Stewardship opportunities are available throughout the college. Keep an eye out for events hosted by CFRES and our student orgs for volunteer opportunities. Build comradery. Volunteer. Spend time in the woods. Clean up the Tech Trails. Meet students, alum, staff, and faculty. Work for charity. Get to know CFRES and some of the work we are involved with to keep Michigan Tech's forest remain sustainable and resilient.
Forest Stewards and Fellowship Day
Saturday November 6th, 2021 @ the Tech Trails from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Join the Forestry Club and the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science for a day of stewardship at the Tech Trails. The day will consist of felling, bucking, and splitting wood, as well as transporting the wood to the woodcut site for fundraising and charity. Lunch will be provided to those who come to help out!
Build comradery while being safe and having fun with the Forestry Club. Build your experience in the woods while helping MTU’s Tech Trails. Volunteers are welcome to come for any portion of time throughout the day. Please bring water and work gloves. Other equipment will be provided upon arrival by the Forestry Club.
Where to meet:
(see map at bottom of this page and/or Tech Trails map for reference)
Volunteers will meet at the woodcut site where instructions and equipment will be
provided. Parking is limited at the woodcut site. Other parking options include the
Tolkien Trail trailhead parking lot, or along the road near Hobbit Loop. Cutting and
bucking will occur on the southern portion of Ring Loop with loading of the trailer
on Hobbit Loop (eastern end). Unloading and splitting will occur at the woodcut site
off of Pilgrim Road.
10:30 to 11:00 am - Meet at the woodcut site for instructions and equipment
11:15 am – Head to Hobbit Loop/Ring Loop for further instruction (Follow Club Leaders)
11:30 am – Begin work
1:30 pm – Break for Lunch
2:00 pm – Continue work on trails
5:30pm – Begin clean up/head back to woodcut site
6:00 pm – Understory begins! Student org reps available until 8:00 (See event description
Questions can be directed to Joash via email at
See map at bottom of page for help finding locations.
Please fill out this short form so we have an estimate of folks coming to each of the two events. Please fill out the form if you have a dietary restrictions. You can still join either event if you do not fill out the form!
Understory - Pizza & Bonfire with CFRES Orgs
Saturday November 6th, 2021 @ the Woodcut Site beginning at 6:00 pm.
Understory is back! Join the CFRES Student Organizations for a bonfire and free pizza at the woodcut site this Saturday! At this annual event, Student Organizations will be represented under a tent with information about each club, as well as sign up sheets for students interested in getting involved with the college! Club representatives will be available to answer any questions you may have about their orgs, events they host, volunteer opportunities, and MORE. Representatives will be available until 8:00.
Already in a CFRES club? Come for a bonfire and pizza anyway! Get to know others in the College, connect with students and clubs, eat pizza, and have fun!
There is no end time for this event. Students are welcome to stay as long as the fire is going. Pizza and soda will be served around 6:30 pm. Please dress appropriately for weather.

Blue dots indicate central locations mentioned. Black dots represent parking options.
Parking is also available at the main Tech Trail entrance on Sharon Avenue near the wax hut.
Take Main Street-Superior Road to Paradise road. make a quick left onto Gundlach Road, then a quick right onto Pilgrim Road. The woodcut site is located just past the curve on the left side of the road. This is where Understory will be held, as well as meeting for Stewards day.
Continue down Pilgrim Road to get to entrance of Hobbit Loop on the right (this is also where the MTU paintball field is located). You can park along the road here. If you have hit Lahti Road you have gone too far.