Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Business Information Systems Certificate

  • Programs Offered

    • Certificate
  • Delivery Options

    • On-Campus
    • Accelerated
  • Credits

    • 9 credits
  • Timeline

    • One–three semesters

Prepare to be a Leader of AI-driven Automation in Organizations

The on-campus AI for Business Information Systems certificate is designed to help you understand, at an intuitive level, how AI works, how you can lead AI initiatives, and what business problems are best suited for AI intervention. Our project-focused curriculum helps you develop the skills that tomorrow needs.

Organizations are on the cusp of experiencing a long-lasting wave of automation because of the emergence of large language models (LLM), such as ChatGPT and Gemini, and other related AI technologies. Over the next several decades, organizations will need leaders capable of understanding the ever-changing landscape of AI and identifying ways to use AI and manage AI initiatives to remain competitive. They already use numerous IT systems to automate tasks and facilitate collaboration between business units. For example, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems help organizations track and manage important decisions across business units—integrating AI capabilities into current data-rich systems to identify opportunities for improving efficiencies, increasing customer service, opening new markets, and more.

Who is this Certificate For?

This certificate is for qualified professionals who want to enhance their skill set and can be a foundation to continue toward a graduate degree. It is also valuable for degree-seeking students looking to develop a concentration that gives them an edge in their career path.

What You Need to Know

Students in the graduate certificate for Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Business Information Systems program learn to work with AI technology, including some programming—though you don’t need prior programming knowledge to earn this certificate. The courses are set up to support students with different levels of previous technology knowledge, including no prior knowledge. Through projects, you will learn that there are many AI-related roles that require no programming capabilities at all. However, the program is also designed to support those with programming knowledge to help them learn to see business-related opportunities where they can apply their programming skills.


See complete admissions requirements.

Accelerated Option

Michigan Tech Bachelor's + 1 Semester = Accelerated Graduate Certificate

Current Michigan Tech undergraduates or recent alumni, get started right away. Our accelerated graduate certificates are a fast, affordable way to add graduate credentials to your bachelor's degree in as little as one semester. Be more marketable in your industry or prepare for your master's degree. Explore accelerated certificate options.


This graduate certificate requires a minimum of 9 total credits. Students may apply the credits earned for this certificate toward a graduate degree at Michigan Tech.


Graduate Director

Mari Buche

Graduate Assistant

Laura Shawhan

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Application Process and Admissions Requirements

Applications are reviewed on an individual basis using a holistic approach. Fill out our free graduate application online to apply to any of our programs. Official transcripts and scores are not required for the initial application, although you will need to upload them later.

Accredited by HLC

Michigan Tech has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) since 1928. Our Graduate School offers over 125 certificates, master's, and PhD programs to provide our students and the world with what tomorrow needs.