Committee Chair

Erik Crowley
- Executive Director of Auxiliary Business Services
- 906-487-2641
- Portage Lake Golf Course
- Department Chair, Visual and Performing Arts
- Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
- Director of Choral Activities
- 906-487-2143
- Walker 209D
- Choral Singing
- Contemporary Choral Music
- Musical Theater
- Skill Acquisition in the Large Group Rehearsal
- Ear-Training
- Coach, Men/Women's Tennis, Athletics

Laura Givens
- Administrative Aide, SDC Facilities Operations

Susan Laajala
- Director of General and Auxiliary Accounting
- General and Auxiliary Accounting
- 906-487-2121
- Lakeshore Center 200B
Specialties/Areas of Responsibility
- General and Designated Funds
- Use Fees

Jennifer Laitala

Craig R. Pellizzaro
- Director of Intramurals and Physical Education
- Instructor, Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology
- 906-487-3040
- SDC 202A

Polly Schaefer
- Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs
- 906-487-2212
- Administration Building, room 130

Karlee Westrem
- President, Graduate Student Government
- Fisher 324
Marketing Sub-Committee Members
- Executive Director, Rozsa Center
- 906-487-2856
- Rozsa 107

"Nothing vast enters the world of mortals without a curse!!"
Yogendra Kanchapu
- Digital media assistant, Experience Tech Marketing
- Social media assistant, College of Computing
- Social media assistant, Institute of Computing & Cybersecurity
- Assistant Athletic Director - Media Relations