Karl Burgher

- BS Mining 1980
- MS Mining 1982
Karl obtained a BS in 1980 and an MS in 1982 in Mining Engineering from Michigan Tech. From here he went on to Missouri-Rolla and earned another BS in Economics as well as a PhD in Mining Engineering specializing in pricing and econometric modeling. Karl is currently the special assistant to the President for Strategic Planning at Indiana State University. He also has another primary affiliation as a management consultant in BurgherGines, LLC, which he established in 2007. In addition to these positions, Karl has held a university presidency position in Maine and has held positions at Missouri-Rolla, Montana Tech, and Fairmont State University.
Since completing his degrees, Karl has obtained over $10 million in research and educational funding and has collaborated with researchers from a wide variety of institutions, including some Indian Nation colleges and tribal governments. Karl’s areas of expertise include strategic planning, research management, change and project management, costing and pricing, online and other distance learning, and socioeconomic development.
From 2010 Induction to the Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences Academy