Climate Change
- Alliance to Save Energy
- American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
- American Wind Energy Association
- Bloomberg New Energy Finance
- Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
- Chicago Climate Exchange, Inc.
- Clean Edge
- Connecticut Clean Energy Fund
- D&R International
- Environmental and Energy Study Institute
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- The Climate Group
- The Energy and Resources Institute
- Earthwatch Institute
- National Parks Conservation Association
- Natural Resources Conservation Service
- NatureServe
- The Conservation Fund
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Society for Conservation Biology
- The Student Conservation Association
- The Trust for Public Land
Forestry and Forest Products
- American Forest and Paper Association
- American Forests
- Careers & Employment in Forestry
- Casey Trees Endowment Fund
- Center for International Forestry Research
- Ecotrust
- Greenleaf Forestry and Wood Products, Inc.
- Louisiana-Pacific Corporation
- National Association of State Foresters
- New England Forestry Foundation
- Pinchot Institute for Conservation
- Plenty of Forestry Jobs
- Rainforest Alliance
- Rayonier
- SAF Career Center:
- The Forest Guild
- The Rainforest Alliance
- Treelink
- Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute
- Weyerhaeuser
- GeographyRealm
- GeoSearch, Inc.
- GIS Jobs Clearinghouse
- GISCafe
- GISjobs
- Minnesota GIS/LIS Consortium
- Academic Careers Online
- African Wildlife Foundation
- Centre for Science and Environment
- Conservation International
- Development Alternatives, Inc.
- DevelopmentEx
- Eldis
- Environmental Jobs Network (Australia)
- EuroBrussels
- iHipo International Careers
- International Environment and Development Links
Water Resources
- American Fisheries Society
- American Rivers
- American Water Resources Association
- American Water Works Association
- Aquatic Network
- Cape Cod Commercial Hook Fishermen’s Association
- Clean Water Network
- Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation
- Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education
- Marine Conservation Institute
- National Ground Water Association
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- NOAA Coastal Services Center
- Ocean Conservancy
- Oceana
- Soil & Water Conservation Society:
- Surfrider Foundation
- Water Jobs
- Waterkeeper Alliance
- Watershed Agricultural Council
- Wild Salmon Center
- World Water Council