We foster excellence in forestry and ecological science.
To be a global leader in the development and communication of science and technology related to the understanding, stewardship, and conservation of natural systems, of which humans are an integral part.
Given our changing world, we work to address the challenges in natural resource sustainability through education and training, novel research, innovation, and outreach.
We accomplish our mission by engaging with people, leading vibrant programs, and caring for the places we work and conduct research. We lead into the future by focusing on our students, their creativity, and the challenges and opportunities that they inherit.

Michigan Tech College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science is the largest forestry program in Michigan accredited by the Society of American Foresters. SAF, the national scientific and educational organization representing the forestry profession, is responsible for the accrediting postsecondary degree-granting forestry programs.
Accreditation is a voluntary, non-governmental, peer-review process that assures educational quality standards set by the profession are met by a postsecondary degree-granting program of study. Graduation from an accredited program signifies adequate preparation for entry into the profession.