Introduction: Collaborating for the Future of Michigan's Mobility Industry
Michigan Technological University and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) are collaborating to help build competitive cross-industry talent to support the
future of electrification and mobility in the state. Building this talent requires
assisting current and future automotive industry employees so that they develop with
evolving industry.
Therefore, MTU's Advanced Power Systems (APS) LABS is offering short, non-credit professional
development courses that will assist MEDC-approved organizations in assisting their
employees to develop high-tech knowledge, skills, and expertise in the areas of electric
vehicles, electrification, and mobility. Currently, APS LABS is offering several 20-hour
professional development/learning courses on various topics connected to electrification
and mobility, and one shorter course on battery voltage and high-voltage safety.
If you require more information about these courses, such as scheduling, pricing,
and so on, please contact Vinicius Vinhaes. Vinhaes is the manager of Training and Curriculum Development for the Advanced
Power Systems Research Center (APSRC), as well as adjunct assistant professor for
the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Overview of MEDC-Approved APS LABS Courses
Instructors: These courses, which are available on demand, are taught by an instructional team
who has decades of knowledge in electrification and mobility: Jeffrey D. Naber, Jeremy Worm, and Vinicius Bonfochi Vinhaes.
Modality: All courses are offered fully in-person, fully online, or hybrid (a blend of online
and in-person). The cost per person varies depending on the modality of the course.
Prerequisites: Those who enroll must have previously earned an undergraduate degree (BS) in Engineering
or Technology.
Content and Equipment: APS LABS provides the content as well as any required equipment. The content may be
delivered on-site through the APS Mobile Lab or online through the website of our
professional development program.
Proof of Completion: Those who successfully finish the course will receive a certificate of completion.

Two engineers work on a problem inside the sprawling. multidisciplinary APS LAB, which
is located in the MEEM building on the Michigan Tech Campus.
Current Professional Development Courses

Participants of short courses working on real problems and developing hands-on skills
inside APS Mobile Lab.
Advanced Digital Signal Processing
The objective of this course is to analyze and apply different signal processing methods,
which includes adaptive filtering and spectral estimation. Participants will be equipped
with practical skills for real-world applications.
The course includes the following topics:
- techniques for designing and analyzing of digital filters
- windowing techniques
- quantization effects
- physical limitations
- image processing, enhancement, restoration, and coding
The objective of this course is to analyze the fundamentals of cybersecurity and the
unique challenges in connected and autonomous vehicles. Participants will gain hands-on
experience with the latest tools and techniques used to protect automotive systems
against cyber threats.
The course includes the following topics:
- multiple cybersecurity technologies, processes, and procedures
- threat vulnerability analysis
- risk assessment
- implementation of robust security protocols
- appropriate strategies for mitigating potential cybersecurity issues
The objective of this course is to apply autonomous vehicle data sets to develop sensing,
perception, and path-planning strategies on simulated autonomous vehicles.
The course includes the following topics:
- localization
- sensor fusion
- motion planning
- autonomy capability
- functional safety
- hazard analysis
Battery and High Voltage Safety
The objective of this course is to summarize the basic hazards associated with high
voltage (both DC and AC) and battery chemistry.
This course is ideal for those who are beginning to work on electrified automotive
propulsion systems, as well as those who need an introductory or refresher safety
The course includes the following topics:
- basic hazards associated with high voltage and batteries
- the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- safe operating procedures
- best practices for responding to emergencies
The objective of this course is to integrate Six Sigma principles into design processes.
It emphasizes tools such as DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) and
DFSS (Design for Six Sigma) for quality improvement and innovation.
Participants will learn through practical case studies and projects how to apply these
methodologies to achieve operational excellence and enhance product design.
The course includes the following topics:
- principles of Shewhart, Deming, Taguchi
- meaning of quality
- control charts for variables, individuals, and attributes
- process capability analysis
- variation of assemblies and computer-based workshops
Electric Machines and Power Electronics
The objective of this course is to upskill engineers, technicians, managers, and others
to an advanced level of knowledge in Electric Machines and Power Electronics.
The course includes the following topics:
- detailed operating principals of electric machines and power electronics
- dynamic analysis of electric machines
- reference frame transitions
- reduced order simulation models, digital simulation models
- switching conversions (including dc-dc, ac-dc, and dc-ac)
- the impacts of harmonics, pulse-width modulation, and classical and non-linear control
Electrified Propulsion Systems: Fundamentals
The objective of this course is to provide participants with the basics of propulsion
system electrification, including power electronics, electric motors, and control
strategies for optimizing energy efficiency and performance.
The course, which includes hands-on laboratory sessions and case studies, delivers
a comprehensive overview of the latest technologies and trends in the field of electrified
The course includes the following topics:
- electrified vehicle components and architecture
- electrified powertrain systems
- battery basics
- regenerative breaking
- controls and diagnostics
- Controller Area Network (CAN) communications
Embedded Control System Design
The objective of this course is to analyze the design, analysis, and implementation
of embedded control systems. It emphasizes real-time constraints and hardware interfacing.
Participants, who will gain hands-on experience, will focus on model-based design
techniques to develop reliable embedded control solutions.
The course includes the following topics:
- model-based embedded control system design
- discrete-event control
- sensors, actuators, and electronic control units
- digital controller design
- communications protocols
Instrumentation and Experimental Methods
The objective of this course is to apply advanced techniques for designing experiments;
selecting appropriate instrumentation; and analyzing the data with an emphasis on
accuracy, reliability, and repeatability.
Participants will gain practical experience in using modern data acquisition systems
and software, as well as learn how to plan and execute experiments in various engineering
The course includes the following topics:
- transducers
- calibration, data acquisition
- noise
- signal conditioning
- specific applications
Nonlinear Control System Analysis and Design
The objectives of this course are to a) investigate nonlinear systems from the perspective
of analysis/control system design; and b) to develop and apply control system design
approaches for nonlinear systems.
The course includes the following topics:
- fundamental properties for nonlinear differential equations
- functions, phase plane analysis
- stability/instability theorems
- feedback linearization and sliding mode control
Optimization of Control Systems Using MATLAB/Simulink
The objective of this course is to analyze MATLAB/Simulink models for optimizing control
systems, with a special focus on algorithm development, system modeling, and simulation.
The course includes the following topics:
- algorithm development and implementation
- system modeling and simulation
- controller design and tuning
The objective of this course is to apply (learn how to program) LabVIEW, a popular
data acquisition and automation language used by engineers. Participants will learn
features including data acquisition, instrument control, and automation.
The course includes the following topics:
- LabView environment
- construction of graphical user interfaces
- interfaces, loops, debugging
- introduction to data acquisition
- writing data to disk