Michigan Tech offers three faculty mentoring programs that promote success and retention for mid-career faculty, and newly hired tenure track faculty and instructional track faculty.
Advanced Career Management (ACM) promotes mid-career faculty development, success, and retention through peer mentoring groups organized into three career tracks: Leadership/Administration, Research Intensive, and Research and Teaching Excellence.
Early Career Management (ECM) Committees pairs each newly hired faculty member with three established faculty for monthly meetings throughout their first year at Michigan Tech. We are interested in your success!
The Instructional Track Faculty (ITF) Mentoring program assigns each newly hired ITF member to a mentoring committee that consists of other new ITF, along with two senior ITF, for monthly meetings throughout their first year at Michigan Tech.
In addition to these three programs, the following workshop is being offered in 2025:
Guiding Growth: A Workshop for Faculty Mentors
Mentoring is an important role of any faculty member, but few faculty receive formal training for this role. Guiding Growth: A Workshop for Faculty Mentors will help faculty develop skills for effectively mentoring graduate students, junior faculty, and peers. The program will provide an opportunity for both new and senior faculty to work with a community of peers to enhance their ability to guide and support others as they navigate their academic career. Topics will include developing mentoring agreements, communicating expectations, fostering independence, meeting the mentee’s individual needs, and addressing mentoring challenges.
- The Guiding Growth workshop will include four 90-minute sessions from 12:30-2:00 p.m. on January 14th, February 4th, March 4th, and April 1st. Participants will be asked to commit to all four sessions. Please register in advance by December 20th.