Registration, Enrollment, and Full-Time Status

Registration and Enrollment

Graduate students are required to register at Michigan Tech each academic-year semester (fall and spring) from the time that they enter a graduate program until the time they receive their degree. See the Continuous Enrollment section for more information

  • Students must complete their initial registration and enroll prior to the billing due datePayment plans are available.
  • Students who fail to enroll prior to that date will be charged a fee and may have their course schedule dropped.
  • See your Payments page for the balance due.
  • For specific enrollment rules for students in candidacy, please refer to our page about candidacy.

Full-Time Status

Full-time status is defined as:

  • Nine (9) credits during the academic year (fall/spring).
    • Five to eight (5-8) credits is considered half-time.
  • During the summer, one (1) course OR
    • One (1) credit of research if the student is not a candidate OR
    • Three (3) credits of research if the student is a candidate.

Continuous Enrollment

Having begun a graduate program, students must be enrolled every academic-year semester (fall and spring) until they complete their degree.

  • "Completing" a degree means successfully completing all required courses, turning in all paperwork, and, if required by the degree program, defending and turning in a final version of a report, thesis or dissertation.
    • for example: students who defend their dissertation, thesis, or report, but fail to submit a final version or fail to complete any paperwork, must be enrolled each fall and spring semester until their degree is completed.

Readmission Procedure

Any graduate student who has been dismissed or who has officially withdrawn from Michigan Tech (by submitting a withdrawal form to the Registrar's Office) must submit a new application for admission. This application will be reviewed and considered along with all other applications.

Students returning after failing to maintain continuous enrollment must apply for and be granted readmission. They must also pay a readmission fee of $200.

Readmission is not automatic. Students who apply for and are denied readmission will be not be allowed to continue in their graduate program.