Independent Contractor Procedures

An independent contractor is an individual or sole proprietor who is contracted to perform work for the University utilizing their own methods, and the means by which the work is accomplished is not controlled by Michigan Technological University. An independent contractor is normally engaged in an established business, trade, or profession.


Whenever a service is to be performed by an individual, do the following: 

  1. Complete the Independent Contractor Questionnaire and submit it to the Human Resources Office via email at
  2. Once the University has approved the Independent Contractor status, complete the Independent Contractor Agreement.
  3. Forward the agreement to the independent contractor (individual) for signature and completion.
  4. Receive the completed agreement back from the independent contractor. 
  5. Attach the agreement and questionnaire to a completed and signed Purchase Requisition form and email the paperwork to

Purchasing will do the following: 

  1. Verify approval, which is required for all services, except for services performed by recognized establishments. 
  2. Sign for the University. 
  3. File the agreement for future reference. 
  4. Send a copy of the counter-signed agreement to the vendor with the purchase order.