The School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science faculty authors leading research that appears in a wide variety of scientific journals and publications. Select faculty members listed here to see some of their work.
Kathy Halvorsen
- Halvorsen, K.E., C. Schelly, R. Handler, E.C. Pischke, and J.L. Knowlton (eds). 2019. A Research Agenda for Environmental Management. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK.
- Halvorsen, K.E., Jessie L. Knowlton, Robert M. Handler, Chelsea Schelly and Erin C. Pischke. ‘Integrating across sectors and disciplines: transdisciplinary teamwork challenges and strategies.’ 2019. In K.E. Halvorsen, C. Schelly, R. Handler, E.C. Pischke, and J.L. Knowlton (eds). A Research Agenda for Environmental Management. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK.
- Dunn, J.L, Jessie L. Knowlton, Robert M. Handler, Erin C. Pischke, K. E. Halvorsen, M. Azahara Mesa-Jurado, Theresa L. Selfa, David J. Flaspohler, Julian Licata, Ena E. Mata-Zayas, Rodrigo Medeiros, Cassandra Moseley, Erik A. Nielsen, Valentin D Picasso Risso, Julio C. Sacramento-Rivero, Tatiana de Souza, Cesar J. Vazquez Navarrete and Nathan Basiliko. 2019. ‘Lessons from the transdisciplinary, international BIOPIRE project.’ In K.E. Halvorsen, C. Schelly, R. Handler, E.C. Pischke, and J.L. Knowlton (eds). A Research Agenda for Environmental Management. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK.
- Pischke, E.C., M. A. Mesa-Jurado, A. Eastmond, J. Abrams, K. E. Halvorsen. Community Perceptions of Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies in Tabasco, Mexico. 2018. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 8(4)441-451. DOI: 10.1007/s13412-018-0493-6.
- Kozich, A.T., K.E. Halvorsen, and A.S. Mayer. 2018. Perspectives on Water Resources among Anishinaabe and Non-Native Residents of the Great Lakes Region. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education 163(April)94-108.
Tara L. Bal
- Rekola, Taber, Sharik, Dockry, Babalola, Bal, et al., 2024. Social and knowledge diversity in forest education: vital for the world's forests. Ambio
- Gauthier, Djoumad, Bal, Bilodeau, Digirolomo, Ony, Hadziabdic, McLaughlin, Miles, Munck, Snover-Clift, Tanguay. 2024. Interlaboratory evalution of Bretziella fagacearum molecular detection assays to guide the eDNA monitoring of the oak wilt disease. Environmental DNA
- Stump, Berhsing, Bal, Külheim. 2024. Current and Potential Insect Threats to Oaks in the Great Lakes Region. Forests.
- Higdon, Brzeski, Ottino, Bal. 2024. Establishing Silphids in the invertebrate DNA toolbox: A proof of concept. PeerJ.
- Dolinski, Bal, Webster, Resh. 2024. Assessing the utility of a native pathogenic fungus as a biocontrol alternative to herbicide on invasive buckthorns in forests of Upper Michigan. Natural Areas Journal. Read More.
- Lane-Clark, Gagnon, Bal. 2024. Shifting the language of ‘invasion’ ecology: Two-eyed seeing as a framework for discourse regarding introduced species. Socio-Ecological Practice Research. Read More.
- Bal, Beaudoin, Carter. 2024. Berries without Bugs: Recreational Foraging and a Fruit Fly Threat in Rural Michigan. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism. Read More.
- Bal. 2023. Promoting culturally conscious students: a course model in maple syrup management and culture. Natural Sciences Education. Read More.
- Myers, Dickinson, Storer, Bal. 2023. A review of propogation and restoration techniques for American Beech and their current and future application in mitigation of beech bark disease. Sustainability. Read More.
- Bal. 2023. Draw a bee: a simple drawing activity can highlight our misperceptions and diversity of bees. The American Biology Teacher. Read More.
- Camp & Bal. 2022. The Turkey Tail Mushroom and its Many Look-alikes. Digital Commons Open Access Books.
- Myers, Dickinson, Storer, Bal. 2022. A pilot study of transplanting methods for wildling American Beech (Fagus grandifolia). Horticulturae. Read More.
- Bal, Dickinson, Storer. 2023. Exotic earthworms impact forests: increase awareness and integrate impacts into forest management decisions. In: Proceedings of the Northern Hardwood Conference 2021. General Technical Report.
- Schneider, Bal, Brzeski. Novel applications of iDNA tool for measuring small mammal community biodiversity via Silphid beetles. 2023. In: Proceedings of the Northern Hardwood Conference 2021. General Technical Report.
- Burmann, Kelly, Schelly, and Bal. 2022. Formative interests and pathways to natural resources careers among historically underrepresented people. Society & Natural Resources. Read More.
- Ela, Chipkar, Bal, Xie, and Ong. 2021. Lignin-Propiconazole nanocapsules are an effective bio-based wood preservative. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,
- Owuor, Giessen, Prior, Cilio, Bal, et al., 2021. Trends in forest-related employment and tertiary education: Insights from selected key countries around the globe. European Forest Institute.
- Bal, Schneider, and Richter. 2020. Decay of birdseye sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and curly red maple (Acer rubrum) figured woods. Wood and Fiber Science, 52(3): 292-297
- Bal, T, Sharik T. 2019. Web content analysis of University forestry and related natural resources landing webpages in the United States in relation to student and faculty diversity. Journal of Forestry doi:10.1093/jofore/fvz024. Read More
- Bal, T, Sharik T. 2019. Image content analysis of US natural resources-related professional society websites with respect to gender and racial/ethnic diversity. Journal of Forestry doi:10.1093/jofore.fvs023. Read More
- Bal, T, Raj, J, Richter, D. 2019. Influence of Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) treatment of wood in decay tests. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology 9(1): 85-91. Read More
- Cladas, K, Bal, T, Storer, A. 2018. Is success in detection of Agrilus planipennis related to forest edges? Journal of Applied Entomology 143: 214-224 Read More
- Bal, TL, Storer, AJ, Jurgensen, MF. 2018. Evidence of damage from exotic invasive earthworm activity was highly correlated to sugar maple dieback in the Upper Great Lakes region. Biological Invasions 20 (1): 151-164. Read More
- Bal, TL, Storer, AJ, Jurgensen, MF, Doskey, PV, Amacher, MC, 2015. Nutrient stress predisposes and contributes to sugar maple dieback across its northern range: a review. Forestry 88 (1): 64-83. Read More
- Bal, T.L., 2014. Forest Health Detectives. The American Biology Teacher. 76 (8): 532-537 Read More
- Bal, T.L., Richter, D.L,. Storer, A.J., and Jurgensen, M.F. 2013. The relationship of the Sapstreak Fungus, Ceratocystis virescens, to Sugar Maple Dieback and Decay in North Michigan. American Journal of Plant Science 4(2A): 436-443. Read More
- Evaluation of Sugar Maple Dieback in the Upper Great Lakes Region and Development of a Forest Health Youth Education Program. PhD Dissertation. Michigan Technological University. 2013. Read More
Parth P Bhatt
Comparison of high-resolution NAIP and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery for natural vegetation communities classification using machine learning approaches
A spectral three-dimensional color space model of tree crown health
A theoretical framework for the ecological role of three‐dimensional structural diversity
Image Processing in Dense Forest Areas using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
Mapping Coastal Wetland and Phragmites on the Hiawatha National Forest Using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Imagery: Proof of Concepts
Kristin Brzeski
- Heppenheimer,E., K. Brzeski, J. Hinton, M. Chamberlain, J. Robinson, R. Wayne, B. vonHoldt. 2020. A Genome-wide perspective on the persistence of red wolf ancestry in southeastern canids. Journal of Heredity. 111(3), 277-286.
- DeCandia, A. K. Brzeski, E. Heppenheimer, C. Carol, G. Camenisch, P. Wandeler, C. Driscoll, B. vonHoldt. 2019. Urban colonization through multiple genetic lenses: The city-fox phenomenon revisited. Ecology and Evolution. 9(4), 2046-2060.
- Heppenheimer E.*, K. Brzeski*, R. Wooten, W. Waddell, Rutledge, M. Chamberlain, D. Stahler, J. Hinton, B. vonHoldt. 2018. Rediscovery of red wolf ghost alleles in a canid population along the American Gulf Coast. Genes. 9(12):618. *co-lead & corresponding author.
- Heppenheimer,E., K. Brzeski, J. Hinton, B. Patterson, L. Rutledge, A. DeCandia, T. Wheeldon, S. Fain, P. Hohenlohe, R. Kays, B. White, B. vonHoldt. 2018. High genomic diversity and candidate genes under selection associated with range expansion in eastern coyote (Canis latrans) populations. Ecology and Evolution. 8(24):12641-12655.
- vonHoldt, B., K. Brzeski, D. Wilcove, L. Rutledge. 2018. Redefining the impact of admixture and genomics in endangered species conservation. Conservation Letters. 11(2): e12371.
- Brzeski, K., M. DeBiasse, D. Rabon, M. Chamberlain, S. Taylor. 2016.Mitochondrial DNA variation in Eastern pre-Columbian canids. Journal of Heredity, 107:287-293.
- Brzeski, K., B. Bartel, W. Waddell, K. Wolf, D. Rabon, S. Taylor. 2015.Infectious disease and red wolf conservation: assessment of disease occurrence and associated risks. Journal of Mammalogy, 96:751-761.
- Brzeski, K., D. Rabon, M. Chamberlain, L. Waits, S. Taylor. 2014. Inbreeding and inbreeding depression in endangered red wolves (Canis rufus). Molecular Ecology, 23:4241–4255.
Andrew J. Burton
- Crowther, T.W., C.W. Rowe, W.R. Wieder, J.C. Carey, M.B. Machmuller, K.E.O. Todd-Brown, L.B. Snoek, S. Fang, G. Zhou, S.D. Allison, J.M. Blair, S.D. Bridgham, A.J. Burton, et al. 2016. Quantifying global soil C losses in response to warming. Nature 540:104-108. Read More
- Carey, J.C., J. Tang, P.H. Templer, K.D. Kroeger, T.W. Crowther, A.J. Burton, J.S. Dukes, B. Emmett, S. Frey, et al. 2016. Temperature response of soil respiration largely unaltered with experimental warming. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences 113:13797-13802. Read More
- Ebanyenle, E., A.J. Burton, A.J. Storer, D.L. Richter, J.A. Glaeser. 2016. Elevated tropospheric CO2 and O3 may not alter initial wood decomposition rate or wood-decaying fungal community composition of northern hardwoods. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 111:74-77. Read More
- Ibanez, I., D. Zak, A.J. Burton, K. Pregtizer. 2016. Chronic nitrogen deposition alters allometric relationships in a dominant tree species: Implications for woody biomass production and ecosystem carbon storage. Ecological Applications 26:913-925. Read More
- Gahagan, A., C.P. Giardina, J.S. King, D. Binkley, K.S. Pregitzer, and A.J. Burton. 2015. Carbon fluxes, storage and harvest removals through 60 years of stand development in red pine plantations and mixed hardwood stands in Northern Michigan, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 337:88-97. Read More
- Frey, S.D., S. Ollinger, K. Nadelhoffer, R. Bowden, E. Brzostek, A. Burton, B.A. Caldwell, S. Crow, C.L. Goodale, A.S. Grandy, A. Finzi, M.G. Kramer, K. Lajtha, J. LeMoine, M. Martin, W.H. McDowell, R. Minocha, J.J. Sadowsky, P.H. Templer, and K. Wickings. 2014. Chronic nitrogen additions suppress decomposition and sequester soil carbon in temperate forests. Biogeochemistry 121:305-316. Read More
- Kaarakka, L., P. Tamminen, A. Saarsalmi, M. Kukkola, H.S. Helmisaari, and A.J. Burton. 2014. Effects of repeated whole-tree harvesting on soil properties and tree growth in a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stand. Forest Ecology and Management 313:180-187. Read More
- Talhelm, A.F., K.S. Pregitzer, M.E. Kubiske, D.R. Zak, C.E. Campany, A.J. Burton, R.E. Dickson, G.R. Hendrey, J.G. Isebrands, K.F. Lewin, J. Nagy, and D.F. Karnosky. 2014. Elevated carbon dioxide and ozone alter productivity and carbon storage in northern temperate forests. Global Change Biology 20:2492-2504. Read More
- Jarvi, M.P., and A.J. Burton. 2013. Acclimation and soil moisture constrain sugar maple root respiration in experimentally warmed soil. Tree Physiology 33:949-959. Read More
- Burton, A.J., J.C. Jarvey, M.P, Jarvi, D.R. Zak, and K.S. Pregitzer. 2012. Chronic N deposition alters root respiration-tissue N relationship in northern hardwood forests. Global Change Biology 18:258-266. Read More
Julia I. Burton
Bartlick, C. I. *, Burton, J. I., Webster, C. R., Froese, R. E., & Y. L. Dickinson. 2023. An experimental approach to identify drivers of tree regeneration diversity, composition, and heterogeneity in northern hardwood forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 546, 121320. Link
Webster, C. R., Burton, J. I., & Y. L. Dickinson. 2023. Influence of silvicultural practices in northern hardwood forests on a long-lived perennial herb, Trillium cernuum L. Forest Ecology and Management, 545, 121282. Link
Evans, G. R.*, Burton, J. I., Powell, W. A., & J. E. Drake 2023. Comparative growth and physiological performance of American chestnuts, oaks, hickories, and sugar maple across a silvicultural gradient in overstory retention. Forest Ecology and Management, 536, 120908. Link
Bartlick, C. I. *, Burton, J. I., Webster, C. R., Froese, R. E., Hupperts, S. F., & Y. L. Dickinson. 2023. Artificial tip-up mounds influence tree seedling composition in a managed northern hardwood forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. Link
Patton, R.M.*, Kiernan, D.H., Burton, J.I. & J.E. Drake, 2022. Management trade-offs between forest carbon stocks, sequestration rates and structural complexity in the central Adirondacks. Forest Ecology and Management, 525, 120539. Link
Hecking, M.J.*, Zukswert J.M.*, Drake, J.E., Dovciak, M. and J.I. Burton. 2022. Montane temperate-boreal forests retain the leaf economics spectrum despite intraspecific variability. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4. Link
Burton, J.I., D.J. Mladenoff, J.A. Forrester and M.K. Clayton. 2021. Effect of forest gap dynamics on community heterogeneity in the ground-layer depends on deer – evidence from a controlled experiment. Journal of Vegetation Science 32(1) e12969. Link
Pettit, J.M.*, Voelker, S.L., DeRose, R.J. & J.I. Burton. 2020. Spruce beetle outbreak was not driven by drought stress: Evidence from a tree-ring iso-demographic approach indicates temperatures were more important. Global Change Biology, 26, 5829-5843. Link
Burton, J.I., Perakis, S.S., Brooks, J.R. & K.J. Puettmann, K.J. 2020. Trait integration and functional differentiation among co-existing plant species. American Journal of Botany, 107, 628-638. Link
Featured in issue highlights:
Pettit, J.M.*, J.I. Burton, R.J. DeRose, J.N. Long and S.L. Voelker. 2019. Epidemic spruce beetle outbreak changes drivers of Engelmann spruce regeneration. Ecosphere 10: e02912. Link.
*Graduate student author
Victor Busov
Molly A. Cavaleri
- Kennard D, Matlaga D, Joanne S, Clay K, Alonso-Rodriguez Aura, Reed SC, Cavaleri MA, and Wood TE. In press. Tropical understory herbaceous community responds more strongly to hurricane disturbance than to experimental warming. Ecology and Evolution.
- Reed SC, Reibold R, Cavaleri MA, Alonso-Rodríguez AM, Berberich ME, Wood TE. (2020). Soil biogeochemical responses of a tropical forest to warming and hurricane disturbance. Advances in Ecological Research.
- Kramer R*, Ishii, HR, Carter KR, Miyazaki Y, Cavaleri MA, Araki M, Azuma W, Inoue Y, and Hara C. (2020). Predicting effects of climate change on productivity and persistence of forest trees. Ecological Reviews.
- Benedicte B, Alonso-Rodríguez AM, Aldrich-Wolfe L, Cavaleri MA, Reed SC, Wood TE. (2020). Altered climate leads to positive density-dependent feedbacks in a tropical rainforest. Global Change Biology.
- Kumarathunge DP*, Medlyn BE, Drake JE, Tjoelker MG, Aspinwall MJ, Battaglia M, Cano FJ, Carter KR*, Cavaleri MA, Cernusak LA, Chambers JQ, Crous KY, De Kauwe MG, Dillaway DN, Dreyer E, Ellsworth DS, Ghannoum O, Han Q, Hikosaka K, Jensen AM, Kelly JWG, Kruger EL, Mercado LM, Onoda Y, Reich PB, Rogers A, Slot M, Smith N, Tarvainen L, Tissue DT, Togashi HF, Tribuzy ES, Uddling J, Vårhammar A, Wallin G, Warren JM and Way DA (2019) Acclimation and adaptation components of the temperature dependence of plant photosynthesis at the global scale. New Phytologist, 222: 768-784.
- Wood TE, González G, Silver WL, Reed SC, and Cavaleri MA (2019) On the Shoulders of Giants: Continuing the Legacy of Large-Scale Ecosystem Manipulation Experiments in Puerto Rico. Forests, 10: 210.
- Wood TE, Cavaleri MA, Giardina G, Khan S, Mohan JE, Nottingham A, Reed SC and Slot M. (2019) Soil warming effects on low-latitude forests with highly-weathered soils. In JE Mohan (Ed.), Ecosystem Consequences of Soil Warming: Microbes, Vegetation, Fauna, and Soil Biogeochemistry (pp. 385-439). London, UK: Academic Press, Elsevier.
Rodney A. Chimner
- Line Rochefort, Maria Strack, Rodney Chimner. Regional Assessment for North America. UNEP Global Peatlands Assessment – The State of the World’s Peatlands: Evidence for action toward the conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of peatlands. Main Report. 2022. Global Peatlands Initiative. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi.
- Chimner, R.A.Sidebar 7.2: Cedar Swamp Restoration in Storm, L., and L.S. Kenefic. Northern White-Cedar: The Tree of Life. Michigan State University Press, 2022.
- Chimner, R. S. Resh, J. A. Hribljan, M. Battaglia, L. Bourgeau-Chavez, G. Bowser, E. A. Lilleskov. Mountain Wetland Soil Carbon Stocks of Huascarán National Park, Peru. Submitted to Frontiers in Plant Science.
- Rahay, S. Tata H.L., H.S. Nuroniah, D.A. Ahsania, H. Anggunira, S.N. Hidayati, M. Pratama, Istomo, A. Chimner, M. van Noordwijk, R. Kolka. Tree species distribution in naturally regenerated peatland canal blocking sites of the Sebangau River, Sebangau National Park, Central Kalimantan. In revision at Mires and Peat.
- Uhelshiki D. *, E. Kane, R.A. Chimner, K. Heckman, J. Miesel, L. Xie. 2022. Infrared Spectroscopy Estimates Pyrogenic Carbon Content of Peat Soils. Mires and Peat. 28, Article 30, 22 pp
- Stuart, J.E.M, C.L. Tucker, E.A. Lilleskov, R. K. Kolka, A. Chimner, K. A. Heckman, and E. S. Kane. 2022. Evidence for older carbon loss and changing decomposition regimes with low water tables in peatlands. Global Change Biology.
Stacy R Cotey
- Jachowski, D.S., Bergeson, S.M., Cotey, S.R., Croose, E., Hofmeester, T.R., MacPherson, J., Wright, P., Calderón‐Acevedo, C.A., Carter, S.P., Dürst, A.C. and Egloff, G.B., 2024. Non‐invasive methods for monitoring weasels: emerging technologies and priorities for future research. Mammal Review.
- Weerarathne, P., Sanders, T.L., Kao, Y.F., Cotey, S.R., Place, J.D., Fairbanks, W.S., Miller, C.A. and Reichard, M.V., 2023. High Prevalence of Cytauzoon felis in bobcats (Lynx rufus) across Oklahoma and occurence in west Texas, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases.
- Cotey, S.R., Scimeca, R., Chang, L., Carpenter, A.L., Will, E.E., Ott-Conn, C., Mayer, A.L. and Reichard, M.V., 2022. Toxoplasma gondii prevalence, partial genotypes, and spatial variation in north american river otters (Lontra canadensis) in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA. The Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 58(4), pp.869-881.
- Reichard, M.V., Sanders, T.L., Prentiss, N.L., Cotey, S.R., Koch, R.W., Fairbanks, W.S., Interisano, M., La Rosa, G. and Pozio, E., 2021. Detection of Trichinella murrelli and Trichinella pseudospiralis in bobcats (Lynx rufus) from Oklahoma. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, 25, p.100609.
David J. Flaspohler
- Haskell, D. D.J. Flaspohler, C. Webster, and M. Meyer. 2010 (accepted, in press). Variation in soil temperature, moisture, and plant growth with the addition of down woody material on lakeshore restoration sites. Restoration Ecology.
- Webster, C.R., D.J. Flaspohler, R.D. Jackson, T. Meehan, C. Gratton. 2010 (accepted, in press). Diversity, productivity and landscape-level effects of grasslands managed for biomass production. Biofuels.
- Ford, M. and D. Flaspohler. 2010 (accepted, in press). Scale-dependent response by breeding songbirds to residential development along Lake Superior. Wilson Bulletin of Ornithology.
- Flaspohler, D., C. Giardina, G. Asner, P. Hart, J. Price, C. Ka’apu, and X. Castaneda. 2010. Long-term effects of fragmentation and fragment properties on bird species richness in Hawaiian forests. Biological Conservation 143:280-288.
- Fargione, J.E., T.R. Cooper, D.J. Flaspohler, J. Hill, C.L. Lehman, T. McCoy, S. McLeod, E. J. Nelson, K. S. Oberhauser, and D. Tilman. 2009. Bioenergy and wildlife: Threats and opportunities for grassland conservation. BioScience 59(9):767-778.
- Holmes, S., C. Webster, D. Flaspohler and R. Froese. 2009. Death and Taxus: the cost of high palatability in an era of population decline. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39:1366-1374.
- Corace, R.G., III, D.J. Flaspohler, L.M. Shartell. 2009. Geographic patterns in openland cover and hayfield mowing in the Upper Great Lakes region: implications for grassland bird conservation. Landscape Ecology 24:309-324.
Mike Hyslop
- Auer, M.T., Auer, N.A., Barkdoll, B.B., Bornhorst, T.J., Brooks, C., Dempsey, D., Doskey, P.V., Green, S.A., Hyslop, M.D., Kerfoot, W.K., Mayer, A.S., Perlinger, J.A., Shuchman, R., Urban, N.R. and Watkins, Jr., D.W. 2012. The Great Lakes: Foundations of Physics, Hydrology, Water Chemistry, and Biodiversity. In, J. Schnoor (ed.), Water Quality and Sustainability, Elsevier Publishers, London.
- Auer, M.T., Auer, N.A., Barkdoll, B.B., Bornhorst, T.J., Brooks, C., Dempsey, D., Doskey, P.V., Green, S.A., Hyslop, M.D., Kerfoot, W.K., Mayer, A.S., Perlinger, J.A., Shuchman, R., Urban, N.R. and Watkins, Jr., D.W. 2012. The Great Lakes: Nutrients, Sediments, Persistent Pollutants, and Policy Perspectives for a Sustainable Future. In, J. Schnoor (ed.), Water Quality and Sustainability, Elsevier Publishers, London.
- Hyslop, M.D., A.J. Storer, S. Brodeur-Campbell and J. Metzger. 2009. Michigan Ash Monitoring Plot System Upper Peninsula Plot Atlas. School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.
- Storer, A.J., M.D. Hyslop, N.D. Windmuller, J.C. Witter, J. Stoyenoff. 2009. Southeastern Michigan Recreation Site Ash Survey Maps. School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.
- Hyslop, M.D., A.J. Storer and J. Oisten. 2009. Upper Peninsula Recreation Site Ash Survey Maps. School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.
- Storer A.J., M.F. Jurgensen, A.C. Risch, J. Delisle and M.D. Hyslop. 2008. The fate of an intentional introduction of Formica lugubris to North America from Europe. Journal of Applied Entomology 2008 132:4 276.
- Risch, A.C., M.F. Jurgensen, A.J. Storer, M.D. Hyslop and M. Schutz. 2008. Abundance and distribution of organic mound-building ants of the Formica rufa-group in Yellowstone National Park. Journal of Applied Entomology 2008 132:4 326.
- Froese, R.E., M.D. Hyslop, C.A. Miller, B. Garmon, H. McDiarmid, Jr., A. Shaw, L. Leefers, M. Lorenzo, S. Brown and M. Shy. 2007. Large-tract Forestland Ownership Change: Land Use, Conservation, and Prosperity in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. National Wildlife Federation, Ann Arbor, MI.
Chandrashekhar P. Joshi
- Nookaraju, A., Pandey, S. K., Ahlawat, Y. K., & Joshi, C. P. (2022). Understanding the Modus Operandi of Class II KNOX Transcription Factors in Secondary Cell Wall Biosynthesis. Plants, 11(4), 493.
- Ahlawat YK, Nookaraju A, Harman-Ware AE, Doeppke C, Biswal AK and Joshi CP (2021) Genetic Modification of KNAT7 Transcription Factor Expression Enhances Saccharification and Reduces Recalcitrance of Woody Biomass in Poplars. Front. Plant Sci. 12:762067. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.762067
- AHLAWAT, Y.; Joshi, C.P. Overexpression of Arabidopsis Laccase2, Laccase4 and Peroxidase52 in hybrid poplar under developing xylem specific DX15 promoter improves saccharification efficiency in a woody biofuel feedstock, in Proceedings of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Plant Science, 1–15 December 2020.
- AHLAWAT, Y.; Joshi, C.P. Genetic manipulation of KNAT7 transcription factor enhances saccharification by reducing recalcitrance in the bioenergy crop Populus, in Proceedings of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Plant Science, 1–15 December 2020.
- Huang, J., Hao, X., Jin, Y. et al. Temporal transcriptome profiling of developing seeds reveals a concerted gene regulation in relation to oil accumulation in Pongamia (Millettia pinnata). BMC Plant Biol 18, 140 (2018).
- Joshi, C. P. (2018, June). Cell Wall Biotechnology of Bioenergy Plants for Improved Biofuel Production. In IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-ANIMAL (Vol. 54, pp. S14-S14). 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA: SPRINGER.
- Shashank K. Pandey, Nookaraju Akula, Takeshi Fujino, Sivakumar Pattathil, and Chandrashekhar P. Joshi (2016) Virus Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) Mediated Functional Characterization of Two Genes Involved in Lignocellulosic Secondary Cell Wall Formation. Plant Cell Reports, 35:2353-2367.
- Puranik Swati, Kavitha S. Kumar, Oliver Gailing and Chandrashekhar P. Joshi (2014) Modifying plant cell walls for bioenergy production. CAB Reviews 9, 017, pp 1-10.
- Nookaraju Akula, Shashank K. Pandey, Takeshi Fujino, Ju Young Kim, Mi Chung Suh, and Chandrashekhar P. Joshi (2014) Enhanced Accumulation of Fatty Acids and Triacylglycerols in Transgenic Tobacco Stems for Enhanced Bioenergy Production. Plant Cell Reports 33 (7) 1041-1052.
- Sera Jung, Dae-Seok Lee, Yeon-Ok Kim, Chandrashekhar P. Joshi, and Hyeun-Jong Bae (2013) Improved recombinant cellulase expression in chloroplast of tobacco through promoter engineering and 5′ amplification promoting sequence. Plant Molecular Biology 83: 317–328. Published online in June 2013. DOI 10.1007/s11103-013-0088-2.
- Nookaraju A, Pandey SP, Bae HJ and Joshi CP (2013) Designing cell walls for better bioenergy production. Molecular Plant 6 (1):8-10. doi: 10.1093/mp/sss111 First published online: October 5, 2012.
- Liu Y, Xu F, Gou J, Al-Haddad J, Telewski FW, Bae HJ and C. P. Joshi (2012) Importance of Two Consecutive Methionines at the N-terminus of a Cellulose Synthase (PtdCesA8) for Normal Wood Cellulose Synthesis in Transgenic Aspen. Tree Physiology 32(11): 1403-1412 first published online October 17, 2012
- Chandrashekhar P. Joshi, Shivegowda Thammannagowda, Takeshi Fujino, Jiqing Gou, Utku Avci, Candace H. Haigler, Lisa M. McDonnell, Shawn D. Mansfield, Bemnet Menghesa, Nicholas C. Carpita, Darby Harris, Seth DeBolt and Gary F. Peter (2011) Perturbation of wood cellulose synthesis causes pleiotropic effects in transgenic aspen. Molecular Plant 4(2) 331-345.
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Martin F. Jurgensen
Jurgensen, M.F., Miller, C.A., Trettin, C.T., Page-Dumroese, D.S. 2019. Bedding of wetland soil: Effects of bed height and termite activity on wood decomposition. Soil Science Society America Journal doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.12.0492
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- Wang, W., Page-Dumroese, D., Jurgensen, M., Tirocke, J., and Y. Liu. 2018. Effects of forest thinning and wood quality on the short-term wood decomposition rate in a Pinus tabuliformis plantation. Journal of Plant Research:
- Powers, M., Kolka, R., Bradford, J., Palik, B., Jurgensen, M. 2018. Forest floor and mineral soil respiration rates in a northern Minnesota red pine chronosequence. Forests: 9(1), 16.
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- Bal, T.L., Storer, A.J., Jurgensen, M.F. 2018. Evidence of damage from exotic invasive earthworm activity was highly correlated to sugar maple dieback in the Upper Great Lakes region. Biological Invasions 20:151–164.
- Mosier, S.L., Kane, E.S., Richter, D.L., Lilleskov, E.A., Jurgensen, M.F., Burton, A.J., and S.C. Resh. 2017. Interactive effects of climate change and fungal communities on wood-derived carbon in forest soils. Soil Biol. Biochem. 115: 297- 309.
- Jurgensen, M.F., Page-Dumroese, D.S., Brown, R.E., Tirocke, J.M., Miller, C.A., Pickens, J.B., Wang, M. 2017. Estimating carbon and nitrogen pools in a forest soil: influence of soil bulk density methods and rock content. Soil Science Society America Journal 81:1689 - 1696.
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Evan S. Kane
(* asterisk denotes student mentee)
Wyatt KH, Cielik J, Dieleman CM, Kane ES, Rober AR, Sullivan B, Turetsky MR. 2024. Legacy Effects of Plant Community Structure Are Manifested in Microbial Biofilm Development With Consequences for Ecosystem CO2 Emissions. Global Change Biology,
Thayamkottu S, Smallman TL, Parn J, Mander U, Euskirchen ES, Kane ES. 2024. Greening of a boreal rich fen driven by CO2 fertilisation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,
*Russell MD, Heckman K, Pan L, Ye X, Zalesny R, Kane ES. 2024. Mine waste rock as a soil amendment for enhanced weathering, ecosystem services, and bioenergy production. Frontiers in Earth Science, doi: 10.3389/feart.2024.1414437.
Kuhn MA, Varner RK, McCalley CK, Perryman CR, Aurela M, Burke SA, Chanton JP, Crill PM, DelGreco J, Deng J, Heffernan L, Herrick C, Hodgkins SB, Jones CP, Juutinen S, Kane ES, Lamit LJ, Larmola T, Lilleskov E,….Waldrop MP. 2024. Controls on Stable Methane Isotope Values in Northern Peatlands and Potential Shifts in Values Under Permafrost Thaw Scenarios. Journal of Geophysical Research- Biogeosciences,
Su P, Dai Q, Kane ES. 2024. Predicting chloride ingression in concrete containing different SCMs based on chloride binding and electrical resistivity. Construction and Building Materials,
*Boyle G, Kane ES, Nave L, Heckman K, Jurgensen M. 2024. Refinement of the Carbon to Loss on Ignition Relationship in Forest Soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science,
Euskirchen ES, Edgar CW, Kane ES, Waldrop MP, Neumann RB, Manies KL, Douglas TA, Dieleman C, Jones MC, Turetsky MR. 2024. Persistent net release of carbon dioxide and methane from an Alaskan lowland boreal peatland complex. Global Change Biology,
Carsten Külheim
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- Naidoo S, Oates C, Mhoswa L, O’ Neil M, Acosta J, Christie N, Mphahlele M, Payn K, Myburg A, Slippers B, Külheim C (2020) Factors underpinning resistance against the galling pest, Leptocybe invasa in Eucalyptus grandis. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on the Genetics of Host-Parasite Interactions in Forestry
- Choi B, Crisp MD, Cook LG, Edwards BD, Toon A, Külheim C (2019) Identifying genetic markers for a range of phylogenetic utility – from species to family level. PLoS One 14: e0218995
- Kainer D, Padovan A, Degenhardt J, Krause S, Mondal P, Foley WJ, Külheim C (2019) High marker density GWAS provides novel insights into the genomic architecture of terpene oil yield in Eucalyptus. New Phytologist 223: 1489-1504
- Thornhill AH, Crisp MD, Külheim C, Lam KE, Nelson LA, Yeates DK, Miller JT (2019) A dated molecular perspective of eucalypt taxonomy, evolution, and diversification. Australian Systematic Botany 32: 29-48
- Kanagendran A, Pazouki L, Bichele R, Külheim C, Niinemets Ü (2018) Temporal regulation of terpene synthase gene expression in Eucalyptus globulus leaves upon ozone and wounding stresses: relationships with stomatal ozone uptake and emission responses. Environmental and Experimental Botany 155: 552-565
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Nancy Langston
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- John Baeten, Nancy Langston, and Don Lafreniere. 2016. “A geospatial approach to uncovering the hidden waste footprint of Lake Superior’s Mesabi Iron Range.” The Extractive Industries and Society 3(4): 1031-1045.
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- Nancy Langston. 2013. Mining the Boreal North. American Scientist. April
- Nancy Langston. 2010. Toxic Bodies: Hormone Disruptors and the Legacy of DES. New Haven: Yale University Press. Read More
- Langston, N. 2015. “Thinking Like A Microbe: Borders and Environmental History.” Canadian Historical Review. 95(4): 592-603 Read More
- Michelle Steen-Adams, David J. Mladenoff, Nancy E. Langston, Feng Liu, and Jun Zhu. 2011. “Influence of Biophysical Factors and Differences in Ojibwe Reservation Versus Euro-American Social Histories on Forest Landscape Change in Northern Wisconsin, USA.” Landscape Ecology 26 (8) (August 21): 1165-1178. Read More
- Michelle Steen-Adams, N. Langston, and D. J. Mladenoff. 2010. “Logging the Great Lakes Indian Reservations: The Case of the Bad River Band of Ojibwe.” American Indian Culture and Research Journal 34: 41-66. Read More
Erik Lilleskov
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Fengjing Liu
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Ann Maclean
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Rolf O. Peterson
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Sigrid Resh
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Mark Rudnicki
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Chelsea Schelly
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John A. Vucetich
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Christopher R. Webster
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Jared D. Wolfe
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Yinan Yuan
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