Aerosol-Biosphere-Climate Interactions Research Group
The group has broad interests in the life cycle of atmospheric aerosols, their interactions with land-cover/land-use changes, and consequences on the ecosystems, air quality and climate.
Contact: Xin Xi
Physical Modeling Laboratory
The Physical Modeling Laboratory is equipped with the state-of-the-art (i) combined Acoustic Velocity and Ultralow Permeability Measurement and (ii) Ultrasonic Measurement systems.
Contact: Radwin Askari
Remote Sensing for Hazards
Remote Sensing for Hazards focuses on developing remote sensing tools and validation methods for hazard mitigation and resource protection in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Panama and soon Costa Rica. Goals include linking the geo-science agencies in the four countries and building a new educational system of applied research and engineering.
Contact: Request Form
The current focus is the study of volcanoes, which erupt continuously, like Fuego Volcano in Guatemala or Villarica in Chile. Using a variety of seismic, acoustic and gas sensing instruments to make observations of this low level activity, researchers construct possible changes in the subsurface. This research group is looking for students with strong backgrounds in math and physics, who are good at computing, making things work in challenging conditions, and who want to travel.
Contact: Graduate Program Director