Eligibility Requirement - Academically or Economically Disadvantaged

In order to be eligible to receive a KCP Future Faculty Fellowship, applicants must satisfy at least one of the following criteria and provide the required documentation with their application. Only one document is required, unless otherwise stated.

Applicants requesting consideration must be able to provide documentation or allow verification to the satisfaction of the university’s FFF Representative and the KCP Initiative Office that they meet the eligibility criteria.


Adult Dependent Primary Caregiver


The person who takes primary responsibility for an adult who cannot fully care for him/herself.


Signed/dated letter or other documentation from

      • A physician

      • A lawyer or court official

      • Applicant (self-attestation)


Disability that causes an educational barrier but does not prevent working


Has a physical, mental or learning disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities
Act, that causes an educational barrier but will not prevent completion of the FFF service


Signed/dated letter or other documentation from

        • Student support services office
        • Medical or health professional
        • Veterans Administration
        • Vocational or drug/alcohol rehabilitation facility
        • Social Security Administration
        • Applicant (self-attestation)


English Language Learner


Has limited English ability in reading, writing, speaking, or comprehending the English language

            1. Whose native language is a language other than English.
            2. Who lives in a family or community environment where a language other than English is the dominant language


      • Signed/dated letter or other documentation from
      • Recognized proficiency exam
      • A university representative


First Generation College Graduate


No parent/guardian completed a bachelor’s degree.


      • Applicant (self-attestation)


Former Foster Child


An individual who was a ward, placed into a group home (residential child care community,
treatment center, etc.) or private home of a state-certified caregiver.


Signed/dated letter or other documentation from

        • A court official
        • Applicant (self-attestation)




An individual that lacks fixed, regular, and adequate housing. May live in a shelter, park, motel,
car, or is temporarily living with others.


Signed/dated letter or other documentation from

        • A shelter
        • An individual providing temporary residence
        • A social service agency
        • Applicant (self-attestation)


Qualified for Federal Student Aid


Qualified within the five years prior to application for needs-based federal student financial aid,
such as:

        • Pell Grant
        • Subsidized federal student loans
        • Work-study


Signed/dated letter or other documentation from

        • United States Department of Education
        • University’s financial aid office


Recipient of Public Assistance


Currently receives, or has received within the six months prior to application, public assistance,
such as:

        • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
        • Supplemental Security Income
        • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
        • Women, Infants & Children


Signed/dated letter or other documentation from

        • An appropriate organization or government agency


Returning Citizen


Served a period of incarceration


Signed/dated letter or other documentation from

        • Criminal justice system (parole ID, discharge paperwork, etc.)
        • Offender Tracking Information System


Single Parent


Is unmarried or separated from a spouse and has a minor child(ren) for which the parent has
either physical custody or joint custody. Or, is unmarried or separated from a spouse and is


Documentation is required for both marital status and dependent(s) verification.

        • Copy of birth certificate(s) of dependent(s)
        • Medical professional (confirming pregnancy)
        • Applicant (self-attestation allowed for marital status only)