Xiang Li

- Assistant Professor, Geological Engineering
- PhD, Geotechnical Engineering, Northwestern University
- MS, Geotechnical Engineering, Northwestern University
Research Interests
Geomechanics; analysis of slope stability and landslide behaviors; hydromechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils; constitutive modeling of earthen materials; Finite Element analysis; InSAR; natural hazards; data driven analysis.
Selected publications
- 1. Li, X., Handwerger, A. L., Peltzer, G, and Fielding, E. (2024). Exploring the behaviors
of initiated progressive failure and slow-moving landslides using InSAR. Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (13), e2024GL108267. - 2. Li, X., Chen, Y., Handwerger, A. L., and Buscarnera, G. (2023). Dynamics of creeping landslides controlled by inelastic hydro-mechanical couplings. Engineering Geology, 317, 107078.
- 3. Li, X., Handwerger, A. L., and Buscarnera, G. (2023). Viscoplastic modelling of rainfall-driven slow-moving landslides: application to California Coast Ranges. Landslides, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-023-02039-1.
- 4. Li, X., Lizarraga, J. J., and Buscarnera, G. (2021). Regional-scale simulation of flowslide triggering in stratified deposits. Engineering Geology, 292, 106248.
- 5. Song, Z., Li, X., Lizarraga, J. J., Zhao, L., and Buscarnera, G. (2021). Shallow landslide triggering in unsaturated vegetated slopes: Efficient computation of susceptibility maps. Computers and Geoscience, 154, 104826.
- 6. Song, Z., Li, X., Lizarraga, J. J., Zhao, L., and Buscarnera, G. (2020). Spatially distributed landslide triggering analyses accounting for coupled infiltration and volume change. Landslides, 17 (12), 2811-2824.
Related News
Our paper 'Exploring the behaviors of initiated progressive failure and slow-moving landslides using InSAR' was featured in the Los Angeles Times and PHYS.org.
Links of interest