Private donations from individuals and companies are vital to the development and quality of Michigan Tech athletics.
Although monetary contributions are the most common method of support, other giving options are available. Planned gifts, such as bequests, appreciated securities, or real estate, may help you meet your financial goals while benefiting Michigan Tech athletes. Some gifts, such as endowments and capital gifts, may be named in honor of a donor or in tribute to another individual or organization. If you would like to make a gift to Athletics today, visit our giving page. For more information on giving options, contact the Office of Gift Planning.
NCAA Rules and Regulations Guidebook
Michigan Technological University is committed to operating its athletic program with the highest degree of integrity, and in compliance with all rules and regulations of our conferences and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). To that end, this guide is intended to provide alumni, student-athletes, student-athlete’s parents, friends and supporters of Michigan Technological University with a general understanding of those rules relative to their involvement.