Travel Allowances

Listed below are estimated mileage allowances from Houghton to select destinations. If your destination is not listed, consult the Michigan State Transportation map, Rand McNally, Mapquest, Google Maps, or GPS navigation. The travel mileage rate paid to individuals who use a personal vehicle for University-related travel is $0.70 per mile, effective January 1, 2025 ($0.67 per mile prior to January 1). For house hunting and moving expense reimbursements, the mileage rate is $0.21 per mile. (See Travel by personal vehicle.)

Houghton County Airport 8 Dayton, Ohio 765 Midland 441
Adrian 563 Denver, Colo. 1,211 Milwaukee, Wis. 325
Alberta (Ford Forestry Center) 42 Detroit 548 Minneapolis, Minn. 370
Alma 443 Dubuque, Iowa 440 Montreal, Quebec 891
Alpena 361 Duluth, Minn. 216 Moorhead, Minn 457
Ames, Iowa 597 East Lansing 492 Morris, Minn. 438
Ann Arbor 538 Escanaba 165 Mt. Pleasant 425
Appleton, Wis. 246 Evanston, Ill. 420 Munising 142
Argonne, Ill. 440 Flint 488 New York, N.Y. 1,184
Ashland, Wis. 147 Frankfort 406 Newberry 204
Athens, Ohio 806 Gaylord 323 Ontonagon 52
Atlanta, Ga. 1,095 Grand Rapids 487 Philadelphia, Pa. 1,124
Baltimore, Md. 999 Grayling 350 Phoenix, Ariz. 2,005
Baraga 28 Green Bay, Wis. 215 Pittsburgh, Pa. 778
Battle Creek 530 Holland 514 Pontiac 523
Bay City 445 Houston, Texas 1,488 Thunder Bay, Ontario 402
Bayfield, Wis 170 Iowa City, Iowa 535 St. Cloud, Minn. 352
Bemidji, Minn. 364 Indianapolis, Ind 602 St. Ignace 261
Benton Harbor 568 Ionia 483 St. Louis, Mo. 710
Bergland 81 Iron Mountain 115 St. Paul, Minn. 370
Bessemer 104 Ironwood 99 San Francisco, Calif. 2,310
Big Rapids 430 Ishpeming 88 Sault Ste. Marie 264
Bloomington, Ind. 660 Jackson 527 Seattle, Wash. 1,870
Boston, Mass. 1251 Kalamazoo 537 South Bend, Ind. 530
Cadillac 390 Lafayette, Ind. 560 Superior, Wis. 214
Calumet 11 L'Anse 33 Toledo, Ohio 598
Carbondalte, Ill. 760 Lansing 490 Toronto, Ontario 705
Champaign, Ill. 570 Los Angeles, Calif. 2,259 Traverse City 368
Chicago, Ill. 421 Ludington 460 Washington, D.C. 999
Cincinnati, Ohio 708 Madison, Wis. 344 Wausau, Wis. 200
Clare 410 Mackinaw City 266 Winona, Minn. 370
Cleveland, Ohio 709 Manistique 187 White Pine 71
Coldwater 559 Mankato, Minn. 443 Ypsilanti 551
Columbus, Ohio 731 Marquette 100    
Dallas, Texas 1,238 Menominee 186