Supporting students through scholarships and fellowships is Michigan Tech’s top strategic priority. Donor-funded scholarships (for undergraduate students) and fellowships (for graduate students) come through two sources—the Annual Scholarship/Fellowship Fund and the Endowed Scholarship/Fellowship Fund. Learn more.
Support ScholarshipsSupport Fellowships
The Numbers
- 90 percent of MTU students receive some type of financial aid
- Of those, 800+ Michigan Tech students receive some sort of donor-funded scholarship
- There are 496 endowed scholarships and 43 endowed fellowships.
- $73M in total scholarships is distributed annually to Tech students
- 23 percent of MTU students are eligible to receive federal aid intended for low-income students
- 57 percent of undergraduate students utilize federal students loans (compared to 40 percent for Michigan State University and 30 percent for the University of Michigan)
- $82,400 median early career salary for a Michigan Tech graduate means socio-economic mobility for many students
Donor-funded scholarships mean so much to those who receive them. In many cases, they can be life changing. Having the ability, through these scholarships, to help students attend Michigan Tech and succeed, both inside and outside the classroom, is critical to our mission.
—Joe Cooper, Director of Student Financial Services
I can not express to you in words alone how thankful I am for your generosity and kindness. If it was not for your help, I probably would never graduate. I was even talking with my wife about having to drop out of school and the route that would take us. I am overjoyed now that I can finish school, and I foresee a bright future for us. I will work harder than ever now thanks to you. The stress from our financial hardships have only been limiting my ability to learn. I feel a great humility, and I now have another reason besides my family to reach great achievements. I feel incredibly blessed. Thank you!
—Anonymous Student
Types of Student-Support Funds
The Michigan Tech Fund offers two main types of scholarship and fellowship funds based on the method chosen to support the awards:
1. Annual Scholarship/Fellowship Fund
Offering support to any student with need, this important fund makes a Michigan Tech education possible for many deserving students. Gifts in any amount are gratefully welcomed. You can make a donation to the Michigan Tech Fund online for scholarships or fellowships.
2. Endowed Scholarship/Fellowship Fund
In contrast to the total payout policy used for annual funds, endowed funds limit spending to a portion of the investment return. Therefore, the principal (your gift) can be invested in longer-term, higher-yielding assets with the objective of providing growth and a hedge against inflation.
For more information, read about setting up a scholarship or fellowship, call the Office of Advancement at 906-487-3325.
Michigan Tech has a long history of awarding donor-funded scholarships. Here are some of the earliest established scholarship funds.
Norrie Scholarship
Established in 1890 in honor of A. Lanfear Norrie, who was a friend of Michigan College of Mines.
Paul M. Kidwell Memorial Scholarship
Established in 1918 by his Kidwell’s father, who was a professor at MCM.
Charles E. Wright Scholarship
Established by his wife, Carrie Wright, sometime prior to 1923. Charles was a friend of MCM.