Payment of Non-Purchase Order Expenses (Check Requests)

Certain items can be purchased without a university purchase order. Items listed below are generally paid via a check request. 

  1. Conference/seminar registration fees* 
  2. Fellowships 
  3. Honorariums (attach appropriate Honorarium form to the check request)
  4. Inter-library loan 
  5. Lodging deposits* 
  6. Lodging expenses for non-employees*
  7. Memberships* 
  8. Postage 
  9. Refunds/overpayments 
  10. Royalty payments 
  11. Agency fund expenditures (student organizations/payroll deductions) 
  12. Petty cash replenishment requests

*Use of the Purchasing Card is encouraged for these items.


  1. The department completes the Check Request web form with the following information:
    • Name of the individual/company/organization to whom the check is payable
      • Payments to employees and students must include an M number.
      • Honorarium payments to individuals must include a social security number on the honorarium form.  (The social security number does not need to be entered on the check request.)
    • Mailing address – where the check should be sent. Checks can be sent to University departments but if the payment is to a non-university individual or a company/organization, a complete mailing address is still required.  If the payee has signed up for direct deposit, the payment will be processed electronically.  Employees and students are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit of payments processed by Financial Services and Operations such as travel and supply reimbursements.  This process is separate from the payroll direct deposit. (See last page of check request instructions for additional information regarding non-payroll direct deposit.)
    • An explanation/purpose of the payment
    • Index and account code to be charged
    • Approving Party – this must be the requestor’s supervisor, department chair/director or financial manager of the index being charged.  Individuals who have access to initiate check requests cannot process payments to themselves.
  1. Supporting documentation (i.e. registration forms, order forms, remittance advice, receipts and invoices) must be uploaded with the check request. Any reimbursement to an individual must include proof of payment such as:
    • A paid invoice or receipt from the vendor showing the method of payment.  If payment was made via a credit card, the last 4 digits of the credit card should be indicated.
    • A credit card statement showing the individual’s name who is being reimbursed, date of the transaction, vendor name and amount.  All other information on the credit card statement can be blocked out.
  2. For payments to vendors who do not have a W9 on file, a W9 form is required.

Invoices, receipts and credit card statements must match the name of the employee or student being reimbursed.

Note: If access to the Check Request form is needed, fill out a Request for Access form.
