Appendix G. Senate Constitution and Bylaws

Senate Constitution and Bylaws are owned by the University Senate.

07/02/2019 - Deleted content and linked to Senate's Constitution and Bylaws directly.
12/08/2016 - Annual Review: No changes made to content.
06/04/2015 - To reflect current University titles, "Board of Control" is now "Board of Trustees".
02/12/2015 - Annual Review: Under section II.C. of the Bylaws, removed item "5. Emeritus/Emerita Association".
02/09/2015 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice, the email address for questions is now To be consistent within document, "By-Laws" or "By-laws" now reads "Bylaws". "Appendix G. Senate Constitution and Bylaws of the Senate" now reads "Appendix G. Senate Constitution and Bylaws". "Ratified by the Senate constituency on October 22, 2014 and Approved by the Board of Control on December 19, 2014" now reads "Ratified by the Senate constituency on October 22, 2014 and Approved by the Board of Control on December 19, 2014". Under Article II.B.2.c of the Senate's Constitution read: "Department chairs and associate deans shall be constituents of the University Senate but may not serve as Senators or Alternates or as members of University Senate committees" now reads "Department chairs, associate deans, and assistant deans, despite their additional status as academic faculty members, shall not serve as senators or alternates. They are considered constituents of the Senate." Under Article IV.C.3 of the Senate's Constitution, the second sentence read "The term of office shall commence at the beginning of the following fall term. Now reads "The term of office shall commence immediately following the end of the last meeting of the spring term." Under Article V of the Senate's Constitution, the last sentence read "The officers-elect of the Senate shall assume their duties on the Monday before the first week of instruction in the fall term." Now reads "The officers-elect of the Senate shall assume their duties immediately after the last Senate meeting of the spring semester." Under Article VII.A of the Senate's Constitution read "The business of the Senate shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order when these are not in conflict with the Bylaws of the Senate." Now reads "The business of the Senate shall be conducted according to the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) when these are not in conflict with the Bylaws of the Senate." In the Bylaws of the Senate it read "(Revised: December 11, 2013)" now reads "Most recent revision: December 10, 2014". Under section I.B.4 of the Bylaws, added the following: "5. The Executive Committee shall represent the Senate at meetings with the Board of Control. 6. The Executive Committee shall coordinate interaction between the Senate and the Board of Control." Under section I.C.1. of the Bylaws, added as the second sentence: "At the discretion of the Executive Committee, the Senate officers may serve on but may not chair standing committees." Under section I.C.8. it read "Normally, the Senate officers and officers-elect will draft a preliminary list of committee assignments before the first meeting of the Senate in the fall term." Now reads "The Senate officers will draft a preliminary list of committee assignments before the second from the last meeting in the spring semester." Section I.D.1 of the Bylaws read "1. Academic Policy Committee" now reads "1. Academic and Instructional Policy Committee". Added items e,f, and g: "e. Regulations regarding attendance, examinations, grading, scholastic standing, probation, and honors (III-F-a-iii). f. Teaching quality and the evaluation of teaching (III-F-1-a-iv). g. All matters pertaining to the academic calendar (III-F-1-a-v)." Deleted section I.D.3. of the Bylaws, 3. Board of Control Relations Committee. a. Represent the Senate at meetings with the Board of Control. 2. Coordinate interaction between the Senate and the Board of Control." Renumbered sections "I.D.4. Curricular Policy Committee" now reads "I.D.3. Curricular Policy Committee"; I.D.5. Elections Committee" now reads "I.D.4. Elections Committee"; and "I.D.6. "Finance Committee" now reads "I.D.5. Finance and Institutional Planning Committee". Under Section 8. Institutional Planning Committee moved items c. Institutional priorities (III-F-4-b-ii), d. Allocation and utilization of the university's human and physical resources (III-F-4-b-iii), e. Admission procedures (III-F-4-b-v), and f., General admission standards (III-F-4-b-v)" to section I.D.5 Finance and Institutional Planning Committee. Deleted item I.D.8. Institutional Planning Committee." Renumbered items I.D.7. Fringe Benefits Committee" now reads "I.D.6. Fringe Benefits Committee", I.D.9. Instructional Policy Committee" now reads "I.D.7. General Education and Assessment Committee". Under section I.D.7. General Education and Assessment Committee of the Bylaws, added the first sentence "In all curricular matters related to General Education and Assessment:" and item I.D.&.c. read "c. All matters pertaining to the academic calendar (III-F-1-a-5)" now reads "c. Academic freedom: rights and responsibilities (III-F-1-a-viii)." Added Bylaws section I.D.8. "Information Technology Committee. As related to Information Technology: a. Allocation and distribution of unrestricted funds made available to the university for discretionary allocation in support of research or scholarly work (III-F-2-b-i). b. Allocation and utilization of the university's human and physical resources (III-F-4-b-iii). c. Formulation of policy and procedures regarding allocation and utilization of the university's human, fiscal, and physical resources (III-F-4-b-iii)." Renumbered Bylaws sections "I.D.10. Professional Staff Policy Committee" to read "I.D.9. Professional Staff Policy Committee" and "I.D.11. Research Policy Committee" to read "I.D.10. Research Policy Committee." Section I.F.5. of the bylaws read "5. The officers-elect of the Senate shall assume their duties on the Monday before the first week of instruction in the fall term." Now reads "5. The officers-elect of the Senate shall assume their duties immediately after the last meeting of the spring semester." Amended the Bylaws by adding section "J.13. When a proposal is being presented by the chair of the relevant committee, if there are no objections, the presiding officer may delegate some responsibility for fielding questions to that person." Amended the Bylaws by adding Section I.N. Allowing Nonmembers to Speak." Under section II.B. Professional Staff Units, deleted items 5. Advancement, 7. Enrollment, and 11. Student Affairs"; renumbered "6. Auxiliaries" now reads "5. Auxiliaries", "8. Finance, 9. Library, 10. Research," now reads "6. Finance, 7. Library, and 8. Research"; and added "9. Student Affairs and Advancement A, 10. Student Affairs and Advancement B, and 11. Student Affairs and Advancement C." Under Section II.C added "The Executive Committee may appoint reciprocal liaisons to any or all of these units."
05/07/2014 - Per proposal 24-14, updated section I.M. Special Constituency Issues by adding item 6. Avoiding Conflicts of Interest, a., b., and c.
03/13/2014 - Annual Review: Updated Michigan Tech and Handbook banners. Under Operational Bylaws, section I.C., added item "4. Given the issues likely to be addressed by the committee in any given year, in electing a chair, committees are encouraged to consider whether tenure would be an asset"; item "C.4. Any member of the .... of the committee." now reads: "C.5. Any member of the .... of the committee." Added item "6. Administrative liaisons will be invited to attend, as needed, at the discretion of the committee"; Items "C.5. The full Senate .... function." and "C.6. Normally, the Senate officers .... in the fall term." now read: "C.7. The full Senate .... function." and "C.8. Normally, the Senate officers .... in the fall term." Corrected numbering of items E through M.
04/05/2013 - Annual Review: Corrected numbering of paragraphs.
10/03/2012 - Changed "Appendix G. Senate Constitution" to "Appendix G. Senate Constitution and Bylaws of the Senate", replaced the Constitution which was approved by the Board of Control on 4/27/2012 and replace the Bylaws with Bylaws approved by the Board of Control on 4/18/2012.
07/28/2011 - Annual Review: Replaced Operational Bylaws with Bylaws dated December 3, 2003; to reflect current University titles and practice, MTU is now Michigan Tech, and the email address for questions is now hbwebmaster.
10/19/2010 - Format changes.