Gifts in the amount of $25,000 or more are recognized as major gifts by Michigan Tech. Major gifts—considered cornerstones of support—enable the University to achieve its strategic vision and goals. Here are a few examples of recent major gifts.
Marie and Michael Cleveland
Along with supporting Michigan Tech's current fundraising initiatives, the Clevelands have provided for an endowed scholarship in their estate plan.
John and Cathi Drake
Provided immediate funding for an endowed professorship in mechanical engineering and pledged $1 million through their estate for its continuation.
Paul and Barbara Horton
Calumet native Barb (Herveat) Horton has always dreamed of helping children, especially children who can't imagine a college education in their future.
David House
Pledged $10 million to Michigan Tech's national campaign, which included two recent endowed professorships.
William Jackson
Established an endowed professorship for $1 million to focus on information technology and entrepreneurship.
Robert and Ruth Nara
Provided $50,000 of "catalyst assets" to expand the Michigan Tech Trails.
John and Ruanne Opie
Added new suites and skyboxes to the student ice arena with their gift of $1 million.
Richard and Bonnie Robbins
Committed $6 million through a charitable remainder trust to endow three chairs in sustainability.
Rudolph and Judy Shunta
Donated appreciated securities to fund an endowed scholarship to benefit undergraduate mechanical engineering students
Waino Wahtera
Bestowed $875,000 through his estate to fund the Wahtera Center for Student Success.