8. Grievance

8.1 Grievance Policy

Grievance Policy Statement

It is the policy of Michigan Technological University to have an effective procedure for reviewing and resolving faculty grievances. That procedure is described here.

Grievable Issues

A grievance is a complaint alleging a misinterpretation, incorrect application, or violation of a policy, procedure, or practice of the University, not pursuable by the faculty member under other University procedures and/or policies. Some examples of "grievable issues" are the following: the application of policy, salary levels or salary adjustments, teaching loads or workload, reprisals, academic freedom, facilities or space, and sanctions. The following issues are non-grievable under this procedure:

  1. determination of policy, which is the domain of the governance system;
  2. promotion and tenure actions, which have their own appeal procedure;
  3. items falling within the domain of other University procedures, such as discriminatory actions, scientific misconduct, conflict of interest, threatening or violent behavior, and Equal Employment Opportunity complaints.

See Appendix C, "Grievance Procedures" for more information.

Senate Policy 704.1
Senate Procedures 704.1.1

12/08/2016 - Annual Review: No changes made to content.
04/15/2015 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice, the email address for questions is now policy@mtu.edu. No changes made to content.
02/21/2014 - Annual Review: Updated Michigan Tech and Handbook banners, no changes made to content.
03/20/2013 - Annual Review: "Senate Proposal 23-00 and Amendments to Proposal 13-95" now reads "Senate Policy 704.1 and Senate Procedures 704.1.1"
07/19/2011 - Annual Review: To reflect current University titles and practice, MTU is now Michigan Tech and the email address for questions is now hbwebmaster.