Gordon G. Parker, the John & Cathi Drake Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering, receives assistance to perform research, fund graduate and undergraduate students in his lab, and develop and explore diesel engine emissions, US Navy technology, wave energy conversion, and exergy control.
His work is made possible because of a gift from John ’64 ’69 and Cathi Drake.
During a sabbatical at the University of Edinburgh’s Institute for Energy Systems in Scotland, Parker studied wave energy converter modeling and control strategies. Those studies led to the creation of a land-based test facility at Michigan Tech. Now he is developing a new undergraduate laboratory for mechanical engineering’s elective controls course.

"New and exciting research is taking place because of the John & Cathi Drake Chair funds," Parker says. "It’s been wonderful growing research activities at Michigan Tech while watching students move on to new careers; all made possible with the Drake’s generous help."
For the past 10 years, the Drakes have provided financial support for the John & Cathi Drake Chair. "It’s been a great honor to satisfy the educational expectations of Michigan Tech’s students and the research expectations of my customers," he says. "I’ve benefited immensely from it professionally and for that I’m very grateful to John and Cathi."