Our research spans the continents, from our base in this diverse Lake Superior environment
to biofuel exploration encompassing six countries, three languages, 36 organizations,
and more than 100 researchers. Explore our projects by program, and learn more about
our publicly funded work. Use search box filtering options to search research projects
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Field testing of prototype engineered hardwood lumber of northern species for trailer decking applications (2402)
Integrating migratory bird stopover requirements into management action across the Great Lakes Basin
Foundational Science for Sustainable Peatland Management in Central Africa
Expanding KISMA?s Terrestrial and Aquatic Invasive Species Programming through Targeted Outreach and Removal
Montana DNR GTseq black bear panel development
Climate-Informed Restoration Information for USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub
PeatRestore: National mapping| condition analysis| and restoration decision support tools for peatlands: Phase 2
Ecosystem Management For Climate and Carbon Benefits
Climate Adaptation Technical Assistance to R9 State| Private| an Tribal Forestry Partners
Radiocarbon and carbon cycle research
Science Information for USDA Northern Forest Climate Hub
Increasing acceptance of northern hardwood lumber into cross laminated timber (CLT) by repurposing low-grade red maple
AIS Prevention for KISMA with boat wash outreach and AIS education
Collaborative Research: LTREB: Forest fragmentation and climate change result in understory warming that adversely affects tropical avian biodiversity at the BDFFP
Goats Managing Buckthorn on Community Recreational Trail System
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative: Prioritizing and Restoring Landscapes in Michigan?s Keweenaw Peninsula
Decision Support for Forest Soil Carbon Management
Hardwood Cross-Laminated Timber Research Assistance
Reducing Risk of Invasive Terrestrial Plants in the Great Lakes Region - Early Detection Remediation and Recovery
Peatland Ecology and Restoration Education in South America
Response of forest and peatland ecosystems to environmental change: new continuation
USDA Northern Forest Climate Hub Coordination
Continuation: Pushing the limits: role of functional and structural complexity in determining upper limits of carbon storage and sequestration in cool-temperate old growth forest ecosystems
Isle Royale wolf-moose population monitoring
Forest Owner Carbon and Climate Education Program (FOCCE)
Continuing KISMA Priority Invasive Species Control and Outreach with Partners and Community
Role of a RED NAC (RN) transcription factor in low nitrogen response in poplar
Applied Carbon Research and Management
LTREB: Collaborative Research: Long-term Changes in Peatland C Fluxes and the Interactive Roles of Soil Climate Vegetation Redox Supply in Governing Anaerobic
Great Lakes Northern Forest CESU: Beech Reintroduction at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore and Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
Belowground Ecosystem Ecologist
LTREB Renewal: Instability contingency and global change in a terrestrial food chain
Understanding Management Options for Sugar Maple Dieback & Decline in Michigan
Long-term forest dynamics in hemlock-hardwood forests of Sylvania Wilderness
Enabling WNS management VIA autonomous monitoring of microclimates and animal state in bat hibernacula
Mapping and Field Verification of Vernal Pools and Streams in Hiawatha