Cynthia S. Wageman

- BS Mining Engineering 1978
In 1978, Cindy received a Bachelor of Science degree in Mining Engineering from Michigan Technological University. She also completed a Master of Science in Secondary Education (Mathematics/Earth Science) from Texas A&M. She is presently a Senior Mining Engineer at Eagle Butte Mine where she provides monthly production calculations, long range mine planning, and is in charge of special projects. Prior to this, she was responsible for short range mine planning and implementation of a real-time data gathering system. Cindy began work for AMAX in 1991 as a Training Specialist. Previous to work at AMAX, she was the Coordinator of the Wyoming MSHA State’s Grant Program at Sheridan College in Gillette, Wyoming, for three years (a statewide health and safety training program). Cindy has also worked at an underground coal mine, performing time studies and special projects. She co-authored and presented a technical paper at the 1996 Society of Mining Engineers Annual Meeting. She has coached an elementary school Odyssey of the Mind Team, served as a Board Member of the local Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program, participated and coordinated a Business Partnership with a local elementary school, and was the past coordinator of Surface Mine Rescue Teams. Cynthia is the first female mining student to graduate from Michigan Technological University. While at Michigan Tech, she was Vice President and House Manager for Theta Chi Epsilon. Cynthia also received the Board of Control Scholarship.
From the 1998 Presidential Council of Alumnae Induction.