Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships

The College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science maintains established funds for graduate fellowships and scholarships. Your support enables us to attract and nurture outstanding graduate students with a passion for science and scholastics.

Mead Endowed Fellowship

Help the Mead Westvaco Endowed Fellowship provide financial support to a master’s student who contributes to research in areas beneficial to the Upper Peninsula. Westrock (formerly MWV) stand on imagining and delivering the promise of a sustainable future when it comes to packaging solutions. 

Give to MEF

Shetron-Jurgensen Annual Fellowship

Help provide financial support to graduate students studying soils or below-ground ecosystems with the Shetron-Jurgensen Annual Fellowship

Give to SJAF

Master of Forestry Fellowship Fund 

Help provide financial assistance for self-funded Master of Forestry students to attend professional meetings with the Master of Forestry Fellowship Fund. Students may attain support for conferences such as Michigan Society of American Foresters, National Society of American Foresters, Association of Consulting Forester's Conferences, and more! 

Give to MF Fund

Graduate Student Scholarships

Help provide financial assistance to graduate students. Students may be paid as a TA or RA at Integrated Field Practicum, recieve help for research projects (such as travel costs), or be provided funding to present at conferences. 

Give to Grad Students
