Graduate School DEIS Strategic Plan

Goal #1

Identify, recruit, and enroll graduate students who embody inclusive excellence.

  • Planning Domain: Recruitment and admissions
  • Monitor/Team Leader: Will Cantrell
Projected Outcomes from Baseline Timeline
1. Intentionally collaborate with the Deans to develop an annual inter-college recruitment plan focused on optimizing pipelining and recruiting graduate students and postdocs who embody inclusive excellence. No later than (NLT) August 2024 and August 2025
2. Using the same process as above, develop an annual summative assessment of the inter-college plan and strategies for improvement (tracking contacts, applicants, offers, acceptances, and enrollment, etc.) to be used by the colleges in the future. NLT August 2025 and August 2026
3. Develop an intentional annual internal recruitment plan for the Graduate School to augment the inter-college plan. NLT July 2024 and July 2025
4. Develop an annual summative assessment of the internal plan and develop strategies for improvement to be used moving forward. NLT July 2025 and July 2026
5. Issue a final report on the outcomes of the process and make recommendations for continuation and, if appropriate, modification. September 2026
Action Items Timeline
1. (Outcome 1) Under the stewardship of the Dean of the Graduate School with the assistance of the Provost and Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion (VPDI), at an annual meeting with the Provost and VPDI, the Deans will develop an inter-college plan for recruiting graduate students and postdocs who embody inclusive excellence (this meeting might occur at a regularly scheduled Dean's meeting or as its own separate meeting). Once the plan is finalized,everyone at this meeting will receive a copy to facilitate check-ins throughout the year. Also, each Dean may distribute the plan to relevant faculty and staff in their college to assist in coordinating efforts. NLT July 2024 (meeting), August 2024 (plan) and July 2025 (meeting), August 2025 (plan)
2. (Outcome 2) The process immediately above will be repeated at an annual plan implementation assessment meeting, and a progress report will be developed and distributed to the Deans and Chairs. This meeting may be scheduled at the same time as the plan development meeting for the next year or as a separate meeting. NLT July 2025 (meeting), August 2025 (report) and July 2026 (meeting), August 2026 (report)
3. (Outcomes 3 and 4) The annual Graduate School internal plans and assessments will be developed and shared with the Provost, VPDI, and the Deans. NLT July 2024 (plan only), July 2025 (plan and assessment), and July 2026 (assessment only)
4. (Outcome 5) The Graduate Dean will solicit feedback from other deans on the process and outcomes. The Dean of the Graduate School will write the final report in consultation with the Provost and VPDI to be distributed to the Deans and members of the President's Council and Academic Forum. September 2026
Notes/Assessment Plan
  • This plan is a two-academic year pilot project that will be used to determine if its continuation and institution in future years would be an optimal method for conducting inter-college collaboration on graduate and postdoc recruiting for inclusive excellence.
  • A focus on the college-wide plans will be on inter-college collaboration and recruiting synergies among the colleges and Graduate School. Colleges are free to develop their own separate plans in conjunction with the inter-college plans.
  • MTU will move to a national recruiting strategy that emphasizes relationship development with external institutional partners (HBCUs, MSIs, etc.). Where MOUs exist, the colleges and the Graduate School will leverage them to optimize these strategies.
  • Plan assessment will involve a global evaluation of the effectiveness of efforts across the colleges and within the Graduate School to determine which strategies and activities yield the best results.
  • Some potential activities might be (these will be refined and expanded upon by the actual plans):
    • Develop additional funding opportunities for graduate students who embody inclusive excellence (e.g., GEM Fellowships).
    • Travel (domestically) to select recruitment events and partner universities to expand access to graduate education at Michigan Tech, with the number of students contacted, location, and outcomes per visit specified in the assessment reports.
    • Use the National Name Exchange to recruit McNair Scholars.

Goal #2

Understand and address existing inclusivity issues to support sense of belonging for graduate students.

  • Planning Domain: Climate and student support
  • Monitor/Team Leader: Will Cantrell
Projected Outcomes from Baseline Timeline
1. Using the exit survey for graduate students, measure an increase in student satisfaction and sense of belonging (this may be based on an average of all questions or selected questions). 2024-25 and 2025-26
2. For open-ended questions, conduct a global assessment and determine an overall "positive" change. 2024-25 and 2025-26
3. Determine whether to continue and, if appropriate, modify this process in subsequent academic years based on its effectiveness. June 2026

Unless otherwise designated, all Action Items pertain to Outcomes 1 and 2 for both 2024-25 and all timelines pertain to 2024-25 and 2025-26. and 2025-26)

Action Items Timeline
1. Develop specific questions in the exit survey related to both perceptions and behaviors related to sense of belonging. end of August
2. Administer exit survey, seeking a return rate of at least 50% ongoing
3. Analyze and summarize survey results and develop a plan to address concerns that emerge from it. This plan may include programmatic solutions as well as policy and procedural reviews and relevant changes. summer 2026
4. Implement at least two student programming events per semester to promote sense of belonging. academic year 2025
5. In addition to the events mentioned above, host "Coffee and Conversation" events in the Graduate Commons at least once per semester. Given events might be held with or without Graduate School leaders present as deemed most effective to connect students to the leadership and gather information on the current climate. Use this feedback to enhance or modify the action plan. ongoing
6. (Outcome 3) Based on Actual Outcomes 1 and 2, make a recommendation for Outcome 3. June 2026
Notes/Assessment Plan
  • Like Goal 1, Goal 2 is a two-academic year pilot project that will be evaluated after two years to determine if it should continue in future years.
  • Examples of student programming to improve climate:
    • A graduate student panel composed of students who embody inclusive excellence to discuss their experiences in graduate school and their best strategies for success.
    • A "Graduate Student Success" retreat where inclusive excellence is among many themes to promote student success.