modeling, and monitoring
Synergy between physically-based modeling and machine learning in climate and air quality research