Accepting Federal Direct Loans

Once a student has been offered Federal Direct Loans as a part of their financial aid package, they can accept those loans by completing the following four-step process:

STEP ONE - Accept (or decline) your loan by logging on to your Financial Aid Portal, and navigating to the Current Financial Aid section. Click "View/Accept Awards" and follow the prompts to access Banner Self Service.

STEP TWO - Once you have accepted the Direct Loan, you will be prompted to complete the Direct Loan Request Form.

STEP THREE - First-time borrowers must complete entrance counseling before funds can be disbursed. Complete your counseling by logging in with your FSA ID (the one used for the FAFSA) at and clicking on Complete Entrance Counseling located under the Complete Aid Process tab. The counseling session will take about 30 minutes to complete. This is a one-time requirement and will not need to be completed in following aid years.

STEP FOUR - First-time borrowers are required to complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN). You will be notified via email when your MPN is ready. You will need your FSA ID (the one used for the FAFSA) to complete the MPN. You will be asked to provide your permanent address, telephone number, driver’s license number (if you have one), and email address. You will also need the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of two personal references who have known you for at least three years. References must have different addresses from one another, and one of the references should be a parent or legal guardian. The references have no obligation to the loan and are only contacted if your contact information is not current.