APS LABS Professional Development


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Teacher leading a course in APS Labs.


The Advanced Power Systems Research Center is a multidisciplinary organization that fosters large, collaborative, cutting-edge research efforts in the areas of clean, efficient, and sustainable Power Systems technologies.

The goal is developing the fundamental and applied knowledge required for the next generation of low-emission, high-efficiency vehicles. The Center brings together and coordinates researchers with expertise in and a passion for current and future automotive technologies.

Although APS LABS is a physical place, you might best know of it by its mobile, expandable laboratory, which is pulled by a class 8-semi truck with a Detroit Diesel DD15 engine. This behemoth vehicle, which serves as an on-the-road school, a lab, and a training center truly exemplifies innovation on wheels.

Along with its research, APS LABS is both well-known and respected for offering customizable on-site and online automotive courses, in 35 system and subsystem areas, which provide people in the automotive industry with the fundamental competencies and skills they need to keep pace with technology and upskill their careers. For several years now, the expert team at APS has supplied the automotive industry with resources, outreach services, training, and talent. 


Short Courses

Batteries and Electrification

Close up of a battery for an electric vehicle.


Close up of a diesel engine

Instrumentation and Systems

An image from the inside of an automotive lab: two monitors in the foreground and a car in the background.

If you have inquiries about the above courses, such as information about registration, delivery, and cost, please contact Vinicius Bonfochi Vinhaes at vbvinhae@mtu.edu.

Instructional Team for All APS LABS Courses

The short courses at APS Labs are designed and taught by various seasoned instructors with several decades of professional engineering and industry experience. They are also experts in up-to-date automotive engineering and power systems training. 

Jeffrey Naber

  • Richard and Elizabeth Henes Endowed Professor (Energy Systems), Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Director, Advanced Power Systems Research Center, Area Director, Energy-Thermo-Fluids (ETF)
  • Pi Tau Sigma Faculty Advisor

Jeremy Worm

  • Research Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Research Engineer, Advanced Power Systems Research Center
  • Director, Michigan Tech Mobile Lab
Vinicius Vinhaes

Vinicius Vinhaes

  • Manager, Training and Curriculum Development for the Advanced Power Systems Research Center (APSRC)

Diesel Engine Controls


APS Labs Logo

"Without the low operating costs, high efficiency, high reliability, and great durability of diesel engines, it would have been impossible to reach the extent of globalization that now defines the modern economy."Vaclav Smil