Advanced Career Management

Promoting Faculty Success

Advanced Career Management (ACM) promotes mid-career faculty development, success, and retention through peer mentoring groups organized into three career track affinity groups: Leadership/Administration, Research Intensive, and Research and Teaching Excellence. Full Professors serve as ACM Guides for the affinity groups and for campus activities offered to mid-career track faculty.

Affinity groups discuss a range of topics related to the shared career track aspirations of the group. Topic prompts along with relevant resources are provided to the Senior Guide each month. These include career planning, prioritizing for career goals, networking, managing the faculty activity report, and sabbaticals. While these are offered to all groups, participants are encouraged to discuss other topics that arise in their group discussions. ACM groups hold at least 3 one-hour meetings each semester and more often if possible. Additional mentoring opportunities are provided periodically beyond the group meetings.

Get Involved

Mid-career faculty can join an affinity group by contacting Shari Stockero at At the beginning of each Fall semester, there will be an orientation meeting for interested faculty and you can sign up there as well. Newly tenured Associate Professors are strongly encouraged to participate in ACM to clarify expectations and focus on career goals.


What is an ACM Guide?

ACM Affinity Group Guides are senior faculty who meet regularly with an affinity group. Typically we have one guide per group. The guide is responsible for scheduling affinity group meetings, facilitating group conversation, and responding to a set of brief feedback questions for ACM. The guide is the point of contact for the group and will receive prompts and announcements for group meetings from ACM.

What is the time commitment?

ACM Affinity Group Guides should expect a time commitment of 1-2 hours per month for group meetings with additional time for discussion planning.  

Where Can I Learn More About Being An ACM Guide?

If you are interested in becoming an ACM Guide, please contact Shari Stockero at

ACM Guide Affinity Group Meeting Topics

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