The Federal Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant is awarded to students whose parent
or guardian died as a result of U.S. military service in Iraq or Afghanistan after
September 11, 2001. The student must have been less than 24 years old or enrolled
at an institution of higher education at the time of the parent or guardian’s death.
There are two awarding provisions. The determinant is whether or not the student
has an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) that falls within the range for Federal
Pell Grant eligibility (EFC 0 – 6,656).
- If the student is eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant, the student will receive
a maximum Federal Pell Grant of up to $7,395*, and an EFC of zero will be used to package all Federal Student Aid, without regard
to the student’s FAFSA EFC.
- If the student is not eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant, the student will receive
a Federal Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant of up to $6,973*. The student’s normally calculated FAFSA EFC will be used to package all other Federal
student aid.
*The value of a student’s Federal Pell Grant or Federal Iraq and Afghanistan Service
Grant may be prorated based on their enrollment status.
Students must complete a FAFSA each year to be considered for the Federal Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant.
Other Important Information