- Professor of Natural Resource Economics, College of Business
- Affiliate Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- gacampbe@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2808
- Academic Office Building 122
Teaching Interests
- Natural Resource Economics
- Principles of Economics
- International Economics
- Metal markets
- Sustainability of mining
- Social decision-making about resource use
- Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Research Interests
- Granular mechanics from micro-to-macro scales
- Bio-mediation techniques for soil improvement
- Bio-inspired geotechnics
- Material models for discrete element method (DEM)

Adam Durant
- Adjunct Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences

Wilhelm Max-Otto Greuer
- Adjunct Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Areas of Expertise
- Engineering and Mine Operations
- Geomechanical Engineering, including underground rock mechanics, slope stability, pit wall design, geotechnical monitoring, and site characterization
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Research Interests
- Geohazards
- Meteorite Impact Cratering Process
- Director, Marine Engineering Laboratory
- Research Professor, MAE, and Adjunct Professor, GMES
Research Interests
- Large scale field experimentation in the Inland Seas of the Great Lakes and coastal oceans
- Nearshore hydrodynamics and prediction
- Autonomous and semi-autonomous environmental monitoring platforms (surface and sub-surface)
- Underwater acoustic remote sensing
- Marine engineering
- Adjunct Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Computer Methods in Geomechanics
- Computational Geoscience
- Remote Sensing for Geotechniques
- Geostatistics and Data Analysis
- Engineering Geology and Geoinformatics
Research Interests
- Liquefaction susceptibility evaluation at local and regional scales using in-situ measurements and remote sensing observations
- Estimating liquefaction induced damage such as lateral spread displacement
- Transportation Geotechniques
- Documenting earthquake induced damages, especially liquefaction using aerial/satellite images that are sensitive to surficial moisture
- Geotechnical asset monitoring
- Machine Learning

Elisa Piispa
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences

Robert S. Regis
- Adjunct Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences

Miriam Rios Sanchez
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences

Lizzette Rodriguez
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Research Interests
- Monitoring of volcanic degassing: acquisition and analysis of volcanic gas emission data, specifically sulfur dioxide, using Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy and COSPEC
- Depletion rates of sulfur dioxide in volcanic plumes
- Near-vent sun photometry of volcanic aerosols (using sun photometers)
- Volcano-atmosphere interactions
- Volcanology and volcanic hazard assessment in the Lesser Antilles, Central and South America
- Monitoring of ground deformation produced by volcanic activity, using the Global Positioning System
- Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- msadeghi@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3420
- Dillman 201G
Links of Interest
Courses Taught
- Soil mechanics and foundation design
- Advanced soil mechanics
- Applied Machine Learning
- Mechanics of materials
Research Interests
- Soil and rock mechanics
- Ground improvement and foundation design
- Bio inspired Geotechnics/Foundations
- Geomaterial behavior and testing
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning in geotechnical engineering
- Measurement While Drilling (MWD) in geotechnical engineering
- Slope stability and debris flow hazards
- Stability of underground structures
- Mine tailings and abandoned mines geohazards and remediation
- Intellectual, numerical and analytical modeling
- Research Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- mjsayers@mtu.edu
- 734-913-6852
- Ann Arbor, Michigan
Areas of Expertise
- Ocean Optics
- Ocean Color Remote Sensing
- Radiative Transfer Modeling
- Bio-optical Modeling
- Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- In situ Optical Instruments and Measurements
Research Interests
- Remote Sensing of Great Lakes Water Quality
- Bio-optical Algorithm Development
- Designing Low-cost Radiometric Instrumentation
- Freshwater Phytoplankton Production
- Harmful Algal Bloom Ecology
- Characterization of Great Lakes Optical Properties
- Founding Institute Co-Director (retired)
- Senior Fellow, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
- Research Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- shuchman@mtu.edu
- Cell: 734-649-0937
- Ann Arbor, Michigan
Areas of Expertise
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Applications
- Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- Applied Photo Imaging
- Sea and Lake Ice
- Environmental in situ Sensing
Research Interests
- Great Lakes Remote Sensing
- Ocean Optics
- High Latitude Oceanography
- Dynamic Decision Support Systems
- Water Quality of Inland Lakes
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Paleomagnetism and paleointensity
- Rock magnetism
- Evolution of the Earth's magnetic field, planetary magnetism
- Methodology of paleomagnetic and rock magnetic research
- Software and hardware development

James W. Vallance
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Geosciences Research Scientist, Great Lakes Research Center
- ecvye@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1581
- GLRC 213
Areas of Interest
- Geosciences Education
- Geoconservation
- Geoheritage
- National Marine Sanctuary
- Great Lakes Indigenous Knowledge
- University-Indigenous Community Partnerships