Listed below are estimated mileage allowances from Houghton to select destinations. If your destination is not listed, consult the Michigan State Transportation map, Rand McNally, Mapquest, Google Maps, or GPS navigation. The travel mileage rate paid to individuals who use a personal vehicle for University-related travel is $0.70 per mile, effective January 1, 2025 ($0.67 per mile prior to January 1). For house hunting and moving expense reimbursements, the mileage rate is $0.21 per mile. (See Travel by personal vehicle.)
Houghton County Airport | 8 | Dayton, Ohio | 765 | Midland | 441 |
Adrian | 563 | Denver, Colo. | 1,211 | Milwaukee, Wis. | 325 |
Alberta (Ford Forestry Center) | 42 | Detroit | 548 | Minneapolis, Minn. | 370 |
Alma | 443 | Dubuque, Iowa | 440 | Montreal, Quebec | 891 |
Alpena | 361 | Duluth, Minn. | 216 | Moorhead, Minn | 457 |
Ames, Iowa | 597 | East Lansing | 492 | Morris, Minn. | 438 |
Ann Arbor | 538 | Escanaba | 165 | Mt. Pleasant | 425 |
Appleton, Wis. | 246 | Evanston, Ill. | 420 | Munising | 142 |
Argonne, Ill. | 440 | Flint | 488 | New York, N.Y. | 1,184 |
Ashland, Wis. | 147 | Frankfort | 406 | Newberry | 204 |
Athens, Ohio | 806 | Gaylord | 323 | Ontonagon | 52 |
Atlanta, Ga. | 1,095 | Grand Rapids | 487 | Philadelphia, Pa. | 1,124 |
Baltimore, Md. | 999 | Grayling | 350 | Phoenix, Ariz. | 2,005 |
Baraga | 28 | Green Bay, Wis. | 215 | Pittsburgh, Pa. | 778 |
Battle Creek | 530 | Holland | 514 | Pontiac | 523 |
Bay City | 445 | Houston, Texas | 1,488 | Thunder Bay, Ontario | 402 |
Bayfield, Wis | 170 | Iowa City, Iowa | 535 | St. Cloud, Minn. | 352 |
Bemidji, Minn. | 364 | Indianapolis, Ind | 602 | St. Ignace | 261 |
Benton Harbor | 568 | Ionia | 483 | St. Louis, Mo. | 710 |
Bergland | 81 | Iron Mountain | 115 | St. Paul, Minn. | 370 |
Bessemer | 104 | Ironwood | 99 | San Francisco, Calif. | 2,310 |
Big Rapids | 430 | Ishpeming | 88 | Sault Ste. Marie | 264 |
Bloomington, Ind. | 660 | Jackson | 527 | Seattle, Wash. | 1,870 |
Boston, Mass. | 1251 | Kalamazoo | 537 | South Bend, Ind. | 530 |
Cadillac | 390 | Lafayette, Ind. | 560 | Superior, Wis. | 214 |
Calumet | 11 | L'Anse | 33 | Toledo, Ohio | 598 |
Carbondalte, Ill. | 760 | Lansing | 490 | Toronto, Ontario | 705 |
Champaign, Ill. | 570 | Los Angeles, Calif. | 2,259 | Traverse City | 368 |
Chicago, Ill. | 421 | Ludington | 460 | Washington, D.C. | 999 |
Cincinnati, Ohio | 708 | Madison, Wis. | 344 | Wausau, Wis. | 200 |
Clare | 410 | Mackinaw City | 266 | Winona, Minn. | 370 |
Cleveland, Ohio | 709 | Manistique | 187 | White Pine | 71 |
Coldwater | 559 | Mankato, Minn. | 443 | Ypsilanti | 551 |
Columbus, Ohio | 731 | Marquette | 100 | ||
Dallas, Texas | 1,238 | Menominee | 186 |