- Professor Emerita, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Use of rock magnetic properties to identify volcanic ash and as indicators of atmospheric fractionation
- Rock magnetic properties as an indicator of environmental change with special interest in Lake Superior
- Effect of alteration on the magnetization of basalts
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Pliocene sediments in Anza-Borrego State Park, California
- Paleomagnetism and polar wander for North America at about 1.1 Ga concentrating on Keweenawan rocks
- Professor Emeritus, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- tjb@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2721
- Dow Building 315
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Geology of metallic ore deposits with emphasis on geochemistry
- Geology and native copper deposits of the Keweenawan Midcontinent rift system
- Geology and mineral deposits of the Archean of Upper Peninsula of Michigan, especially the Ishpeming greenstone belt
- Geochemistry and geology of selected metallic ore deposits in Finland
- Statistical analysis of geoscience data
- Environmental geochemistry as applied to metallic ore deposits
- Professor Emeritus, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Late cretaceous/early tertiary apparent polar wander for North America
- Environmental magnetism and paleoclimate records from cave and lake deposits
- Paleomagnetism of keweenawan rocks and their geomagnetic and tectonic implications
- Paleosecular variation of Plio-Pleistocene volcanic rocks
- Application of seismic, resistivity, gravity, and magnetic methods to geological engineering problems

Allan M. Johnson
- Professor Emeritus, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Professor Emeritus, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Research Interests
- Clay mineralogy and low temperature diagenetic/geothermal/metamorphic systems
- Professor Emeritus, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Research Professor of Geophysical Engineering
Research Interests
- (Not accepting new graduate students)
- Properties of rocks under varying conditions of saturation, stress, and heterogeneity
- Oil and gas exploration and development
- Seismic petrophysics—relating rock properties to seismic observations, particularly in oil and gas development
- Earthquake seismology, particularly induced seismicity, and humanitarian aspects of large earthquakes
- Professor Emeritus, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Research Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- raman@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2367
- Dow 207
Research Interests
- Volcanology
- Remote Sensing
- Volcanic Clouds
- Geoheritage
- Professor Emeritus, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Aquifer heterogeneity estimation using ground penetrating radar
- Three dimensional visualization of geophysical data
- Novel uses of electrical resistivity to reveal fracture patterns in limestone
- Application of geophysics to archaeology (non-destructive archaeology)
- Table top models for teaching geophysics
- Signal analysis for geophysical interpretation