Researchers at Michigan Tech’s Great Lakes Research Center are at the forefront of advanced research on a multitude of Great Lakes issues. From invasive species and coastal biology to marine engineering and water governance, our researchers work on challenging problems in many different areas. Discover more about Great Lakes research at Michigan Tech below by browsing each researcher’s recent publications.
Jenny Apriesnig
- 2022. Apriesnig, J. L., Warziniack, T., Finnoff, D. C., Zhang, H., Lee, K., Mason, D., Rutherford, E. Published The Consequences of Misrepresenting Feedbacks in Coupled Human and Environmental Models. Ecological Economics 195. Elsevier.
- 2021. Lee, K., Apriesnig, J. L., Zhang, H. Published Socio-ecological evaluation of bioeconomic fisheries management: the case of Yellow Perch in Lake Erie. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9.
- 2021. Campbell, V., Thompson, J., Apriesnig, J. L., Pendell, D., Tonsor, G. Published Producer’s Willingness to Invest in On-Farm Carcass Disposal: a Study on U.S. Poultry. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 30(4).
- 2021. Palm, K., Campbell, G. A., Apriesnig, J. L. Published Sustainable Management of Local Fisheries: A Case Study of Laoang, Northern Sama, Philippines. Marine Policy 132. Elsevier.
- 2020. Apriesnig, J. L., Manning, D. T., Suter, J. F., Magzamen, S., Cross, J. E. Published Academic Stars and Energy Stars, an Assessment of Student Academic Achievement and School Building Energy Efficiency. Energy Policy 147. Elsevier.
- 2020. Vongsikeo, V., Breffle, W. S., Apriesnig, J. L., Barkdoll, B. D. Published The Economic Value of Carbon Sequestration Through Tree Planting in Laos. Asian Development Policy Review 8(2), 102-111. 10.18488/journal.107.2020.82.102.111.
- 2017. Warziniack, T., Finnoff, D., Apriesnig, J. L. Published Description of the General Equilibrium Model of Ecosystem Services (GEMES). General Technical Report Rocky Mountain Research Station ( vol. 359, pp. 14). Fort Collins, CO: US Department of Agriculture.
- 2016. Lodge, D. M., Simonin, P. W., Burgiel, S. W., Keller, R. P., Bossenbroek, J. M., Jerde, C. L., Kramer, A. M., Rutherford, E. S., Barnes, M. A., Wittmann, M. E., Chadderton, W. L., Apriesnig, J. L., o. Published Risk analysis and bioeconomics of invasive species to inform policy and management. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 41, 453--488. Annual Reviews. 10.1146/annurev-environ-110615-085532.
Martin T. Auer
Auer, M.T., Kieser, M.S., and R.P. Canale. 1986. Identification of critical nutrient levels through field verification of models for phosphorus and phytoplankton growth. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 43(2): 379-388.
Canale, R.P. and M.T. Auer. 1987. Personal computers and environmental engineering. Environmental Science and Technology, 21(10): 936-942.
Auer, M.T. and S.W. Effler. 1989. Variability in photosynthesis: Impact on DO models. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 115(5): 944-963.Effler, S.W., Brooks, C.M., Auer, M.T., and S.M. Doerr. 1990. Free ammonia and toxicity criteria in a polluted urban lake. Research Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 62(6): 771-779.
- Auer, M.T. and S.L. Niehaus. 1993. Modeling fecal coliform bacteria: I. Field and laboratory determination of loss kinetics. Water Research, 27(4): 693-701.
Storey, M.L., Auer, M.T., Barth, A.K., and J.M. Graham. 1993. Site-specific determination of kinetic coefficients for modeling algal growth. Ecological Modelling, 66: 181-196.
Heidtke, T.M. and M.T. Auer. 1993. Application of a GIS-based nonpoint source nutrient loading model for assessment of land development scenarios and water quality in Owasco Lake, New York. Water Science and Technology, 28(3-5): 595-604.
Nancy A. Auer
- Oyadomari, J.K. and N.A. Auer. 2004. Inshore-Offshore distribution of larval fishes in Lake Superior off the western coast of the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research. Vol. 30. Supplement 1, 369-384.
- Oyadomari, J.K. and N. A. Auer. 2007. Influence of Rearing Temperature and Feeding Regime on Otolith Increment Deposition in Larval Cisco. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136(3):766-777.
- Auer, N.A. and E.A. Baker. 2007. Assessment of Lake Sturgeon Spawning Stocks Using Fixed-location, Split-beam Sonar Technology. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 23:113-121.
- Oyadomari, J.K. and N. A. Auer. 2007. Influence of Rearing Temperature and Feeding Regime on Otolith Increment Deposition in Larval Cisco. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 136 (3):766-777.
- Auer, N.A. and E.A. Baker. 2007. Assessment of Lake Sturgeon Spawning Stocks Using Fixed-location, Split-beam Sonar Technology. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 23:113-121.
- Oyadomari, J.K. and N. A. Auer. 2008. Transport and growth of larval cisco (Coregonus artedi) in the Keweenaw Current region of Lake Superior. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 1447-1458.
- Chiotti, J.A., Holtgren, J.M., Auer, N.A. and S.A. Ogren. 2008. Lake Sturgeon Spawning Habitat in the Big Manistee River, Michigan. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 28:1009-1019.
- Auer, N.A. 2009. Importance of woody material in Great Lake aquatic food webs. International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology. 30(8):1298-1300.
- Auer, N.A. Requested Book Critique. 2009. Anadromous sturgeons – What’s in a name? Environmental Biology of Fishes. 84:153-155.
- Auer, N.A., B.A. Cannon and M.T. Auer. 2009. Life History, Distribution and production of Diporeia near the Keweenaw Peninsula, Lake Superior. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 35:570-590
- Auer, M.T., L. A. Bub, N. A. Auer and N. R. Urban. 2010. Primary production, carbon flux and the distribution of the amphipod Diporeia in Lake Superior. International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology. 30(10):1499-1505.
- Homola, J.J., K. T. Scribner, E. A. Baker, and N. A. Auer. 2010. Genetic assessment of straying rates of wild and hatchery reared lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in Lake Superior tributaries. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 36 (2010):798–802.
- Mann, K.A., J. M. Holtgren, N. A. Auer and S.Ogren. (2011) Comparing size, movement and habitat selection of wild and streamside-reared lake sturgeon. North American Journal Fisheries Management. 31(2):305-314, First published on: 25 April 2011 (iFirst).
- Auer, M.T., N.A. Auer, N.R. Urban and M.T.A.Auer (2/6/2013) Distribution of the Amphipod Diporeia in Lake Superior:The Ring of Fire. International Journal of Great Lakes Research, vol. 39 (1):33-46.
- Auer, M.T., Auer, N.A., Barkdoll, B.B., Bornhorst, T.J., Brooks, C., Dempsey, D., Doskey, P.V., Green, S.A., Hyslop, M.D., Kerfoot, W.K., Mayer, A.S., Perlinger, J.A., Shuchman, R., Urban, N.R. and Watkins, Jr., D.W. NOV 2013. The Great Lakes: Foundations of Physics, Hydrology, Water Chemistry, and Biodiversity. In, J. Schnoor (ed.), Water Quality and Sustainability, Elsevier Publishers, London. Auer, M.T., Auer, N.A., Barkdoll, B.B., Bornhorst, T.J., Brooks, C., Dempsey, D., Doskey, P.V., Green, S.A., Hyslop, M.D., Kerfoot, W.K., Mayer, A.S., Perlinger, J.A., Shuchman, R., Urban, N.R. and Watkins, Jr., D.W. NOV 2013. The Great Lakes: Nutrients, Sediments, Persistent Pollutants, and Policy Perspectives for a Sustainable Future. In, J. Schnoor (ed.), Water Quality and Sustainability, Elsevier Publishers, London.
- Dempsey D. and N. Auer. (editors and authors) 6/2013. The Great Lake Sturgeon. Michigan State University Press. Chapters: Auer, N. Form and Function Chapter, Auer, N. Preface and Conclusion Chapter, Importance of Connectivity and Corridors for Migration and Future Management and Stewardship of Lake Sturgeon, and Baker, E.A. and N. Auer, Sturgeon Habitat, Foods, and Feeding
Jung Yun Bae
- Langan, J. J., & Bae, J. (2024). Advancements in the programmable hyperspectral seawater scanner measurement technology for enhanced detection of harmful algal blooms. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12(10), 1746.
- Patil, A., Park, M., & Bae, J. (2024). A heuristic for task allocation and path planning of multiple tethered underwater robots considering workload balance. Intelligent Service Robotics, 1–10.
- Jacquelin, F., Bae, J., Chen, B., & Robinette, D. (2023). Neuroevolution application to collaborative and heuristics-based connected and autonomous vehicle cohort simulation at uncontrolled intersection. Eng, 4(2), 1320–1336.
- Bae, J., & Park, M. (2021a). A heuristic for efficient coordination of multiple heterogeneous mobile robots considering workload balance. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(2), 4064–4070.
Tara L. Bal
- Rekola, Taber, Sharik, Dockry, Babalola, Bal, et al., 2024. Social and knowledge diversity in forest education: vital for the world's forests. Ambio
- Gauthier, Djoumad, Bal, Bilodeau, Digirolomo, Ony, Hadziabdic, McLaughlin, Miles, Munck, Snover-Clift, Tanguay. 2024. Interlaboratory evalution of Bretziella fagacearum molecular detection assays to guide the eDNA monitoring of the oak wilt disease. Environmental DNA
- Stump, Berhsing, Bal, Külheim. 2024. Current and Potential Insect Threats to Oaks in the Great Lakes Region. Forests.
- Higdon, Brzeski, Ottino, Bal. 2024. Establishing Silphids in the invertebrate DNA toolbox: A proof of concept. PeerJ.
- Dolinski, Bal, Webster, Resh. 2024. Assessing the utility of a native pathogenic fungus as a biocontrol alternative to herbicide on invasive buckthorns in forests of Upper Michigan. Natural Areas Journal. Read More.
- Lane-Clark, Gagnon, Bal. 2024. Shifting the language of ‘invasion’ ecology: Two-eyed seeing as a framework for discourse regarding introduced species. Socio-Ecological Practice Research. Read More.
- Bal, Beaudoin, Carter. 2024. Berries without Bugs: Recreational Foraging and a Fruit Fly Threat in Rural Michigan. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism. Read More.
- Bal. 2023. Promoting culturally conscious students: a course model in maple syrup management and culture. Natural Sciences Education. Read More.
- Myers, Dickinson, Storer, Bal. 2023. A review of propogation and restoration techniques for American Beech and their current and future application in mitigation of beech bark disease. Sustainability. Read More.
- Bal. 2023. Draw a bee: a simple drawing activity can highlight our misperceptions and diversity of bees. The American Biology Teacher. Read More.
- Camp & Bal. 2022. The Turkey Tail Mushroom and its Many Look-alikes. Digital Commons Open Access Books.
- Myers, Dickinson, Storer, Bal. 2022. A pilot study of transplanting methods for wildling American Beech (Fagus grandifolia). Horticulturae. Read More.
- Bal, Dickinson, Storer. 2023. Exotic earthworms impact forests: increase awareness and integrate impacts into forest management decisions. In: Proceedings of the Northern Hardwood Conference 2021. General Technical Report.
- Schneider, Bal, Brzeski. Novel applications of iDNA tool for measuring small mammal community biodiversity via Silphid beetles. 2023. In: Proceedings of the Northern Hardwood Conference 2021. General Technical Report.
- Burmann, Kelly, Schelly, and Bal. 2022. Formative interests and pathways to natural resources careers among historically underrepresented people. Society & Natural Resources. Read More.
- Ela, Chipkar, Bal, Xie, and Ong. 2021. Lignin-Propiconazole nanocapsules are an effective bio-based wood preservative. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,
- Owuor, Giessen, Prior, Cilio, Bal, et al., 2021. Trends in forest-related employment and tertiary education: Insights from selected key countries around the globe. European Forest Institute.
- Bal, Schneider, and Richter. 2020. Decay of birdseye sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and curly red maple (Acer rubrum) figured woods. Wood and Fiber Science, 52(3): 292-297
- Bal, T, Sharik T. 2019. Web content analysis of University forestry and related natural resources landing webpages in the United States in relation to student and faculty diversity. Journal of Forestry doi:10.1093/jofore/fvz024. Read More
- Bal, T, Sharik T. 2019. Image content analysis of US natural resources-related professional society websites with respect to gender and racial/ethnic diversity. Journal of Forestry doi:10.1093/jofore.fvs023. Read More
- Bal, T, Raj, J, Richter, D. 2019. Influence of Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) treatment of wood in decay tests. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology 9(1): 85-91. Read More
- Cladas, K, Bal, T, Storer, A. 2018. Is success in detection of Agrilus planipennis related to forest edges? Journal of Applied Entomology 143: 214-224 Read More
- Bal, TL, Storer, AJ, Jurgensen, MF. 2018. Evidence of damage from exotic invasive earthworm activity was highly correlated to sugar maple dieback in the Upper Great Lakes region. Biological Invasions 20 (1): 151-164. Read More
- Bal, TL, Storer, AJ, Jurgensen, MF, Doskey, PV, Amacher, MC, 2015. Nutrient stress predisposes and contributes to sugar maple dieback across its northern range: a review. Forestry 88 (1): 64-83. Read More
- Bal, T.L., 2014. Forest Health Detectives. The American Biology Teacher. 76 (8): 532-537 Read More
- Bal, T.L., Richter, D.L,. Storer, A.J., and Jurgensen, M.F. 2013. The relationship of the Sapstreak Fungus, Ceratocystis virescens, to Sugar Maple Dieback and Decay in North Michigan. American Journal of Plant Science 4(2A): 436-443. Read More
- Evaluation of Sugar Maple Dieback in the Upper Great Lakes Region and Development of a Forest Health Youth Education Program. PhD Dissertation. Michigan Technological University. 2013. Read More
Brian D. Barkdoll, PE, BCEE
- Peterson, S. and Barkdoll, B.D. Case Study of Climate Change Effects on a Water Distribution System Design in Ha Leronti, Lesotho, Africa. Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024, 886-899, 2024.
- Amiri, H. and Barkdoll, B.D., (2024), Case Study of Use of User-Friendly Algorithm for the Balanced Design of a Multiple Source Water Distribution System. Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2024, 900-905.
- Barkdoll, B.D. The rain, it is a changing: non-stationarity of precipitation and the effect on water infrastructure design. Sustain. Water Resour. Manag.10, 86 (2024).
- Barkdoll, B.D. (2023) Saving is Losing: Pumping Cost vs. GHG Emissions in Water Distribution Systems, Journal of Energy and Power Technology, Volume 5, Issue 4, doi:10.21926/jept.2304037
- Peter, K.M., Barkdoll, B.D. Precipitation trends of major world cities with implications for sustainable water infrastructure management. Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. 9, 171 (2023).
- Pakdehi, M., Ardestani, M., Niksokhan, H, and Barkdoll, B.D. (2023) Using Analytical Hierarchy Process for Excess-Chlorine Risk Assessments in a Water Distribution Network: A Case Study, Journal of Environmental EngineeringVolume 149, Issue 12
- Barkdoll, B.D. (2023). Effect of Increasing Discharge on Municipal Storm Sewer Systems: Exploring the Connection to Total Maximum Daily Load, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Volume 150, Issue 1,
- Barkdoll, B.D. (2023). "Moving statistic method (MSM) for quantification of changes in precipitation intensity and dry periods caused by climate change and demonstration on major U.S. cities." Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. 9, 94 (2023).
- Jones, F. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2022) Viability of Pressure-Reducing Valves for Leak Reduction in Water Distribution Systems. November 2022, Water Conservation Science and Engineering 7(4):1-14, DOI:10.1007/s41101-022-00171-y
- West, C. M., & Barkdoll, B. D. (2022). Technology for Integrated Groyne-Vetiver Erosion Reduction (TIGER): Case Study in a West African River. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2022: Adaptive Planning and Design in an Age of Risk and Uncertainty - Selected Papers from the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2022, 443-455.
- Sheefa DE, Handler RM, Barkdoll BD. (2022). "Eco-efficiency analysis of water distribution system flushing into a containment Pond." J Environ Manage. 2022 Nov 1;321:115987. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115987. Epub 2022 Aug 24. PMID: 36027734.
- Javid, A., Roudbari, A., Yousefi, N. et al. Modeling of chromium (VI) removal from aqueous solution using modified green-Graphene: RSM-CCD approach, optimization, isotherm, and kinetic studies. >J Environ Health Sci Engineer (2020).
- Kraft, Lily & Barkdoll, Brian D. (2020) "Effect of reservoir elevation on energy consumption in water distribution systems," Urban Water Journal, DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2020.1758165
- Tavakoli, H. (Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Dr., Houghton; MI; 49931, United States); Barkdoll, B.D., Sustainability-based optimization algorithm
Source: International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, v 17, n 3, p 1537-1550, March 1, 2020 - Azari, A., Tavakoli, H., Barkdoll, B. D., & Haddad, O. (2020). Predictive model of algal biofuel production based on experimental data. Algal Research, 47, 101843.
- Margaret Neff, Brian D. Barkdoll, Pipe enlargement to satisfy concentration-time product for in-system disinfection in a water distribution system, Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development (2019) 9 (4): 601–607. DOI:
- Alizadeh Fard, M., Vosoogh, A., Barkdoll, B., and Aminzadeh, B. (2017). "Using polymer coated nanoparticles for adsorption of micropollutants from water." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,
- Kierys, D. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2017). "Sustainability-inspired composting latrine design." Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development.
- Champagne, T.M., Barkdoll, B.D., and González-Castro, J.A. (2017). "Experimental Study of Scour Induced by Temporally-Oscillating Hydraulic Jump in a Stilling Basin." J. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering.
- Bhattu, B., Barkdoll, B.D., and Breffle, W.S. (2017). "A Sustainability-Based Socio-Technical-Environmental Project Selection Algorithm." Sustainable Water Resources Management.
- Champagne, T.M.; Barkdoll, B.D.; Gonzalez-Castro, J.A.; Deaton, L. (2016). "Scour reduction by air injection: Flow patterns and turbulence." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, v 142, n 3,March 1, 2016.
- Barkdoll, B.D.; Murray, K.; Sherrin, A.; O'Neill, J.; Ghimire, S. R. (2016). "Effective-Power-Ranking Algorithm for Energy and Greenhouse Gas Reduction in Water Distribution Systems through Pipe Enhancement." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, v 142, n 1, January 1, 2016.
- Pebler, P.T. and Barkdoll, B.D. (2016). "Sustainable sanitation, improved use of composting latrines through mixing and moisturizing: case study in Paraguay." Environment, Development, and Sustainability, DOI 10.1007/s10668-016-9780-0.
- Arnold, N., Archer, A., and Barkdoll, B.D. (2016). "Bacterial adaptation and performance of household biosand water filters in differing temperatures." Water Science and Technology: Water Supply.
- Barkdoll, B., Kantor, C., Wesseldyke, E., and Ghimire, S. (2016). "Stormwater Low-Impact Development: A Call to Arms for Hydraulic Engineers." J. Hydraul. Eng. , 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001152 , 02516002
- Barlock, R., Barkdoll, B., and González-Castro, J. (2016). "Experimental Demonstration of a New Extension Plate Scour Countermeasure Downstream of Stilling Basins." J. Hydraul. Eng. , 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001183 , 06016013.
- Abbott, O'Neill, Barkdoll (2014) "Adaptive Greedy Heuristic Algorithm for Redundancy Augmentation by Loop Addition in Branched Water Distribution Systems." ASCE J. Water Resources Planning Management, 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000480 , 06014005
- Anderson, M.J.; Barkdoll, B.D. "Incorporation of air emissions in dredging method selection." Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, v 136, n 4, p 191-199, July/August 2010.
Jennifer Becker
2020. Klemm, S. M., Seagren, E. A., Becker, J. G., Mayer, A. S. Submitted Mass flux analysis of abiotic PCE DNAPL pool dissolution in a heterogeneous flow environment. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation.
- 2019. Becker, J. G., Seagren, E. A. Published High-Tech Analysis of Low-Tech Methods for Sustainable Class A Biosolids Production: Phase 2, Long-Term Storage and Air Drying Pilot-Scale Studies at Portage Lake Water and Sewer Authority. Alexandria, VA: Water Research Foundation.
- 2019. Becker, J. G. Published The microbial ecology and bioremediation of chlorinated ethene-contaminated environments. In Deborah Jean O’Bannon (Ed.), Women in Water Quality, Investigations by Prominent Female Engineers. Springer International Publishing. 10.1007/978-3-030-17819-2. (Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New)
Jason R. Blough
- L. Jia, J. D. Naber, and J. R. Blough, “Review of Sensing Methodologies for Estimation of Combustion Metrics,” Journal of Combustion, Mar 2016, Article No. 8593523, 9 pages, DOI:10.1155/2016/8593523 Read More
- L. B. Jia, J. D. Naber, and J. R. Blough, “Frequency Response Function Adaptation for Reconstruction of Combustion Signature in a 9-L Diesel Engine,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Dec, 2015, Vol. 229, No. 17, pp. 3071-3083, DOI:10.1177/0954406215569256 Read More
- Jia, Libin, Blough, Jason R., Naber, Jeffrey D., Zekavat, Seyed A., 2014, "Accelerometer-Based Combustion Metrics Reconstruction With Radial Basis Function Neural Network for a 9 L Diesel Engine,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 13(3), March 1, 2014, Article No. 031507, 9 pages, DOI: 10.1115/1.4025886.
- Blough, Jason, Dilworth, B., 2010, "Realization of Ground Effects on Snowmobile Pass-by Noise Testing," SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles, Vol. 2. Read More
- Blough, Jason, Londhe, N., 2009, "Application of the ISO 13472-1 in Situ Technique for Measuring the Acoustic Absorption Coefficient of Grass and Artificial Turf Surfaces," Applied Acoustics, Vol. 70, Issue 1, pp. 129-141. Read More
- Blough, Jason, Anderson, Carl, Miers, Scott, Barna, Glen L., Koray Inal, M., 2008, "A Wireless Microwave Telemetry Data Transfer Technique for Reciprocating and Rotating Components," Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 130, Issue 2, 025001, 9 pages.
- Blough, Jason, Anderson, Carl, Johnson, Mark, Robinette, Darrell L., Schweitzer, Jean, 2007, "Characterizing the Effect of Automotive Torque Converter Design Parameters on the Onset of Cavitation at Stall," SAE 2007 Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars- Mechanical Systems, Document Number: 2007-01-2231.
- Blough, Jason, Rao, Mohan D., Ge, Tony, Johnson, David, Van Karsen, Jeffrey, 2007, "Estimation of Powertrain Inertia Properties via an In-situ Method," SAE 2007 Transactions- Journal of Passenger Cars Mechanical Systems, Document Number: 2007-01-2410.
- Blough, Jason, Dilworth, Brandon, 2007, “Implementation of the Time Variant Discrete Fourier Transform as a Real-Time Order Tracking Method,” SAE 2007 Transactions-Journal of Passenger Cars Mechanical Systems.
- Blough, J.R., Gwaltney, G. and Vizanko, J., “Quantifying How the Environment Effects SAE-J192 Pass-by Noise Testing of Snowmobiles,” Proceedings of the 2005 SAE Noise and Vibration Conference, May 2005, Traverse City, MI. SAE Paper number: 05NVC-236.
- Kowalski, D., Blough, J.R., and Anderson, C., “Cavitation Detection in Automotive Torque Converters using Nearfield Acoustical Measurements,” SAE Noise & Vibration Conference and Exhibition, May 2005, Traverse City, MI, SAE paper number 2005-01-2516.
- Dhaliwal, A.S., Parker, G.G., and Blough, J.R., “Active Structural Acoustic Control of Road Noise in a Passenger Vehicle,” International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, Special Issue on Intelligent Vehicle Systems, Volume 2, Numbers 3 & 4, pp. 168-188, 2004.
- Blough J.R. “A Survey of DSP Methods for Rotating Machinery Analysis, What is Needed, What is Available,” Special Edition of Journal of Sound and Vibration from India-USA Symposium 2001—Emerging Trends in Vibration and Noise Engineering, Dec. 2001.
Luke Bowman
- Roverato, M., Larrea, P., Casado, I., Mulas, M., Béjar, G., & Bowman, L. (2018). Characterization of the Cubilche debris avalanche deposit, a controversial case from the northern Andes, Ecuador. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 360, 22-35
Laura E. Brown
- J. Hiebel, L.E. Brown, Z. Wang, "Machine Learning for Fine-Grained Hardware Prefetcher Control" in Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Aug. 2019.
- J. Liu, L.E. Brown, "Effect of Forecast Accuracy on Day Ahead Prediction of Five Coincident Peak Days", in Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (ISGT Asia), May 2019.
- Z. Song, L.E. Brown, "Multi-dimensional Evaluation of Temporal Neural Networks on Solar Irradiance Forecasting”, in Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (ISGT Asia), May 2019.
- J. Liu, L.E. Brown, "Prediction of Hour of Coincident Daily Peak Load” in Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Power Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT NA), Feb. 2019.
- J. Hiebel, L.E. Brown, Z. Wang, "Constructing Dynamic Policies for Paging Mode Selection” in Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Aug. 2018.
- L.E. Brown, A. Feltz, C. Wallace, "Lab Exercises for a Discrete Structures Course: Exploring Logic and Relational Algebra with Alloy”, in Proceedings of 23rd Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), July 2018.
- Y. Tang, C.-W. Ten, L.E. Brown, "Switching reconfiguration of fraud detection within an electrical distribution network”, in Proceedings of Resilience Week (RWS), Sept. 2017.
- A complete listing of publications is available on my web-page Read More
Shawn Brueshaber
- Csaba Palotai, Shawn Brueshaber, Ramanakumar Sankar, Kunio Sayanagi. Moist Convection in the Giant Planet Atmospheres. Remote Sensing (2023) 15, 219.
- Brueshaber, S.R., Sayanagi, K.M., Antuñano, A., Baines, K., Fletcher, L.N., Sánchez-Lavega, A., Sromovsky, L., West, R.A. Saturn’s Polar Atmosphere. Chapter in The New View from Cassini’s Grand Finale. Cambridge University Press (accepted).
- Shawn Brueshaber, Zhimeng Zhang, Fabiano Oyafuso, Glenn Orton, Shannon Brown, Steve Levin, Andrew Ingersoll, Davide Grassi, Alessandro Mura, Gerald Eichstadt, Candice Hansen, Leigh N. Fletcher, Shinji Mizumoto, Scott Bolton. Multi-Instrument Sounding of a Jovian Thunderstorm from Juno and Earth. (in prep)
- Brueshaber, S.R., and Sayanagi, K.M. Effects of Forcing Scale and Intensity on the Emergence and Maintenance of Polar Vortices on Saturn and the Ice Giants. Icarus (2021) 361, 114386
- Brueshaber, S.R, Sayanagi, K.M., and Dowling, T.E. Dynamical Regimes of Giant Planet Polar Vortices. Icarus (2019) 323, 46-61.
- Liu, T., Sayanagi, K.M., Brueshaber, S.R., Ingersoll, A.P., Dyudina, U.A., Ewald, S.P. Saturn’s North Polar Structure Extracted from Cloud Images by the Optical Flow Method. Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 15 October 2019.
- Samuel M. Howell, Luoth Chou, Michelle Thompson, Michael C. Bouchard, Sarah Cusson, Matthew L. Marcus, Harrison Brodsky Smith, Srinivasa Bhattaru, John J Blalock, Shawn Brueshaber, Siegfried Eggl, Erica Jawin, Kelly Miller, Maxime Rizzo, Kathryn Steakley, Nancy H Thomas, Kimberly Trent, Melissa Ugelow, Charles John Budney and Karl L Mitchell. Camilla: A centaur reconnaissance and impact mission concept. Planetary and Space Science (2018) 164, 184-193 •
- Emma Dahl, Shawn Brueshaber, Richard Cosentino, Csaba Palotai, Naomi Rowe-Gurney, Ramanakumar Sankar, Kunio Sayanagi and 20 additional co-authors. Ice Giant Atmospheric Science, A White Paper for NASA’s Planetary Science Decadal Survey. BAAS Vol 53, Issue 4 (2021)
Mari W. Buche
- Riemenschneider, C. K., Buche, M. W., & Armstrong, D. J. (2019). He Said, She Said: Communication Theory of Identity and The Challenges Men Face in the IS Workplace. The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, 50(3), 85–115.
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Angie Carter (she/her)
- Wellstead, A., S. M. Mechling, A. Carter, and A. Gofan. 2024. Artificial intelligence possibilities to improve analytical policy capacity: the case of environmental policy innovation labs and sustainable development goals. Policy Design and Practice.
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- Carter, A., B. Wells, and A. Kruzic. 2019. "Social Justice, Corporate Influence, and Development: Defending the Public Interest at a State University." Theory in Action 12(1): 54-85. DOI:10.3798/tia.1937-0237.1902
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Snehamoy Chatterjee
- Eshwar, D., Chatterjee, S., Kaunda, R., Miller, H., & Majdara, A. (2024). An Information Entropy–based Risk (IER) Index of Mining Safety Using Clustering and Statistical Methods. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 41(4), 1693-1708.
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- Vishnu, C. L., Oommen, T., Chatterjee, S., Rajaneesh, A., & Sajin Kumar, K. S. (2023). Assessing the Improvement of a Sparse Rain Gauge Network in a Landslide Hotspot in Kerala, India—A Multi-Criteria Approach. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, 29(4), 245-256.
- Asadi, A., Baise, L. G., Sanon, C., Koch, M., Chatterjee, S., & Moaveni, B. (2023). Semi-supervised learning method for the augmentation of an incomplete image-based inventory of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction surface effects. Remote Sensing, 15(19), 4883.
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- Madziwa, L., Pillalamarry, M., & Chatterjee, S. (2023). Integrating flexibility in open pit mine planning to survive commodity price decline. Resources Policy, 81, 103428.
Rodney A. Chimner
- Line Rochefort, Maria Strack, Rodney Chimner. Regional Assessment for North America. UNEP Global Peatlands Assessment – The State of the World’s Peatlands: Evidence for action toward the conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of peatlands. Main Report. 2022. Global Peatlands Initiative. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi.
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Laura E. Connolly
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Jun Dai
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Qingli Dai
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Rupali Datta
- Warke, M., Sarkar, D., Zhang, Z., Neve, S., Datta, R. 2023. Human health risk mitigation from arsenic in rice by crop rotation with a hyperaccumulator plant. Environ Sci Pollut Res 30, 12030–12040. Read more
- Saleh, H., Persaud, V., Datta, R., Sarkar, D. 2022. Assessment of geochemical forms of lead in lead-contaminated residential soils with varying physio-chemical characteristics.Read more
- Neve, S.; Sarkar, D.; Datta, R. 2022. Effects of Pyrolysis Temperature and Residence Time on Physicochemical Properties of Biochar Derived from Spent Vetiver Roots. In Proceedings of the ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA. Read more
- Warke M*, English M*, De Marchi L*, Sarkar RD*, Kannan S, Datta R, Rao s (2022) In-vitro cell culture model to determine toxic effects of soil Arsenic due to direct dermal exposure, Environ. Innov., 28: 102949. Read more
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James M. DeGraff
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Carolyn A. Duncan
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Timothy C. Eisele
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- Eisele, T. C., and Kawatra, S. K., “Reverse column flotation of iron ore”, Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 2007, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 61-
- Eisele, T. C. and Kawatra, S. K., “Causes and Significance of Inflections in Hydrocyclone Efficiency Curves,” Chapter 9, Advances in Comminution, the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Littleton, CO, 2006, pp. 131-147.
- Eisele, T. C. and Kawatra, S. K., “Design of Iron Comminution Circuits to Minimize Overgrinding, Chapter 22, Advances in Comminution, the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Littleton, CO, 2006, pp. 309-320.
- Eisele, T. C., “Direct Biohydrometallurgical Extraction of Iron from Ore”, U. S. DOE, FG26-03NT41938, DOI 10.2172/877695, 2005
Abdolmajid Erfani
- Erfani, A., Cui, Q., Baecher, G., and Kwak, Y. H. (2023). Data-Driven Approach to Risk Identification for Major Transportation Projects: A Common Risk Breakdown Structure. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
- Erfani, A., Hickey, P. J., and Cui, Q. (2023). Likeability versus Competence Dilemma: Text Mining Approach Using LinkedIn Data. Journal of Management in Engineering, 39(3), 04023013.
- Erfani, A., and Cui, Q. (2022). Predictive risk modeling for major transportation projects using historical data. Automation in Construction, 139, 104301.
- Hickey, P. J., Erfani, A.,and Cui, Q. (2022). Use of LinkedIn Data and Machine Learning to Analyze Gender Differences in Construction Career Paths. Journal of Management in Engineering, 38(6), 04022060. (Best paper Award-2023)
Wayne Gersie
- Gersie, Wayne M. “Developing Employee Resource Groups.” Essay. In Rethinking Organizational Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, edited by W J Rothwell, P L Ealy, and J Campbell, 1st ed., 151–71. Productivity Press, 2022.
John S. Gierke, PE
- *Fuchs, V.J., J.R. Mihelcic, and J.S. Gierke, “Life cycle assessment of vertical and horizontal flow constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment considering greenhouse gas emissions,” Water Research, Accepted Pending Revisions, revisions submitted 17 December 2010.
- *Fuchs, V.J., J.S. Gierke, and J.R. Mihelcic, “Laboratory investigation of ammonium and nitrate removal in vertical flow regimes in planted and unplanted wetland columns,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, in review, submitted 20 September 2010.
- *Bruning, J.N., J.S. Gierke, and A.L. Maclean, “Identifying Lineaments for Groundwater Exploration using Remotely Sensed Imagery,” Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, accepted for publication 22 December 2010.
- McCray, J.E., G.R. Tick, J.W. Jawitz, M.L. Brusseau, J.S. Gierke, R.W. Falta, R.C. Knox, D.A. Sabatini, J. Harwell, M.D. Annable, A.L. Wood, C.G. Enfield, “Remediation of NAPL Source-Zones: Lessons Learned from Legacy Field Studies,” Ground Water, in press.
- *Bachmann LeFevre, N-J., D.J. Watkins, Jr., J.S. Gierke, and J. Brophy-Price “Hydrologic Performance Monitoring of an Underdrained Low-Impact-Development Stormwater Management System,” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 136(5), 289-353, 2010.
- *Hutchins, M. J., J. S. Gierke, and J. W. Sutherland, “Decision Making for Social Sustainability: A Life-Cycle Assessment Approach,” (Refereed) Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems & Technology (ISSST) and 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS), May 18 – 20, 2009, Tempe, AZ, on CD-ROM.
- *Huntzinger, D.N., J.S. Gierke, L.L. Sutter, S.K. Kawatra, and T.C. Eisele, “Mineral Carbonation for Carbon Sequestration in Cement Kiln Dust from Waste Piles,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, in press. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.01.122
Michael R. Gretz
- Domozych, D.S.,. Lambiasse, L., Kiemle, S.N.. and Gretz, M.R. 2009. Structure and biochemistry of charophycean cell walls. II. Cell wall development and bipolar growth in the desmid Penium margaritaceum. Asymmetry in a symmetric world. Journal of Phycology (in press)
- Bellinger, B.J., Underwood, G.J.C., Ziegler, S.E. and Gretz, M.R. 2009. The significance of diatom-derived polymers in carbon flow dynamics within estuarine biofilms determined through isotopic enrichment. Aquatic Microbial Ecology (in press).
- Domozych, D.S., Serfis, A., Kiemle, S. and Gretz, M.R. 2007. The structure and biochemistry of charophycean cell walls. I. Pectins of Penium margaritaceum. Protoplasma 230:99-115.
- Kiemle, S.N., Domozych, D.S. and Gretz, M.R. 2007. The exopolymers of desmids: Chemistry, structural analysis and implications in wetland biofilms. Phycologia 46:617-627.
- Domozych, D.S., Elliot, L, Kiemle, S.N. and Gretz, M.R. 2007. Pleurotaenium trabecula, a desmid of wetland biofilms: The extracellular matrix and adhesion mechanisms. Journal of Phycology 43:1022-1038.
- Abdullahi, A.S., Underwood, G.J.C., and Gretz, M.R. 2006. Extracellular matrix assembly in diatoms (Bacillariophyceae). V. Environmental effects on polysaccharide synthesis in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Journal of Phycology 42:363-378.
- Apoya, M.D., Liang, Y., Underwood, G.J.C. and Gretz, M.R. 2006. Movement modalities and responses to environmental changes of the mudflat diatom Cylindrotheca closterium. Journal of Phycology 42:379-390.
Jiehong Guo
- Jiehong Guo, Stephen S. Hecht. DNA damage in human oral cells induced by use of e-cigarettes. Drug Testing and Analysis, 2022; 1- 9. doi:10.1002/dta.3375
- Jiehong Guo, Joshua Ikuemonisan, Dorothy K. Hatsukami, Stephen S. Hecht. Liquid chromatography-nanoelectrospray ionization-high resolution tandem mass spectrometry analysis of apurinic/apyrimidinic sites in oral cell DNA of cigarette smokers, e-cigarette users and nonsmokers. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 34 (12), 2540-2548, 2021.
- Jiehong Guo, Haoqing Chen, Pramod Upadhyaya, Yingchun Zhao, Robert J. Turesky, Stephen S. Hecht. Mass spectrometric quantitation of apurinic/apyrimidinic sites in tissue DNA of rats exposed to tobacco-specific nitrosamines and in lung and leukocyte DNA of cigarette smokers and nonsmokers. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 33 (9), 2475–2486, 2020.
- Jiehong Guo, Zhuona Li, Prabha Ranasinghe, Karl J. Rockne, Neil C. Sturchio, John P. Giesy, An Li. Halogenated flame retardants in sediments from the Upper Laurentian Great Lakes: Implications to long-range transport and evidence of long-term transformation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 384, 121346, 2020.
- Jiehong Guo, William Stubbings, Kevin Romanak, Linh V. Nguyen, Liisa Jantunen, Lisa Melymuk, Victoria Arrandale, Miriam L. Diamond and Marta Venier. An Alternative Flame Retardant, 2,4,6-Tris(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)-1,3,5-triazine (TTBP-TAZ), in an E-waste Recycling Facility and House Dust in North America, Environmental Science and Technology, 52 (6), 3599-3607, 2018.
Erika I. Hersch-Green
- Walczyk, A.M. and Hersch-Green, E.I. (2022), Do water and soil nutrient scarcities differentially impact the performance of diploid and tetraploid Solidago gigantea (Giant Goldenrod, Asteraceae)?. Plant Biol J, 24: 1031-1042.
- Faizullah, L., Morton, J.A., Hersch-Green, E.I., Walczyk, A.M., Leitch, A.R., Leitch, I.J. 2021. Exploring environmental selection on genome size in angiosperms, Trends in Plant Science, Volume 26, Issue 10, Pages 1039-1049.
- Bothwell, H. M., Evans, L. M., Hersch-Green, E. I., Woolbright, S. A., Allan, G. J., and Whitham, T. G.. 2021. Genetic data improves niche model discrimination and alters the direction and magnitude of climate change forecasts. Ecological Applications 31( 3):e02254.
- Walczyk A, and Hersch-Green, E. 2019. Impacts of soil nitrogen and phosphorus levels on cytotype performance of the circumboreal herb, Chamerion angustifolium (Onagraceae): implications for polyploid establishment. American Journal of Botany 106(7): 906-921.
- Bales A, and Hersch-Green, E. 2019. Diploid disadvantage disappears under increased soil nitrogen availability in fireweed, Chamerion angustifolium (Onagraceae). Ecology and Evolution 9(3):1095-1109.
- Bothwell H, Cushman S, Woolbright S, Hersch-Green E, Evans L, Allan G, Whitham T. 2017. Conserving threatened riparian ecosystems in the American West: Precipitation gradients and river networks drive genetic connectivity and diversity in a foundation riparian tree (Populus angustifolia). Molecular Ecology 26(19): 5114-5132. Read More
- Grady K, Wood T, Kolb T, Hersch-Green E, Shuster S, Gehring C, Hart S, Allan G, Whitham T. 2017. Local biotic adaptation of trees and shrubs to plant neighbors. Oikos 126(4): 583-593.
- Fischer D, Wimp G, Hersch-Green E, Bangert R, LeRoy C, Schweitzer J, Bailey J, Dirks C, Hart S, and Whitham T. 2017. Tree genetics strongly affect forest productivity, but intraspecific diversity-productivity relationships do not. Functional Ecology 31(2): 520-529.
- Hersch-Green E, Allan G, and Whitham T. 2014. Genetic analysis of admixture and patterns of introgression in foundation cottonwood tree (Salicaceae) in southwestern Colorado, USA. Tree Genetics and Genomes 10(3): 527-539. Read More
- Bangert, R., Ferrier, S. M., Evans, L., Kennedy, K., Grady, K. C., Hersch-Green, E. I., Allan, G. J., and T. G. Whitham. In Press. The proportion of three foundation plant species and their genotypes influence an arthropod community: restoration implications for the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher. Restoration Ecology
- Hersch-Green, E. I., H. Myburg, and M. T. Johnson. 2012. Adaptive molecular evolution of a defence gene in sexual but not functionally asexual evening primroses. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 1576-1586.
- S.M. Ferrier, R.K. Bangert, E. I. Hersch-Green, J. K. Bailey, G.J. Allan, and T.G. Whitham. 2012. Unique arthropod communities on different host-plant genotypes results in greater arthropod diversity. Arthropod Plant Interactions 6: 187-195.
- Hersch-Green, E. I, N. Turley, and M. T. J. Johnson. 2011. Community genetics: what have we accomplished and where should we be headed? Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 366: 1453-1460.
- Hersch-Green, E.I., and R.C. Cronn. 2009. Tangled trios, or something entirely different? Characterizing a hybrid zone in Castilleja (Orobanchaceae). American Journal of Botany 96(8): 1519-1531.
- Hersch, E.I, and B. A. Roy. 2007. Context-dependant pollinator behavior: an explanation for patterns of hybridization among three species of Indian paintbrush. Evolution 61(1): 111- 124. Cover Photo.
- Hersch, E.I. 2006. Foliar damage to parental plants interacts to influence mating success of Ipomoea purpurea. Ecology 87(8): 2026-2036.
Jeffery Pereira Hollingsworth
- Conference presentation at the Alaska Surveying and Mapping Conference (ASMC) 2013, Anchorage, Alaska "Integration of Terrestrial Based LiDAR into a Geographic Information System."
- Conference presentation at the Alaska Surveying and Mapping Conference (ASMC) 2013, Anchorage, Alaska "ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEYS -Addressing the Purpose."
- Conference Presentation at Alaska Surveying and Mapping Conference (ASMC) 2015, Anchorage, "Alaska Geomatics Education – Sustain or Transform?"
Casey J Huckins
- Brian M. Danhoff, Casey J Huckins. 2022. Associations between large wood and streambed complexity in headwater streams in the western Upper Peninsula, Michigan, Geomorphology, Volume 406. Read more
- Bouma-Gregson, K.; Power, M.E.; Furey, P.C.; Huckins, C.J.; Vadeboncoeur, Y. 2021. Taxon-specific photosynthetic responses of attached algal assemblages to experimental translocation between river habitats. Freshw. Sci. 40, 175–190. Read more
- Brooks, C., Marcarelli, A., Huckins, C., & Grimm, A. 2021. Water chemistry and aquatic vegetation data from Les Cheneaux Islands, Northern Lake Huron, Michigan, USA, 2016-2018.
- Van Goethem*, RR; Huckins, CJ; Marcarelli, AM. 2020. "Effects of Invasive Watermilfoil on Primary Production in Littoral Zones of North-Temperate Lakes." Diversity 12, no. 2: 82.
- Danhoff*, BM., and Huckins CJ. 2020. Modelling submerged fluvial substrates with structure-from-motion photogrammetry. River Research and Applications 36:128-137.
- Ortiz* JE, Marcarelli AM, Juneau KJ, Huckins CJ. 2019. Invasive Myriophyllum spicatum and nutrients interact to influence algal assemblages. Aquatic Botany 156:1-9. Read more (Great Lakes Research Center Contribution no. 52).
- Marcarelli AM, Coble AA, Meingast KM, Kane ES, Brooks CN, Buffam I, Green SA, Huckins CJ, Toczydlowski D, Stottlemyer R. Early View (2019). Of small streams and Great Lakes: Integrating tributaries to understand the ecology and biogeochemistry of Lake Superior. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. Read more.
- Goble*, CW., Auer, NA., Huckins, CJ, Danhoff*, BM., Holtgren, JM. and Ogren, SA. 2018. Fish Distributions and Habitat Associations in Manistee River, Michigan, Tributaries: Implications for Arctic Grayling Restoration. North Am J Fish Manage, 38: 469-486. doi:10.1002/nafm.10049.
- Danhoff*, BM., CJ Huckins, NA. Auer, CW. Goble, SA. Ogren, and JM. Holtgren. 2017. Abiotic Habitat Assessment for Arctic Grayling in a Portion of the Big Manistee River, Michigan. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:645-662.
- Coble AA*, Marcarelli AM, Kane ES, Huckins CJ. 2016. Uptake of ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorus in forested streams: influence of dissolved organic matter composition. Biogeochemistry 131:355-372.
- Feringa, M., C. Huckins, W. Mattes, E. Baker, T. Zorn, J. Littlefield, K. Scribner. 2016. "Genetic and phenotypic evidence for splake presence in brook trout and lake trout spawning habitats." Journal of Great Lakes Research 42(3): 738-742. Read more
- Marcarelli AM, Huckins CJ & Eggert SL. 2015. Sand aggradation alters biofilm standing crop and metabolism in a low-gradient Lake Superior tributary. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41: 1052-1059. doi:10.1016/j.jglr.2015.09.004.
- Ogren, S. A. and C. J. Huckins 2015 Culvert replacements: improvement of stream biotic integrity? Restoration Ecology 23(6): 821-828.
- Ogren, S.A., and C.J Huckins. 2015. Awareness of bias in fish indices of biotic integrity improves interpretation of bioassessment. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. (in Press)
- Ogren*, S. and C.J Huckins. 2014. Evaluation of suitability and comparability of stream assessment indices using macroinvertebrate data sets from the Northern Lakes and Forests Ecoregion. Ecological Indicators. Volume 40, May 2014, Pages 117–126
- Mirchi*, A., D.W. Watkins, Jr., C. J Huckins, K. Madani and P. Hjorth. 2014. Water resources management in a homogenizing world: Averting the growth and underinvestment trajectory. Water Resources Research (in press) Read more
- Scribner, K., Huckins, C. J., Baker, E., Kanefsky, J. 2012. Genetic relationships and gene flow between resident and migratory brook trout in the Salmon Trout River. Journal of Great Lakes Research.
- Barkdoll, B.D. and C.J Huckins, 2012. The role of bridge scour in relation to stream restoration, Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, (pp. 2546-2555).
- Harless, M. L., Huckins, C. J., Grant, J. B., Pypker, T. G. (2011). "Effects of six chemical deicers on larval wood frogs", Environmental Toxicity and Chemistry, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(7):1637–1641.
- Van Grinsven, M., Mayer, A. and Huckins, C. (2011), Estimation of Streambed Groundwater Fluxes Associated with Coaster Brook Trout Spawning Habitat. Ground Water. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00856.x
- Huckins, C. J, .E. A. Baker, K. D. Fausch and J. B. K. Leonard. 2008. Ecology and Life History of Coaster Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis and Potential Bottlenecks in Their Rehabilitation. North American Journal of Fish Management. 28:1321–1342.
- Huckins, C. J., and E. A. Baker. 2008. Migrations and Biological Characteristics of Adfluvial Coaster Brook Trout in a South Shore Lake Superior Tributary. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 137:1229-1243.
- Webster, C. W., C. J F. Huckins, J. M. Shields. 2008. Spatial Distribution of Riparian Zone Coarse Woody Debris in a Managed Northern Temperate Watershed. American Midland Naturalist. in press.
- VanDusen, P. J., C. J Huckins, D. J. Flaspohler. 2005. Associations among selection logging history, brook trout, macroinvertebrates and habitat in Northern Michigan headwater streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 134:762-774.
- Osenberg, C. W., C. J F. Huckins, A. Kaltenberg, and A. Martinez. 2004. Resolving within and between population variation in feeding ecology with a biomechanical model of crushing force. Oecologia. 141:57-65
- Flaspohler, D. J., C. J F. Huckins, B. R. Bub, and P. J. VanDusen. 2002. Temporal patterns in aquatic and avian communities following selective logging. Forest Science 48:339-350.
- Klinger, R.C., R.F. Floyd, V.S. Blazer, and C.J Huckins. 2001. Nutritional disease of a Lake Victorian cichlid, haplochromis (Prognathrochromis perrieri); a clinical assessment. Journal of Aquariculture and Aquatic Sciences 9:228-236.
- Huckins, C. J F., C. W. Osenberg, and G. G. Mittelbach. 2000. Species introductions and ecological consequences: an example with congeneric sunfish. Ecological Applications 10:612:625.
- Huckins, C.JF. 1997. Linkages between morphology, feeding performance, diet, and competitive ability of molluscivorous sunfish. Ecology 78:2401-2414.
Kelly Kamm
- Parveen S, Nasreen S, Allen JV, Kamm KB, Khan S, Akter S, Lopa TM, Zaman K, El Arifeen S, Luby SP, Ram PK. Barriers to and motivators of handwashing behavior among mothers of neonates in rural Bangladesh. BMC Public Health 2018; 18(1): 483.
- Ram PK, Nasreen S, Kamm K, Allen J, Kumar S, Rahman MA, Zaman K, El Arifeen S, Luby SP. Impact of an intensive perinatal handwashing promotion intervention on maternal handwashing behavior in the neonatal period: findings from a randomized controlled trial in rural Bangladesh. BioMed Res Intl 2017;2017:6081470.
Kamm KB, Vujcic J, Nasreen S, Luby SP, Zaman K, El Arifeen S, Ram PK. Is pregnancy a teachable moment to promote handwashing with soap among primiparous women in rural Bangladesh? Follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Trop Med Int Health 2016 Dec; 21(12):1562-1571.
- Parveen S, Nasreen S, Allen JV, Kamm KB, Khan S, Akter S, Lopa TM, Zaman K, El Arifeen S, Luby SP, Ram PK. Barriers to and motivators of handwashing behavior among mothers of neonates in rural Bangladesh. BMC Public Health 2018; 18(1): 483.
- Ram PK, Nasreen S, Kamm K, Allen J, Kumar S, Rahman MA, Zaman K, El Arifeen S, Luby SP. Impact of an intensive perinatal handwashing promotion intervention on maternal handwashing behavior in the neonatal period: findings from a randomized controlled trial in rural Bangladesh. BioMed Res Intl 2017;2017:6081470.
- Kamm KB, Crabtree-Ide C, Thomas A, Ram PK. Evaluation of the SOPO School Handwashing Promotion Programme: Nyanza and Rift Valley Provinces, Kenya. Nairobi, Eastern and Southern Africa Sanitation and Hygiene Learning Series. Nairobi, Kenya: UNICEF-Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office; Feb 2015.
- Kamm KB, Feikin DR, Bigogo GM, Aol G, Audi A, Cohen AL, Shah M, Yu J, Breiman RF, Ram PK. Associations with handwashing in the home and respiratory and diarrheal illness in children under five years old in rural western Kenya. Trop Med Int Health 2014 Apr; 19(4):398-406.
Evan S. Kane
(* asterisk denotes student mentee)
Wyatt KH, Cielik J, Dieleman CM, Kane ES, Rober AR, Sullivan B, Turetsky MR. 2024. Legacy Effects of Plant Community Structure Are Manifested in Microbial Biofilm Development With Consequences for Ecosystem CO2 Emissions. Global Change Biology,
Thayamkottu S, Smallman TL, Parn J, Mander U, Euskirchen ES, Kane ES. 2024. Greening of a boreal rich fen driven by CO2 fertilisation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,
*Russell MD, Heckman K, Pan L, Ye X, Zalesny R, Kane ES. 2024. Mine waste rock as a soil amendment for enhanced weathering, ecosystem services, and bioenergy production. Frontiers in Earth Science, doi: 10.3389/feart.2024.1414437.
Kuhn MA, Varner RK, McCalley CK, Perryman CR, Aurela M, Burke SA, Chanton JP, Crill PM, DelGreco J, Deng J, Heffernan L, Herrick C, Hodgkins SB, Jones CP, Juutinen S, Kane ES, Lamit LJ, Larmola T, Lilleskov E,….Waldrop MP. 2024. Controls on Stable Methane Isotope Values in Northern Peatlands and Potential Shifts in Values Under Permafrost Thaw Scenarios. Journal of Geophysical Research- Biogeosciences,
Su P, Dai Q, Kane ES. 2024. Predicting chloride ingression in concrete containing different SCMs based on chloride binding and electrical resistivity. Construction and Building Materials,
*Boyle G, Kane ES, Nave L, Heckman K, Jurgensen M. 2024. Refinement of the Carbon to Loss on Ignition Relationship in Forest Soils. Canadian Journal of Soil Science,
Euskirchen ES, Edgar CW, Kane ES, Waldrop MP, Neumann RB, Manies KL, Douglas TA, Dieleman C, Jones MC, Turetsky MR. 2024. Persistent net release of carbon dioxide and methane from an Alaskan lowland boreal peatland complex. Global Change Biology,
Ishi M. Keenum
- Keenum, I.*, Player, R., Kralj, J., Servetas, S., Sussman, M., Russell, J., Stone, J., Chandrapati, S., Sozhamannan, S., AOAC SPADA-NGS Working Group (2023), “Amplicon Sequencing Minimum Information (AsqMI): Quality and Reporting Guidelines for Actionable Calls in Biodefense Applications” AOAC International,
- Davis, B.C., Brown, C., Gupta, S., Calarco, J., Liguori,K., Milligan, E., Harwood, V.J., Pruden, A, Keenum,I.* Towards Standardization of Metagenomics for Monitoring Antibiotic Resistance in Wastewater and Impacted Aquatic Environments. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology,
- Keenum, I., Wind, L., Ray, P., Guron, G., Chen, C., Knowlton, K., Ponder, M., Pruden, A. (2022) Metagenomic Tracking of Antibiotic Resistance Genes through a Pre‐harvest Vegetable Production System: An Integrated Lab‐, Microcosm‐, and Greenhouse‐Scale Study. Environmental Microbiology.
- Keenum,I., Liguori,K., Calarco, J., Davis, B.C., Milligan, E., Harwood, V.J., Pruden, A (2021) A framework for standardized qPCR-targets and protocols for quantifying antibiotic resistance in surface water, recycled water and wastewater. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology,
- Keenum, I., Williams, R.K., Ray, P., Garner, E., Knowlton, K., Pruden, A. (2021) Combined effects of composting and antibiotic administration on cattle manure–borne antibiotic resistance genes. Microbiome, 9(81).
- Keenum, I., Crespo-Medina, M., Garner, E., Pieper, K., Pruden, A., Ramirez-Toro, G., Rhoads, W. (2021) Assessing Water Quality in Rural Drinking Water Systems in Puerto Rico Six Months after Hurricane Maria. Environmental Science and Technology,55(6), 3775–3785.
Charles Kerfoot
- Kerfoot, W.C.; Hobmeier, M.M.; Green, S.A.; Yousef, F.; Brooks, C.N.; Shuchman, R.; Sayers, M.; Lin, L.; Luong, P.; Hayter, E.; Reif, M. Coastal Ecosystem Investigations with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and Bottom Reflectance: Lake Superior Reef Threatened by Migrating Tailings. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 1076.
- Kerfoot, W.C., N.R. Urban, C.P. McDonald, H. Zhang, R. Rossmann, J. Perlinger, T. Khan, A. Hendricks, M. Priyadarshini, M. Bolstad, 2018, Mining Legacy Across a Wetland Landscape: High Mercury in Upper Peninsula (Michigan) Rivers, Lakes, And Fish. Environ. Sci. Processes Impacts. 20: 708-733. ESPI Best Paper Nominees collection
- Staples, D.F., Maki, R.P., Hirsch, J.K., Kerfoot, W.C., LeDuc, J.F., Burri, T., Moraska Lafrancois, B. Glase, J. 2017. Decrease in young-of-the-year yellow perch growth rates following Bythotrephes longimanus invasion. Biol. Invasions. 19: 2197-2205
- Kerfoot, W.C., M.M. Hobmeier, F. Yousef. B. Moraska LaFrancois, R.P. Maki, J.K. Hirsch. 2016. A Plague of Waterfleas (Bythotrephes): Impacts on Microcrustacean Community Structure, Seasonal Biomass, and Secondary Production in a Large Inland-lake Complex. Biol. Invasions. 18 (4): 1121-1145
- Kerfoot, W.C., N.R. Urban C.P. McDonald, R. Rossmann, H. Zhang 2016. Legacy mercury releases during copper mining near Lake Superior. J. Great Lakes Res. 42(1): 50-61
- Kerfoot, W.C. and Savage, S.C. 2016. Multiple inducers in aquatic foodwebs: Counter-measures and vulnerability to exotics. Limnol. Oceanogr., 61: 382–406. 12 Nov 2015
- Rowe, MD., D.R. Obenour, T.F. Nalepa, H.A. Vanderploeg, F. Yousef, W.C. Kerfoot. 2015. Mapping the spatial distribution of invasive dreissenid mussels on the winter-spring phytoplankton bloom in Lake Michigan. Freshwater Biology 60: 2197-2454, 6 Aug 2015
- Kerfoot, W.C., M.M. Hobmeier, F. Yousef, S.A. Green, R. Regis, C.N. Brooks, R. Shuchman, J. Anderson, and M. Reif. 2014. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Multispectral Scanner Studies (MSS) Examine Coastal Environments Influenced by Mining. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf 3: 66-95
- Yousef, F., W.C. Kerfoot, R. Shuchman, and G. Fahnenstiel. 2014. Bio-optical properties and primary production of Lake Michigan: insights from 13-years of SeaWiFS imagery. J. Great Lakes Res. 40: 317-324
- Yousef, F., W.C. Kerfoot, C.N. Brooks, R. Shuchman, B. Sabol, and M. Graves. 2013. Using LiDAR to reconstruct the history of a coastal environment influenced by legacy mining. J. Great Lakes Res. 39 Sup. 1: 205-216
- Kerfoot, W.C., F. Yousef, S.A. Green, R. Regis, R. Shuchman, C.N. Brooks, M. Sayers, B. Sabol, M. Graves. 2012. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Multispectral Studies of Disturbed Lake Superior Coastal Environments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 57(3): 749-771
- Kerfoot, W.C., F. Yousef, M. Hobmeier, R.P. Maki, S.T. Jarnagin, J.H. Churchill. 2011. Temperature, Recreational Fishing and Diapause Egg Connections: Dispersal of Spiny Water Fleas (Bythotrephes longimanus) Biol. Invasions. 13: 2513-2531
- Cooke, C.A., P.H. Balcom, W.C. Kerfoot, M.B. Abbott, A.P. Wolfe. 2011. Pre-Columbian Mercury Pollution with the Smelting of Argentiferous Ores in the Bolivian Andes. AMBIO 40: 18-25
- Kerfoot, W.C., F. Yousef, S.A. Green, J.W. Budd, D.J. Schwab, and H.A. Vanderploeg. 2010. Approaching storm: Disappearing winter bloom in Lake Michigan. J. Great Lakes Res. 36: Supplement 3: 30-41
- Kerfoot, W.C. and A.S. McNaught. 2010. ‘Two-step’ dialogue between the cladoceran Bosmina and invertebrate predators: Induction and natural selection. Limnol. Oceanogr. 55(1) 403-419
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Jae Sung Kim
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Don Lafreniere
- Stone, T., Trepal, D., Lafreniere, D., and Sadler, R. 2023. Built and Social Indicies for Hazards in Children's Environments. Health and Place, Vol. 83.
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- Walling, D., Sadler, R., and Lafreniere, D. 2021. Lessons from U.S. Rust Belt Cities for Equitable Low-Growth Futures. Urban Research & Practice, Vol. 14, no. 4: 471-482.
- Trepal, D. Lafreniere, D., and Stone, T. 2021. Mapping Historical Archaeology and Industrial Heritage: The Historical Spatial Data Infrastructure. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, Vol. 3, no. 1: 202-213.
- Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2020. "Revisiting the Walking City: A Geospatial Examination of the Journey to Work" in Charles Travis, Francis Ludlow, and Ferenc Gyuris eds., Historical Geography, GIScience and Textual Analysis. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 85-112.
- Trepal, D., Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2020. Historical Spatial-Data Infrastructures for Archaeology: Towards a Spatiotemporal Big-Data Approach to Studying the Postindustrial City. Historical Archaeology, Vol. 54, no. 2: 424-452.
- Lafreniere. D., Weidner, L., Trepal, D., Scarlett, S., Arnold, J., Pastel, R., and Williams, R. 2019. Public Participatory Historical GIS. Historical Methods: Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 52, no. 3: 132-149.
- Trepal, D., and Lafreniere, D. 2019. Understanding Cumulative Hazards in a Rustbelt City: Integrating GIS, Archaeology, and Spatial History. Urban Science, Vol. 3, no. 3: article 83.
- Scarlett, S., Lafreniere, D., Trepal, D., Arnold, J., and Xie, Y. 2019. Out of the Classroom and Into History: Mobile Historical GIS and Community-Engaged Teaching. The History Teacher, Vol. 53, no. 1: 11-35.
- Trepal, D., Scarlett, S., and Lafreniere, D. 2019. Heritage Making through Community Archaeology and the Spatial Humanities. Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage, Vol. 6, no. 4: 238-256.
- Southall, H., and Lafreniere, D. 2019. Working with the Public in Historical Data Creation. Historical Methods: Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 52, no. 3: 129-131.
- Scarlett, S., Lafreniere, D., Trepal, D., Arnold, J., and Pastel, R. 2018. Engaging Community and Spatial Humanities for Postindustrial Heritage: The Keweenaw Time Traveler. American Quarterly, Vol. 70, no. 3: 619-623.
- Gregory, I., Debats, D., and Lafreniere, D., eds. 2018. The Routledge Companion to Spatial History. London: Routledge, ISBN: 978-1138860148
- Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2018. Following Workers of the Industrial City across a Decade: Residential, Occupational, and Workplace Mobilities from 1881-1891 in Ian Gregory, Don Debats, and Don Lafreniere, eds., The Routledge Companion to Spatial History. London: Routledge, 299-319.
- Arnold, J., and Lafreniere, D. 2018 Creating a Longitudinal, Data-Driven 3D Model of Change Over Time in a Postindustrial Landscape Using GIS and CityEngine. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 7, no. 4
- Lutz, J., Lafreniere, D., Harvey, M., Dunae, P., Gilliland, J. 2018 "'A City of White Race Occupies its Place' Kanaka Row, Chinatown, and the Indian Quarter in Victorian Victoria" in Ian Gregory, Don Debats, and Don Lafreniere, eds., The Routledge Companion to Spatial History. London: Routledge, 320-348.
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- Arnold, J., and Lafreniere, D. 2018. The Persistence of Time: Vernacular Preservation of the Postindustrial Landscape. Change Over Time: An International Journal of Conservation and the Built Environment, Vol. 7, no. 2: 114-133.
- Sadler. R, and Lafreniere D. 2017. You are where you live: Methodological Challenges to Measuring Children’s Exposure to Hazards. Journal of Children and Poverty, Vol. 23, no. 2: 189-198.
- Sadler. R, and Lafreniere, D. 2017. Racist Housing Practices as a Precursor to Uneven Neighborhood Change in a Post-Industrial City. Housing Studies, Vol. 32, no. 2: 186-208
- Baeten. J, Langston, N, and Lafreniere, D. 2016. A Geospatial Approach to Uncovering the Hidden Waste Footprint of Lake Superior's Mesabi Iron Range. The Extractive Industries and Society, Vol. 3, no. 4: 1031-1045
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- Dunae, P., Lafreniere, D., Gilliland, J., and Lutz, J. 2013. Dwelling Places, Social Spaces: Revealing the Environments of Urban Workers in Victoria using Historical GIS. Labour/Le Travail, Vol. 72: 37-73.
- Ridge, M., Lafreniere, D., and Nesbit, S. 2013. Creating Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives through Design. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, Vol. 7: 176-189.
- Lutz, J., Dunae, P., Gilliland, J., Lafreniere, D., and Harvey, M. 2013. “Turning Space Inside Out: Spatial History and Race in Victorian Victoria.” In Jennifer Bonnell and Marcel Fortin, eds., Historical GIS Research in Canada. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1-26.
- Dunae, P., Lutz, J., Lafreniere, D., and Gilliland, J. 2011. Making the Inscrutable, Scrutable: Race and Space in Victoria’s Chinatown, 1891. B.C. Studies, no. 169: 51-80.
- Lafreniere, D., and Rivet, D. 2010. Rescaling the Past through Mosaic Historical Cartography. Journal of Maps, Vol. 6, no. 1: 417-422.
Fengjing Liu
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Amy M Marcarelli
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Claudio Mazzoleni
Lynn R. Mazzoleni
- Clegg, S.L., L.R. Mazzoleni, V. Samburova, N.F. Taylor, D.R. Collins, S.K. Schum, A.G. Hallar, Modelling the hygroscopic growth factors of aerosol material containing a large water-soluble organic fraction, collected at the Storm Peak Laboratory, Atmospheric Environment, 2019, In Press.
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- Brege, M.A., M. Paglione, S. Gilardoni, S. Decesari, M.C. Facchini, and L.R. Mazzoleni, Molecular Insights on Aging and Aqueous Phase Processing from Ambient Biomass Burning Emissions-Influenced Po Valley Fog and Aerosol, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 13197-13214,, 2018.
- Sengupta, D., V. Samburova, C. Bhattarai, E. Kirillova, L. Mazzoleni, M. Iaukea-Lum, A. Watts, H. Moosmüller, A. Khlystov, Light Absorption by Polar and Non-Polar Aerosol Compounds from Laboratory Biomass Combustion, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 10849-10867,, 2018.
- Khaksari, M., L.R. Mazzoleni, C. Ruan, P. Song, N.D. Hershey, R.T. Kennedy, M.A. Burns, and A.R. Minerick. Detection and Quantification of Vitamins in Microliter Volumes of Biological Samples by LC-MS for Clinical Screening, AIChE Journal, 64(10),, 2018.
- Varanasi, L., E. Coscarelli, M. Khaksari, L. Mazzoleni, and D. Minakata, Transformations of Dissolved Organic Matter Induced by UV Photolysis, Hydroxyl Radicals, Chlorine Radicals, and Sulfate Radicals in Aqueous-Phase UV-Based Advanced Oxidation Processes, Water Research, 135: 22-30,, 2018.
- Schultz, M.G., S. Schröder, O. Lyapina, O. Cooper, I. Galbally, I. Petropavlovskikh, E. von Schneidemesser, H. Tanimoto, Y. Elshorbany, M. Naja, R.J. Seguel, U. Dauert, P. Eckhardt, S. Feigenspan, M. Fiebig, A.-G. Hjellbrekke Y.-D. Hong, P.C. Kjeld, H. Koide, G. Lear, D. Tarasick, M. Ueno, M. Wallasch, D. Baumgardner, M.-T. Chuang, R. Gillett, M. Lee, S. Molloy, R. Moolla, T. Wang, K. Sharps, J.A. Adame, G. Ancellet, F. Apadula, P. Artaxo, M.E. Barlasina, M. Bogucka, P. Bonasoni, L. Chang, A. Colomb, E. Cuevas, M. Cupeiro, A. Degorska, A. Ding, M. Fröhlich, M. Frolova, H. Gadhavi, F. Gheusi, S. Gilge, M.Y. Gonzalez, V. Gros, S.H. Hamad, D. Helmig, D. Henriques, O. Hermansen, R. Holla, J. Hueber, U. Im, D.A. Jaffe, N. Komala, D. Kubistin, K.-S. Lam, T. Laurila, H. Lee, I. Levy, C. Mazzoleni, L.R. Mazzoleni, A. McClure-Begley, M. Mohamad, M. Murovec, M. Navarro-Comas, F. Nicodim, D. Parrish, K.A. Read, N. Reid, L. Ries, P. Saxena, J.J. Schwab, Y. Scorgie, I. Senik, P. Simmonds, V. Sinha, A.I. Skorokhod, G. Spain, W. Spangl, R. Spoor, S.R. Springston, K. Steer, M. Steinbacher, E. Suharguniyawan, P. Torre, T. Trickl, L. Weili, R. Weller, X. Xu, L. Xue, M. Zhiqiang, Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report: Database and Metrics Data of Global Surface Ozone Observations, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 5:58,, 2017.
- China, S., P.A. Alpert, B. Zhang, S. Schum, K. Dzepina, K. Wright, R.C. Owen, L.R., Mazzoleni, C. Mazzoleni, D.A. Knopf, Ice Cloud Formation Potential by Free Tropospheric Particles from Curriculum Vitae – Lynn R. Mazzoleni Long-Range Transport over the Northern Atlantic Ocean, J. Geophysical Research,, 2017.
- Zhang, B., R.C. Owen, J.A. Perlinger, D. Helmig, M. Val Martin, L. Kramer, L.R. Mazzoleni and C. Mazzoleni, Ten-Year Chemical Signatures Associated with Long Range Transport Observed in the Free Troposphere Over the Central North Atlantic, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 5: 8, DOI:, 2017.
- Taylor, N.F., D.R. Collins, D.H. Lowenthal, B. Zielinska, V. Samburova, N. Kumar, A.G. Hallar, L.R. Mazzoleni, I.B. McCubbin, Hygroscopic Growth of Water Soluble Organic Carbon Isolated from Atmospheric Aerosol Collected at U.S. National Parks and Storm Peak Laboratory, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 2555-2571, doi:10.5194/acp-17-2555-2017, 2017.
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- Khaksari, M., L.R. Mazzoleni, C. Ruan, R.T. Kennedy, A.R. Minerick, Determination of Water-Soluble and Fat-Soluble Vitamins in Tears and Blood Serum of Infants and Parents by Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, Experimental Eye Research, 155, 54–63, 2017.
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Guy Meadows
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Junhong Min
- Schmelzle, U., Pellathy, D. A., Tate, W. L., & Min, J. (2023). The conductor matters: the impact of purchasing orchestration on organizational performance. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing (in press).
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- Min, J., Jung, H., & Yoo, B. (accepted). Place Branding as a Buyer-Seller Relationship Governance Strategy Under the Triangle Relationship. In DECISION SCIENCES INSTITUTE.
- Dalman, M. D., Buche, M. W., & Min, J. (2017). The Differential Influence of Identification on Ethical Judgment: The Role of Brand Love. Journal of Business Ethics. Published.
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- Kim, K., Kim, J., Min, J., & Ryu, S. (2017). How Network Structure Impacts Firm Performance: The Moderating Effect of Network Openness and Interfirm Governance. Asia Marketing Journal, 19(1), 19–34.
- Min, J. (2016, October). Promoting Consumer Repurchase Intention: The Role of Possession Identity. 2016 SMA Conference.
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- Dang, H., Min, J., & Lee, J. k. (2016). The Effects of Uncertainties on Network Embeddedness and the Mediating Effect of Information Sharing. Journal of Marketing Thought, 4(1), 1–14.
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- Min, J., Kwak, K., Lee, J. (2015). "Environmental Uncertainty and Interfirm Controls: The Moderating Effect of Honesty" (vol. 1, 4 #, pp. 22-28) , Journal of Marketing Thought.
- Min, J., Segal, M. N., Dalman, M. D (2014) "The Identity Salience and Emotional Attachment Strategies in Alumni-University Relationships," International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management. 5 (2). 21-37.
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- Min, J., Dalman, D. M., Lim, T. E. (2011) "Issues in Tech-Attributes in New Product Concept Evaluation: De-Biasing Effects of Choice Based Conjoint," Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators, Best Paper.
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- Min, J., Segal, M. N., Dalman, M. D. (2010) "An Application of Conjoint Analysis in the Context of Consumer Evaluation of Co-Branded Products," Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators, Best Paper.
Adrienne Minerick
- Moncada-Hernandez, H, E. Nagler, and A.R. Minerick, “Assessment of the particle-particle influence on the dielectrophoretic response of microparticles,” Electrophoresis, 2014: 35 (12-13), pgs 1803–1813. DOI: 10.1002/elps.201300636Read More
- H.Y. Lee, C. Barber, and A.R. Minerick, “Improving electrokinetic microdevice stability by controlling electrolysis bubbles,” Electrophoresis, 2014: 35 (12-13), pgs 1782–1789. DOI: 10.1002/elps.201400013 Read More
- An, R. D.O. Wipf, and A.R. Minerick, “Human red blood cell deformation and crenation under high frequency spatial AC field,” Biomicrofluidics, 2014, 8(2): 021803 DOI: 10.1063/1.4867557 Read More
- Adams, T.N., K.M. Leonard, and A.R. Minerick, "Frequency Sweep Rate Dependence on the Dielectrophoretic Response of Polystyrene Beads and Red Blood Cells," Biomicrofluidics, 2013, 7(6): 064114. DOI: 10.1063/1.4833095 Read More
- Gencoglu, A and A.R. Minerick, “Electrochemical Detection Techniques in Micro- and Nanofluidic Devices,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, March 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s10404-014-1385-z. Read More
- Heldt, C.L., A.K. Sieloff, J.P. Merillat, A.R. Minerick, J.A. King, W.F. Perger, H. Fukushima, J. Narendra, “Stacked graphene nanoplatelet paper sensor for protein detection,” Sensors and Actuators B, 2013, 181:92-98 DOI 10.1016/j.snb.2013.01.041. Read More
- Leonard, K.M, and A.R. Minerick, "Explorations of ABO-Rh antigen expressions on erythrocyte dielectrophoresis: Changes in Cross Over Frequency,” Special Dielectrophoresis Issue of Electrophoresis, 2011, 32(15): 2512-2522. DOI 10.1002/elps.201100077. Read More
- Srivastava, S. K., A. Artemos and A. R. Minerick, “DC insulator-based dielectrophoretic characterization of erythrocytes: ABO-Rh human blood typing”, Special Dielectrophoresis Issue of Electrophoresis, 2011, 32(15): 2530–2540. Read More
- Srivastava, S. K. A. Gencoglu, and Minerick, A. R.; “DC insulator dielectrophoretic applications in microdevice technology: a review.” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Volume 399, Issue 1, Page 301, 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s00216-010-4222-6 Read More
- Srivastava, S. K., A.R. Minerick, J. Baylon-Cardiel, and B.H. Lapizco-Encinas. “DC-insulator Dielectrophoretic Separation of Fluorescent Polystyrene Particles”, Journal Chromatography A, 1218, p. 1780-1789, 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2011.01.082 Read More
- Gencoglu, A, F. Camacho-Alanis, V. T. Nguyen, A. Nakano, A. Ros, and A. R. Minerick, “Quantification of pH Gradients and Implications in Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis of Biomolecules”, Special Dielectrophoresis Issue of Electrophoresis, 2011, 32(15): 2436–2447. Read More
- Minerick, A.R., "The Rapidly Growing Field of Micro and Nanotechnology to Measure Living Cells," Invited Perspective with Cover Figure, AIChE Journal, Volume 54, Issue 9, Pages 2230-2237, 2008
- Gencoglu, A and A.R. Minerick, "Chemical and Morphological Changes on Platinum Microelectrode Surfaces in AC and DC fields with Biological Buffer Solutions," Lab on a Chip, Volume 9, Issue 13, 2009. DOI: 10.1039/B820126
- Srivastava S.K., P.R. Daggolu, S.C. Burgess, and A.R. Minerick, "Dielectrophoretic Characterization of Erythrocytes: Positive ABO Blood Types," Electrophoresis, Volume 29, Issue 24, Pages 5033-5046, 2008.
Audra Morse, PE, BCEE, F.ASCE
- Cloutier, Aimee; Yew, Guo Zheng; Gupta, Siddhartha; Dissanayake, Kalpani; Monaco, Paula; Mengel, Susan; and Morse, Audra. 2018. "Modification and Assessment of a Residential Summer Program for High School Women," Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER): Vol. 8: Iss. 2, Article 2.
- Christenson, D., Sevanthi, R., Morse, A., Jackson, W. 2018. Assessment of Membrane-Aerated Biological Reactors (MABRs) for integration into space based water recycling system architectures, Gravitational and Space Research, 6(2), 12-27.
- Oates, R.P., Anderson, T.A., Morse, A.N., Montagner, C.C. and Klein, D.M. 2017. Biophysical Viscosity: Thermodynamic Principles of Per Capita Chemical Potentials in Human Populations, ACS Omega, 2(6), pp 2878-2882. 10.1021/acsomega.7b0061
- Lasee, S., Mauricio, J., Thompson, W.A., Karnjanapiboonwong, A., Kasumba, J., Subbiah, S., Morse, A.N., Anderson, T.A. 2017. Microplastics in a Freshwater Environment Receiving Treated Wastewater Effluent, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 13(3), 528-532.
- Sharifan, H., Madsen, H.T., Morse, A. 2017. High Performance in Power Generation by Pressure-Retarded Osmosis (PRO) from Hyper-Salinity Gradient: Case Study of Hypersaline Lake of Urmia, Iran, Desalination and Water Treatment, 71, p. 302-311.
- Sharifan. H., Klein. D., Morse. A. 2016. UV Filters are an Environmental Threat in the Gulf of Mexico: A Case Study of Texas Coastal Zones. Oceanologia, 58(4), 10.1016/j.oceano.2016.07.002.
- Sharifan. H., Klein. D., Morse. A. 2016. UV Filters Interaction in the Chlorinated Swimming Pool, a New Challenge for Urbanization, a Need for Community Scale Investigations. Journal of Environmental Research. (In Press).
Jill A. Olin
(graduate student; *undergraduate student)
- Keppeler FW, Junker JR, Shaw MJ, Alford SB, Engel AE, Hooper-Bui LM, Jensen OP, Lamb K, López-Duarte P, Martin CW, McDonald AM, Olin JA, Paterson AT, Polito MJ, Rabalais NN, Roberts BJ, Rossi RE, Swenson EM. (2023). Can created saltmarshes match biodiversity of pre-existing ones across scales? An assessment from microbes to fishes. Ecosphere 14 (3):e4461.
- Saavedra NE, Rush SA, Olin JA, Paterson G. (2023). Resolving resource partitioning among sympatric forage fish: Insights from a multi-tracer approach. Freshwater Biology 68 (2): 288‒300.
- Bopp J, Olin JA, Sclafani M, Peterson B, Frisk MG, Cerrato RM. (2023). Contrasting trophic niche and resource-use dynamics across multiple American horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) populations and age groups. Estuaries & Coasts 46:227‒245.
- Shipley ON, Manlick P, Newsome SD, Newton AH, Camhi M, Matich P, Frisk MG, Henkes GA, LaBelle J, Olin JA. (2022). Energetic consequences of resource use diversity in a marine carnivore. Oecologia 200:65–78.
- Shipley ON, Olin JA, Whiteman JP, Bethea D, Newsome S. (2022). Bulk and amino acid nitrogen isotopes suggest shifting nitrogen balance of pregnant sharks across gestation. Oecologia 199:313–328.
- Blake RM, Olin JA. (2022). Responses to simultaneous anthropogenic and biological stressors were mixed in an experimental saltmarsh ecosystem. Marine Environmental Research 179:105644.
- Keppeler FW, Olin JA, López -Duarte P, Polito M, Hooper-Bui L, Taylor S, Rabalais N, Fodrie J, Roberts B, Turner, RE, Martin CM, Jensen O. (2021). Body size, trophic position, and the coupling of different energy pathways in saltmarshes. Limnology & Oceanography Letters 6:360–368.
- Moyo, S, Bennadji H, Laguaite D, Perez-Umphrey AA, Snider AM, Bonisoli Alquati, A, Olin JA, Stouffer PC, Taylor SS, López-Duarte P, Roberts B, Hooper-Bui L, Polito MJ. (2021). Stable isotope analyses identify trophic niche partitioning between sympatric terrestrial vertebrates in coastal saltmarshes with differing oiling histories. PeerJ 9:e11392.
- *Roose H, Paterson G, Frisk MJ, Cerrato RM, Nitschke P, Olin JA. (2021). Regional variation in mercury bioaccumulation among NW Atlantic Golden (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) and Blueline (Caulolatilus microps) Tilefish. Environmental Pollution 284:117177.
- Shipley ON, Newton AH, Frisk MG, Henkes GA, Walters H, LaBelle J, Hyatt M, Camhi M, Olin JA. (2021). Stable isotope clocks predict migration timing of juvenile sharks into seasonal nursery grounds. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 12:897–908.
- Shipley ON, Kelly J, Bizzarro JJ, Olin JA, Cerrato RM, Power M, Frisk MG (2021). Evolution of Eltonian niches across diverse Rajidae populations. Ecosphere 12 (2):e03368.
- Olin JA, Shipley ON, Cerrato RM, Nitschke P, Magen C, Frisk MG (2020). Separation of realized ecological niche axes among sympatric tilefishes provides insight into potential drivers of co-occurrence in the NW Atlantic. Ecology & Evolution 10:10886–10898.
- Olin JA, Cerrato RM, Nye JA, Sagarese SR, Sclafani M, Zacharias J, Frisk MG (2020). Evidence for ecosystem changes within a temperate lagoon following a hurricane-induced barrier island breach. Estuaries & Coasts 43:1625–1639.
Rebecca G. Ong
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Williams DL, Ong RG, Mullet JE, Hodge DB. Integration of pretreatment with simultaneous counter-current extraction of energy sorghum for high-titer mixed sugar production. Front. Energ. Res. In Press.
- Zhang Y, Oates LG, … and Ong RG. Diverse lignocellulosic feedstocks can achieve high field-scale ethanol yields while providing flexibility for the biorefinery and landscape-level environmental benefits. Glob. Change Biol. Bioenergy (2018). doi:10.1111/gcbb.12533.
- Ong RG, Shinde S, da Costa Sousa L, et al. Pre-senescence harvest of switchgrass inhibits xylose utilization by engineered yeast. Front. Energ. Res. 2018. 6(52).
- Kumar R, Bhagia S, Smith MD, Petridis L, Ong RG, et al. Cellulose-hemicellulose interactions at elevated temperatures increase cellulose recalcitrance to biological conversion. Green Chem. 2018. 20(4):921-934.
- Williams DL, Crowe JD, Ong RG, et al. Water sorption in pretreated grasses as a predictor of enzymatic hydrolysis yields. Bioresource Technol. 2017; 245:242-249.
- Crowe JD, Feringa N, Pattathil S, Merritt B, Foster C, Dines D, Ong RG, Hodge DB. Identification of developmental stage and anatomical fraction contributions to cell wall recalcitrance in switchgrass. Biotechnol. Biofuels 2017; 10:184
- Valli L, Rossi L, Fabbri C, Sibilla F, Gattoni P, Dale BE, Ong RG, Bozzetto S, et al. Greenhouse gas emissions of electricity and biomethane produced using the Biogasdoneright™ system: four case studies from Italy. BioFPR 2017; 10.1002/bbb.1789.
- Ong RG, et al. Inhibition of microbial biofuel production in drought-stressed switchgrass hydrolysate. Biotechnol. Biofuels 2016; 9:237.
- Park S-H, Ong RG, & Sticklen M. Strategies for the production of cell wall-deconstructing enzymes in lignocellulosic biomass and their utilization for biofuel production. Plant Biotechnol. J. 2016; 14:1329 1344.
- Serate J, Xie D, …Ong RG, and Zhang YP. Controlling microbial contamination during hydrolysis of AFEX-pretreated corn stover and switchgrass: effects on hydrolysate composition, microbial response and fermentation. Biotechnol. Biofuels 2015; 8(1):1-17.
- Karlen DL, Beeler LW, Ong RG, Dale BE. Balancing energy, conservation, and soil health requirements for plant biomass. J. Soil Water Conserv. 2015; (70); 5:279-287.
- Park, S-H, Mei C, Ong RG, Sticklen M. Lignin Down-regulation of Zea mays via dsRNAi and Klason Lignin Analysis. J. Vis. Exp. 2014; (89):e51340, doi:10.3791/51340.
- Dale BE, Ong RG. Design, implementation, and evaluation of sustainable bioenergy production systems. BioFPR. 2014; 8:487-503
- Dale BE, Anderson JE, …Ong RG, et al. Take a closer look: Biofuels can support environmental, economic and social goals. Environ. Sci. & Technol. 2014; 48:7200-7203.
- Shao Q, Cheng C, Ong RG, Zhu L, Zhao C. Hydrogen peroxide presoaking of bamboo prior to AFEX pretreatment and impact on enzymatic conversion to fermentable sugars. Bioresour. Technol. 2013; 142:26-31.
- Dale BE, Ong RG. Energy, wealth, and human development: Why and how biomass pretreatment research must improve. Biotechnol. Progr. 2012; 28:893-898.
- Park S-H, Mei C, Pauly M, Ong RG, Dale BE, Sabzikar R, Fotoh H, et al. Down-regulation of maize cinnamoyl-CoA reductase via RNAi technology causes brown midrib and improves AFEX-pretreated conversion into fermentable sugars for biofuels. Crop Sci. 2012; 52:2687-2701
- Kim S, Dale BE, Ong RG. An alternative approach to indirect land use change: Allocating greenhouse gas effects among different uses of land. Biomass Bioenerg. 2012; 46:447-452.
- Garlock RJ, Bals B, Jasrotia P, Balan V, Dale BE. Influence of variable species composition on the saccharification of AFEX™ pretreated biomass from unmanaged fields in comparison to corn stover. Biomass Bioenerg. 2012; 37:49-59.
- Garlock RJ, Balan V, Dale BE. Optimization of AFEX™ pretreatment conditions and enzyme mixtures to maximize sugar release from upland and lowland switchgrass. Bioresour. Technol. 2012; 104:757-768.
- Garlock RJ, Wong YS, Balan V, Dale BE. AFEX pretreatment and enzymatic conversion of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) to soluble sugars. Bioenergy Res. 2012; 5:306-318.
- Garlock RJ, Balan V, Dale BE, Ramesh Pallapolu V, Lee YY, Kim Y, Mosier NS, et al. Comparative material balances around pretreatment technologies for the conversion of switchgrass to soluble sugars. Bioresour. Technol. 2011; 102:11063-11071.
- Falls M, Shi J, Ebrik MA, Redmond T, Yang B, Wyman CE, Garlock R, et al. Investigation of enzyme formulation on pretreated switchgrass. Bioresour. Technol. 2011; 102:11072-11079.
- Shi J, Ebrik MA, Yang B, Garlock RJ, Balan V, Dale BE, Ramesh Pallapolu V, et al. Application of cellulase and hemicellulose to pure xylan, pure cellulose, and switchgrass solids from leading pretreatments. Bioresour. Technol. 2011; 102:11080-11088.
- Kim Y, Mosier NS, Ladisch MR, Ramesh Pallapolu V, Lee YY, Garlock R, Balan V, et al. Comparative study on enzymatic digestibility of switchgrass varieties and harvests processed by leading pretreatment technologies. Bioresour. Technol. 2011; 102:11089-11096.
- Donohoe BS, Vinzant TB, Elander RT, Pallapolu VR, Lee YY, Garlock RJ, Balan V, et al. Surface and ultrastructural characterization of raw and pretreated switchgrass. Bioresour. Technol. 2011; 102:11097-11104.
- Tao L, Aden A, Elander RT, Pallapolu VR, Lee YY, Garlock RJ, Balan V, et al. Process and technoeconomic analysis of leading pretreatment technologies for lignocellulosic ethanol production using switchgrass. Bioresour. Technol. 2011; 102:11105-11114.
- Pallapolu VR, Lee YY, Garlock RJ, Balan V, Dale BE, Kim Y, Mosier NS, et al. Effects of enzyme loading and βglucosidase supplementation on enzymatic hydrolysis of switchgrass processed by leading pretreatment technologies. Bioresour. Technol. 2011; 102:11115-11120
- Garlock RJ, Chundawat SPS, Balan V, Dale BE. Optimizing harvest of corn stover fractions based on overall sugar yields following ammonia fiber expansion pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis. Biotechnol. Biofuels 2009; 2:29.
Book Chapters
- Ong RG, Chundawat SPS, Hodge DB, Keskar S, Dale BE. Linking Plant Biology and Pretreatment – Understanding the Structure and Organization of the Plant Cell Wall and Interactions with Cellulosic Biofuel Production. In: McCann MC, Buckeridge MS, Carpita NC, eds. Plants and BioEnergy: Springer New York; 2014, p. 231-253.
- Chundawat SPS, Bals B, Campbell T, Sousa L, Gao D, Jin M, Eranki P, Garlock R, et al. Primer on Ammonia Fiber Expansion Pretreatment. In: Wyman CE, ed. Aqueous Pretreatment of Plant Biomass for Biological and Chemical Conversion to Fuels and Chemicals. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., 2013, p. 169-200.
- Balan V, Bals B, da Costa Sousa L, Garlock R, and Dale BE, A Short Review on Ammonia-based Lignocellulosic Biomass Pretreatment, in Chemical and Biochemical Catalysis for Next Generation Biofuels. 2011, The Royal Society of Chemistry. p. 89-114.
Lei Pan
- Pan, L., and Yoon, R.-H., “Measurement of Hydrophobic Forces in Thin Liquid Films of Water between Bubbles and Xanthate-treated Gold Surfaces”, Miner. Eng., 2016, 98, 240-250.
- Yoon, R.-H., Soni, G., Huang, K., Park, S., and Pan, L., “Development of a turbulent flotation model from first principles and its validation”, Int. J. Miner. Process., 2016, 156, 43-51.
- Pan, L. and Yoon, R.-H., “Direct measurement of hydrodynamic and surface forces in bubble-particle interactions”, in Proceedings of XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress, Chile, 2014, pp. 242-251.
- Pan, L., Jung, S. and Yoon, R.-H., “A fundamental study on the role of collector in the kinetics of bubble-particle interaction,” Int. J. Miner. Process, 2012, 106-109, 37-41.
- Pan, L., Jung, S. and Yoon, R.-H., “Kinetics of thinning of the wetting films formed on the gold surfaces treated with potassium amyl xanthate,” in Separation Technologies, for minerals, coal, and earth resources, edited by C.A. Young, G.H. Luttrell, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 2012, pp.57-64.
- Pan, L., Jung, S. and Yoon, R.-H., “Effect of hydrophobicity on the stability of the wetting films of water formed on gold surfaces,” J. of Colloid and Interface Sci., 2011, 361, 321-330.
- Pan, L. and Yoon, R.-H., “Hydrophobic forces in wetting films of water formed on xanthate‐coated gold surfaces,” Faraday Discuss., 2010, 146, 325-340.
Gordon G. Parker
- Trinklein, Eddy H., Parker, Gordon G., Robinett, Rush D., Weaver, Wayne W., McCoy, T., "Reduced Order Multi-Domain Modeling of Shipboard Systems for Exergy-Based Control Investigations," ASNE Naval Engineers Journal, Vol. 130, No. 3, Sep 2018, pp. 87-105.
- Bunker, K. J., Cook, Michael D., Weaver, Wayne W., Parker, Gordon G., "Multidimensional Optimal Droop Control for Dc Microgrids in Military Applications," Applied Sciences, Special Issue DC & Hybrid Micro-Grids, Vol. 8, No. 10, Oct 2018, Article 1966, 14 pages. DOI:10.3390/app8101966
- Anderlini, E., Parker, Gordon G., Thomas, G., "Control of a ROV Carrying an Object," Ocean Engineering, Vol. 165, Oct 2018, pp. 307-318. DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.07.022
- Chundru, Venkata R., Mahadevan, Boopathi S., Johnson, John H., Parker, Gordon G., Shahbakhti, Mahdi, "Development of a 2D Model of a SCR Catalyst on a DPF," Emission Control Science and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 2, online first Apr 2019, pp. 133-171. DOI 10.1007/s40825-019-00115-4
- Trinklein, E. and Parker, G., "Optimal Control of a Networked Ship Microgrid," Proceedings of the ASNE Advanced Machinery Technology Symposium, May 25-26, 2016, Philadelphia, PA.
- Jane, R. S., Parker, G. G, Weaver, W. W. and Rizzo, D. M., "Fuel-Optimal Strategies for Vehicle Supported Military Microgrids," Proceedings of the SAE 2016 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, MI, April 2016.
- Trinklein, E., Parker, G., and Blough, J., "Stiffness Characterization of an Inflated Airbag Based Three Axis Motion Platform," Proceedings of the IMAC-XXXIV Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Jan 25-28, 2016, Orlando, FL.
- Kantamneni, Abhilash, Brown, Laura, Parker, Gordon, Weaver, Wayne, "Survey of Multi-Agent Systems for Microgrid Control." Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Oct 2015, Vol. 45, pp. 192-203. Read More
- Hassell, Trever, Weaver, Wayne, W., Robinett, Rush D., Parker, Gordon, G., and Wilson David, G., "Modeling of Inverter Based Ac Microgrids for Control Development", Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Multiconference on Systems and Control, Sep 2015.
- Parker, G. G., Weaver, W. W., Robinett, R. D., and Wilson, D. G. (2015, August). Optimal DC microgrid power apportionment and closed loop storage control to mitigate source and load transients. Proceedings of IEEE Resilience Week (RWS), August 2015 (pp. 1-7). Read More
- Weaver, Wayne, Robinett, Rush, Parker, Gordon, "Distributed Control and Energy Storage Requirements of Networked Dc Microgrids." Control Engineering Practice, July 2015, Vol. 44, pp. 10-19. Read More
- Weaver, Wayne, Robinett, Rush, Parker, Gordon, Wilson, David. "Energy Storage Requirements of Dc Microgrids with High Penetration Renewables Under Droop Control," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, June 2015, Vol. 68, pp. 203-209. Read More
- Surenahalli, Harsha Shankar, Parker, Gordon G. and Johnson, John H., Extended Kalman Filter to Estimate NO, NO2, Hydrocarbon and Temperatures in a DOC During Active Regeneration and Under Steady State Conditions, 2015 SAE World Congress & Exhibition, Paper No. 2015-01-1059, April 2015. Read More
- Tang, Yuchen, Ten, Chee-Wooi, Wang, Chaoli, Parker, Gordon, "Extraction of Energy Information From Analog Meters Using Image Processing", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Jan 2015, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 2032-2040. Read More
- Leban, Frank, Diaz-Gonzalez, James, Parker, Gordon, "Inverse Kinematic Control of a Dual Crane System Experiencing Base Motion." IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Jan 2015, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 331-339, DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2014.2314020. Read More
- Song, Xiaobo, Parker, Gordon G., Johnson, John H., Naber, Jeffrey D., Pihl, Josh, "A SCR Model Calibration Approach with Spatially Resolved Measurements and NH3 Storage Distributions," Journal of Emission Control Science and Technology, Nov 2014, Vol. 1, No.1, pp. 98-107, DOI:10.1007/s40825-014-0003-6 Read More
- Jane, Robert, Parker, G., Weaver, W., "Vehicle-to-Vehicle Resource Sharing," Proceedings of the 6th Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium, Aug 2014.
- Rizzo, Denise, Parker, Gordon G., "Determining Optimal State of Charge for a Military Vehicle Microgrid," International Journal of Powertrains, Aug 2014, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 303-318, DOI:10.1504/IJPT.2014.064329 Read More
- Weaver, Wayne W., and Parker, Gordon G. "Real-time Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation for Optimal Dc Microgrid Control Development." Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), 2014 IEEE 15th Workshop on. IEEE, June 2014. Read More
- Song, X., Parker, G., Johnson, J. H., Naber, J., and Pihl, J., "A Modeling Study of SCR Reaction Kinetics from Reactor Experiments," 2013 SAE World Congress & Exhibition, SAE Technical Paper 2013-01-1576, April 2013. Read More
- Song, X., Naber, J., Johnson, J. H., & Parker, G., "An Experimental and Modeling Study of Reaction Kinetics for a Cu-Zeolite SCR Catalyst Based on Engine Experiments," 2013 SAE World Congress & Exhibition, SAE Technical Paper No. 2013-01-1054, April 2013. Read More
- Song, X., Surenahalli, H., Naber, J., Parker, G., and Johnson, J. H., "Experimental and Modeling Study of a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) under Transient and CPF Active Regeneration Conditions," 2013 SAE World Congress & Exhibition, SAE Technical Paper No. 2013-01-1046, Apr 2013. Chicago Read More
- Rizzo, D. M., and Parker, G. G., "State of Charge Optimization for Military Hybrid Vehicle Microgrids," Proceedings of the Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Conference, Feb 2013. Read More
- Trinklein, E., and Parker, G., "Combining Multiple GPS Receivers to Enhance Relative Distance Measurements," Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), pp. 33-37, Feb 2013. Read More
- Kramer, Denise, and Parker, Gordon G., 2011, "Current State of Military Hybrid Vehicle Development," International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 369-387.
- Parker, Gordon, Shi, Z., Granstrom, J., 2010, "Kinematic Analysis of a Swash-Plate Controlled Variable Displacement Axial-Piston Pump With a Conical Barrel Assembly," Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements, and Control, Vol. 132, No. 1, 011002, 8 pages.
- Parker, Gordon, Johnson, John H., Devarakonda, M., Strots, V., 2009, "Model-Based Control System Design in a Urea-SCR Aftertreatment System Based on NH3 Sensor Feedback,” International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 653-662.
- Parker, Gordon, Yang, Song-Lin (Jason), Johnson, John H., Singh, N., 2009, "Vehicle Engine Aftertreatment System Simulation (VEASS) Model: Application to a Controls Design Strategy for Active Regeneration of a Catalyzed Particulate Filter," SAE 2005 Transactions Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, SAE Paper No. 2005-01-0970.
- Parker, Gordon, Johnson, John H., Devarakonda, M., Strots, V., and Santhanam, S., 2009, "Model-Based Estimation and Control System Development in a Urea-SCR Aftertreatment System," SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 646-661.
- Parker, Gordon, Bleck, J.C., Epp, D.S., Sumali, H., 2009, "A Simple Learning Control to Eliminate RF-MEMS Switch Bounce," Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 458-465.
- Parker, Gordon, Schaub, H., Natarajan A., 2007, "Reconfiguration of a Nadir-Pointing 2-Craft Coulomb Tether," JBIS - Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 60, No. 6, pp. 209-218.
- King, Lyon (Brad), Parker, Gordon, Schaub, H., Natarajan, A., 2007, "Coulomb Force Virtual Space Structures," ESA SP-633, Noordwijk: ESA Publications Division, pp. 39-44.
- Schaub, H., Parker, G. G., and King, L. B., 2004, “Challenges and Prospects of Coulomb Spacecraft Formation Flying,” The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, Vol. 52, No. 1-2, pp. 169-193.
- Dhaliwal, A., Parker, G.G. and Blough, J. R., 2004, “Active Structural Acoustic Control of Road Noise in a Passenger Vehicle,” International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 168-188.
- Chen, W., Buehler, M., Parker, G. G., and Bettig, B., 2004, “Optimal Sensor Design and Control of Piezoelectric Laminate Beams,” IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 148-155.
- Kladopoulou, E. A., Yang, S. L., Johnson, J. H., Parker, G. G. and Konstandopoulos, A. G., 2003, “A Study Describing the Performance of Diesel Particulate Filters During Loading and Regeneration—A Lumped Parameter Model for Control Applications,” SAE Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol. 112, pp. 647-668.
Gord Paterson
- Saavedra NE., Rush SA., Olin JA., and Paterson G. (2023) Combined tracers reveal the multi-dimensionality of resource partitioning among sympatric forage fish. Freshwater Biology, 68:288-300.
- Diedrich CJ., Gerig BS., and Paterson G. (2022) Spatial comparison of persistent organic pollutants in the Boardman River following impoundment removal and channel restoration. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 109:977-983.
- Paterson G., De Luca B., Bentzen E., Lasenby DC., Lean DRS., and Hickie BE. (2022). Lacustrine characteristics predict lipid contents of mysid shrimp (Mysis diluviana) populations. Limnologica 92: e125942.
- Roose H., Paterson G., Frisk MG., Cerrato RM., Nitschke P., and Olin JA. (2021). Regional variation in mercury bioaccumulation among NW Atlantic Golden (Lopholatilus chamaleonticeps) and Blueline (Caulolatilus microps) tilefish. Environmental Pollution 284: 117177
- Paterson G., DiPierdomenico LL., and Haffner GD. (2020). Basin specific pollutant profiles define Lake Huron forage fishes. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39: 1712-1723.
- Hebert CE., Weseloh DVC., Arts MT., de Solla SR., Moore DJ., Paterson G., and Pekarik C. (2020). Trends in herring gull egg quality over four decades reflect ecosystem state. Journal of Great Lakes Research 46:538-548.
- Metcalfe, CD., Helm P., Paterson G., Kaltenecker G., Murray C., M. Nowierski, M., and Sultana T. (2019). Pesticides related to land use in watersheds of the Great Lakes basin. Science of the Total Environment 648: 681-692.
- Li J., Haffner GD., Paterson G., Walters DM., Burtnyk MD., and Drouillard KG. (2018). Importance of growth on mercury and polychlorinated biphenyl accumulation in fish. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37: 1655-1667.
- McPhedran K., Grgicak-Mannion A., Paterson G., Briggs T., Ciborowski J., Haffner G.D., and Drouillard, K.G. (2017). Assessment of hazard metrics for predicting field benthic invertebrate toxicity in the Detroit River, Ontario, Canada. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Monitoring 13: 410-422.
- Pitt JA., Drouillard KG., and Paterson G. (2017). Polychlorinated biphenyl bioaccumulation patterns among lower Lake Erie trophic level consumers reflect species ecologies. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 98: 65-70.
Judith A. Perlinger
- Zhang, B., Owen, R.C., Perlinger, J.A., Kumar, A., Wu, S., Val Martin, M., Kramer, L., Helmig, D., and Honrath, R.E., A semi-Lagrangian view of ozone production tendency in North American outflow in the summers of 2009 and 2010, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 2267-2287, 2014.
- Rowe, M.D., and Perlinger, J.A., Micrometeorological measurements of hexachlorobenzene and polychlorinated biphenyl compound air-water gas exchange in Lake Superior, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 4607-4617, 2012.
- Nizzetto, L., and Perlinger, J.A., Climatic, biological and land cover controls on the exchange of gas-phase semivolatile chemical pollutants between air and forest canopies, Environ. Sci. Technol., 46, 2699-2707, 2012.
- Rowe, M.D. Fairall, C.W., and Perlinger, J.A., Chemical sensor resolution requirements for near-surface measurements of turbulent fluxes, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 5263-5275, 2011.
- Rowe, M.D., Perlinger, J.A., and Fairall, C.W., A Lagrangian model to predict the modification of near-surface scalar mixing ratios and air–water exchange fluxes in offshore flow, Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 140, 87-103, 2011.
- Nizzetto, L., MacLeod, M., Cabrerizo, A., Dachs, J., Di Guardo, A., Ghirardello, D., Hansen, K.M., Jarvis, A., Lindroth, A., Ludwig, B., Monteith, D., Perlinger, J.A., Scheringer, M., Schwendenmann, L., Semple, K.T., Wick, L.Y., Zhang, G. and Jones, K.C., Past, present and future controls on levels of persistent organic pollutants in the global environment, Environ. Sci. Technol., 44, 6526-6531, 2010.
- Rowe, M.D., and Perlinger, J.A., Performance of a high flow-rate, thermally-extractable diffusion denuder for semivolatile organic chemical atmospheric concentration measurement, Environ. Sci. Technol., 44, 2098-2104, 2010.
- Rowe, M.D., and Perlinger, J.A., Prediction of gas collection efficiency and particle collection artifact for atmospheric semivolatile organic compounds in multicapillary denuders, J. Chromatogr. A, 1217, 256-263, 2010.
- Rowe, M.D., and Perlinger, J.A., Gas-phase cleanup method for analysis of trace atmospheric semivolatile organic compounds by thermal desorption from diffusion denuders, J. Chromatogr. A, 216, 5940-5948, 2009.
- Rowe, M.D., Perlinger, J.A., and Urban, N.R., Modeling contaminant behavior in Lake Superior: A comparison of PCBs, PBDEs, and mercury, In: State of Lake Superior, M. Munawar, I.F. Munawar (Eds.), Ecovision World Monograph Series, Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management Society, Burlington, Canada, 239-286, 2009.
Nathir A. Rawashdeh
Image Processing & Sensors
- S Paheding, A Saleem, MFH Siddiqui, N Rawashdeh, A Essa, AA Reyes, "Advancing horizons in remote sensing: a comprehensive survey of deep learning models and applications in image classification and beyond", Neural Computing and Applications, 1-41, 2024
- A. Saleem, S. Paheding, N. Rawashdeh, A. Awad and N. Kaur, "A Non-Reference Evaluation of Underwater Image Enhancement Methods Using a New Underwater Image Dataset," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 10412-10428, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3240648.
- Abdelal, Q., Assaf, M. N., Al-Rawabdeh, A., Arabasi, S., & Rawashdeh, N. A. (2022). Assessment of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 OLI for Small-Scale Inland Water Quality Modeling and Monitoring Based on Handheld Hyperspectral Ground Truthing. Journal of Sensors, 2022.
- AM Atieh, NA Rawashdeh, AN AlHazaa, "Evaluation of surface roughness by image processing of a shot-peened, TIG-welded aluminum 6061-T6 alloy: An experimental case study", Materials, MDPI 2018
- NA Rawashdeh, JM Abu-Khalaf, W Khraisat, SS Al-Hourani, "A visual inspection system of glass ampoule packaging defects: effect of lighting configurations", International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Taylor & Francis 2018.
- N Rawashdeh, M Aladem, S Baek, S Rawashdeh, "Scene Structure Classification as Preprocessing for Feature-Based Visual Odometry", Int. Journal of Passenger Cars, SAE 2018
- NA Rawashdeh, OA Rawashdeh, BH Sababha, "Vision-based sensing of UAV attitude and altitude from downward in-flight images", Journal of Vibr. and Control, SAGE 2015
- N Rawashdeh, D Lau, S Love, K Donohue, "Moiré Analysis for Assessment of Line Registration Quality", Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, SIS&T 2007
- NA Rawashdeh, ST Love, KD Donohue, "Hierarchical Image Segmentation by Structural Content", Journal of Software, Academy Publisher 2008
Autonomous Vehicles & Mobile Robots
- Thaker K, Chennupati S, Rawashdeh N, Rawashdeh SA., "Multispectral Deep Neural Network Fusion Method for Low-Light Object Detection", Journal of Imaging. 2024; 10(1):12.
- N. J. Abu-Alrub and N. A. Rawashdeh, "Radar Odometry for Autonomous Ground Vehicles: A Survey of Methods and Datasets," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, doi: 10.1109/TIV.2023.3340513.
- Nathir A. Rawashdeh, Jeremy P. Bos, and Nader J. Abu-Alrub "Camera–Lidar sensor fusion for drivable area detection in winter weather using convolutional neural networks," Optical Engineering 62(3), 031202 (14 October 2022).
- Nader J. Abu-Alrub, Albara D. Abu-Shaqra, Nathir A. Rawashdeh, "Compact CNN-based road weather condition detection by grayscale image band for ADAS," Proc. SPIE 12115, Autonomous Systems: Sensors, Processing and Security for Ground, Air, Sea and Space Vehicles and Infrastructure 2022, 121150L (6 June 2022).
- Alireza Mohammadi, Austin Kucharski, Nathir Rawashdeh, "UVC and far-UVC light disinfection ground robot design for sterilizing the Coronavirus on vertical surfaces," Proc. SPIE 12115, Autonomous Systems: Sensors, Processing and Security for Ground, Air, Sea and Space Vehicles and Infrastructure 2022, 1211509 (6 June 2022).
- Albara D. Abu-Shaqra, Nader J. Abu-Alrub, Nathir A. Rawashdeh, "Object detection in degraded LiDAR signals by synthetic snowfall noise for autonomous driving," Proc. SPIE 12115, Autonomous Systems: Sensors, Processing and Security for Ground, Air, Sea and Space Vehicles and Infrastructure 2022, 121150K (6 June 2022).
- NA Rawashdeh, JP Bos, NJ Abu-Alrub, "Drivable path detection using CNN sensor fusion for autonomous driving in the snow", Autonomous Systems: Sensors, Processing, and Security for Vehicles and Infrastructure, SPIE 2021
- N. A. Rawashdeh, H. Alwanni, N. S. Ali, B. Al Afghani, "Control Design of an Office Mail Delivery Robot Based on the Festo Robotino Platform", American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), North Central Section Spring Conference 2019, Grand Rapids, MI, USA, 2019/3
- NA Rawashdeh, RM Haddad, OA Jadallah, AE To'ma, "A person-following robotic cart controlled via a smartphone application: design and evaluation", International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics, IEEE Xplore 2017
- NA Rawashdeh, HT Jasim, "Multi-sensor Input Path Planning for an Autonomous Ground Vehicle", International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications, IEEE Xplore 2013
- U Goulikar, S Gummadi, KR Racharla, AD Muddasani, N Rawashdeh, "Robotic-vision Material Handling System with a Centralized Programmable Logic Controller and Human Machine Interface", 2024 16th International Conference on Computer and Automation Eng. (ICCAE), IEEE Xplore.
- L Salameen, A Estatieh, S Darbisi, T Tutunji, N Rawashdeh, "Interfacing Computing Platforms for Dynamic Control and Identification of an Industrial KUKA Robot Arm", International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics, IEEE Xplore 2021
- P. Hazaveh, A. Sergeyev, N. Rawashdeh, "Mechatronics Bachelor Curriculum Development in Light of Industry 4.0 Technology Needs: Contrasting United States and German University Curricula", Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC), Tempe, AZ Feb. 4-11 2022, ASEE.
- NA Rawashdeh, TA Tutunji, MB Younis, "Development of a Jordanian-European double degree master program in mechatronics engineering", International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics, IEEE Xplore 2014
- N. A. Rawashdeh, M. Loffler-Mang, "Establishment of mechatronics engineering professional groups in Jordan", Europe-Asia Congress on and Research and Education in Mechatronics, IEEE Xplore 2012
- N. Rawashdeh, M. Nazzal, H. Kaylani, H. Loose, "Mechatronics Engineering Curriculum Enhancement at the German Jordanian University", Int. Conf. on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2010
Mark Alan Rhodes II
- Rhodes, M, W. Price, and A. Walker. 2021. Geographies of Post-Industrial Place, Memory, and Heritage. Routledge. ISBN: 9780367440909.
- Rhodes, M., Hannum, K., and Ketola, Z.* Accepted. Managing the Imagined Spatialities of Protected Sites: (Un)Bounding Industrial World Heritage via Mental Maps. Annals of the Association of American Geographers (Special Issue on National Parks and Protected Places).
- Tennent, H.* and Rhodes, M. Accepted. “Demasiado Poco Homenaje”: The Eva Perón Tomato and Absence within Living Memorials. Lagoonscapes.
- Rhodes, M. and Hannum, K. Accepted. Amtrak’s Sustainable Futures: Slow Tourism and the Nationalization of Industrial Heritage. Material Culture 56 (2).
- Rhodes, M. and Bartoszek, J.* 2025. Memorial Entrepreneurship and the Political Economies of Food-Based Living Memory. Geographical Review 115 (1-2):138-154. DOI: 10.1080/00167428.2023.2283728.
- Rhodes, M., Hannum, K., Burnau, M.*, Denison, V.*, Louya, K.*, Maue, G.*, McRoberts, M.*, Miller, R.*, Murphy, D.*, O'Connor, A.*, Rigby, N.*, Roth, E.*, Schapman, A.*, Swigart, W.*, Taylor, E.*, Trevino, C.*, Vaught, J., and Vaught, R. 2024. Museums, national resources, and the broader economic impacts of National Museum Wales. Welsh Economic Review 30: 1-9. DOI:
- Rhodes, M. 2024. National Museum Wales and the scalar bureaucracies of institutional memory work. Political Geography 111. DOI: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2024.103094.
- Rhodes, M. and Hannum, K. 2024. Sustainability Pedagogy Aboard Amtrak: New Pathways of Transdisciplinary and Applied General Education. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 48 (5): 820-838. DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2024.2333287.
- Rhodes, M. and Hannum, K. 2024. UNESCO, Mining Heritage, and the Scalar Sustainability of Tourism Geographies at industrial World Heritage Sites. Journal of Tourism Futures. DOI: 10.1108/JTF-10-2023-0235
- Rhodes, M. and W. Price. 2024. ‘A Nation Built on Coal’: Transcalar landscapes of memory work at the Big Pit National Coal Museum. Tourism Geographies 26 (5): 755-77. 10.1080/14616688.2023.2253793.
- Seitz, D., D. Cockayne, R. Good, K. Hannum, A. Kroepsch, M. Rhodes, J. Swab*, and N. Worth. 2024. Critical geographers teaching and working in STEM higher education: reckoning with the institution and learning from each other. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 48(3):501-17. DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2023.2261863.
- Rhodes, M. and C. Keeve*. 2023. More-Than-Human Memory: The Political Ecologies of the Paul Robeson Tomato. Journal of Political Ecology 30(1):424-47.
- Rhodes, M. 2023. Transoptic Memorial Landscape Analysis: Multidimensional landscapes of a multinational Wales. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 24(2):1-21. DOI: 10.17169/fqs-24.2.3964.
- Post, C. and M. Rhodes. 2022. Decolonizing Memory Work? Textual Politics of Settler State Historical Markers Engaging Indigenous Peoples in Kansas. ACME 21(5):540-59.
- Price, W. and M. Rhodes. 2022. Coal Dust in the Wind: Interpreting the Industrial Past of South Wales. Tourism Geographies 24(4-5):837-58. DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2020.1801825.
- Rhodes, M., C. Quayle*, and N. Indish*. 2022. “Post-Industrial Barbarians”: Star Trek, the Other, and the Apocalypse. Literary Geographies 8(1):78-98.
- Rhodes, M. 2021. Cardiff and the Contentious Landscapes of Postindustrial, Urban, and Transnational Memory Work. Fennia: International Journal of Geography 199(2):203-25. DOI: 10.11143/fennia.113124.
- Rhodes, M. 2021. The Absent Presence of Paul Robeson in Wales: Appropriation and Philosophical Disconnects in the Memorial Landscape. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 46(3):763-79. DOI: 10.1111/tran.12442.
- Rhodes, M. 2021. The nation, the festival, and institutionalized memory: Transoptic landscapes of the Welsh National Eisteddfod. GeoHumanities 7(2):558-83 DOI: 10.1080/2373566X.2021.1903812.
- Rhodes, M. 2021. Dancing around the Subject: Memory Work of Museum Landscapes at the National Waterfront Museum. Professional Geographer 73(4):594-607. DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2021.1915808.
- Rhodes, M. and C. Post. 2021. Refraining on Necropolitics: Lyrical Geographies of Labor Music. Journal of Cultural Geography 38(3):378-98. DOI: 10.1080/08873631.2021.1927322.
- Rhodes, M. 2021. Music Work: Geographies of traditional Cambodian music and state-building under the Khmer Rouge regime. Asia Pacific Viewpoint 62(1):27-39. DOI: 10.1111/apv.12261.
- Rhodes, M. 2020. Exhibiting Memory: Temporary, mobile, and participatory memorialization and the Let Paul Robeson Sing! exhibition. Memory Studies 13(6):1235-55. DOI: 10.1177/1750698018794771.
- Rhodes, M. 2020. Landscapes of Multicultural Memory and Heritage in Wales. Focus on Geography 63. DOI:10.21690/foge/2020.63.2p.
- Rhodes, M. 2019. Paul Robeson’s Place in YouTube: A social spatial network analysis of representation and audience engagement in digital heritage. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 34 (1): 174-188. DOI: 10.1093/llc/fqy027
- Hannum, K. and M. Rhodes. 2018. Public art as public pedagogy: Memorial landscapes of the Cambodian genocide. Journal of Cultural Geography 35 (3): 334-361.
- Rhodes, M. 2017. Alternate Pasts, Presents, and Futures in Star Trek: Historical engagement and representation through popular culture. The Geographical Bulletin 58 (1): 29-39.
- Rhodes, M. 2016. Performing History: Remembering Paul Robeson and the Peekskill Riots though Tayo Aluko’s Call Mr. Robeson. Excellence in Performing Arts Research 3 (1): 1-17.
- Tyner, J., M. Rhodes, and S. Kimsroy. 2016. Music, Nature, Power, and Place: An Ecomusicology of Khmer Rouge Songs.GeoHumanities 2 (2): 395-412.
- Rhodes, M. 2016. Placing Paul Robeson in History: Understanding His Philosophical Framework. Journal of Black Studies 47 (3): 235-257.
Mark Rudnicki
- Bunce A. Volin J. Miller D. Parent J. Rudnicki M. (2019) Determinants of Tree Sway Frequency in Temperate Deciduous Forests of the Northeast United States. 266-267. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
- Pringle A.M. Rudnicki M. and Pearce J. (2017) Wood Furniture Waste-Based Recycled 3-D Printing Filament. Forest Products Journal.
- Ross R.J. Wang X.; Rudnicki, M. 2017. New technologies aid in assessing trees. The Forestry Source 22:2:22-23. Society of American Foresters.
- Rudnicki M. Wang X. Ross R. Xiping W. and Prezinski K. (2016) Measuring Wood Quality in Standing Trees. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL-GTR-248. Madison, WI: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. 248:13 p.
- Hiscox A.L. Rudnicki M. and Miller D.R. (2015) Understanding turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) stationarity within a forest canopy. Agricultural and forest meteorology. 214: 124-133
Trisha Sain
- Konica, Shabnam, and Trisha Sain. "A reaction-driven evolving network theory coupled with phase-field fracture to model polymer oxidative aging." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 150 (2021): 104347.
- Ahmed, Hossain, Susanta Ghosh, Trisha Sain, and Sourav Banerjee. "Hybrid Bessel beam and metamaterial lenses for deep laparoscopic nondestructive evaluation." Journal of Applied Physics 129, no. 16 (2021): 165107.
- Konica, Shabnam, and Trisha Sain. "A thermodynamically consistent chemo-mechanically coupled large deformation model for polymer oxidation." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 137 (2020): 103858.
- Egboiyi, Benedict O., and Trisha Sain. "Effect of Ion-Exchange Chemistry on the Fracture of Chemically Strengthened Sodium Aluminosilicate Glass." In ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, vol. 59469, p. V009T11A058. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.
- Imam, Muhammed R., Sain, Trisha, "Effects of Cohesive Interfaces and Polymer Viscoelasticity on Improving Mechanical Properties in an Architectured Composite," International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 159, Mar 2019, pp. 289 – 300. DOI:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.10.008
- S Haldar, T Sain, S Ghosh, "A Novel High Symmetry Interlocking Micro-architecture Design for Polymer Composites with Improved Mechanical Properties," International Journal of Solids and Structures, Oct 2017, Vol 124, pp. 161-175. Read More
- B Yeom, T Sain, N Lacevic, D Bukharina, SH Cha, AM Waas, EM Arruda, "Abiotic Tooth Enamel," Nature 543 (7643), pp. 95-98, online March 2017. doi:10.1038/nature21410 Read More
Ashraf I. Saleem
Selected Journal Papers:
- Al Maawali, W., Mesbah, M., Al Maashri, A. and Saleem, A., Design of intelligent thruster decision-making system for USVs. Ocean Engineering, 285, p.115431, 2023.
A. Saleem, S. Paheding, N. Rawashdeh, A. Awad and N. Kaur, "A Non-Reference Evaluation of Underwater Image Enhancement Methods Using a New Underwater Image Dataset," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 10412-10428, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3240648.
Mesbah, Mostefa, Muhammad Shafiq, Ashraf Saleem, Hassan Yousef, and Hisham Soliman. "A data-driven controller for position tracking of a long-stroke piezoelectric actuator." Microsystem Technologies 29, no. 2 (2023): 211-221.
Soliman, H.M.; Saleem, A.; Bayoumi, E.H.E.; De Santis, M. Harmonic Distortion Reduction of Transformer-Less Grid-Connected Converters by Ellipsoidal-Based Robust Control. Energies 2023, 16, 1362. doi: 10.3390/en16031362
Mesbah, M., Shafiq, M., Saleem, A. et al. A data-driven controller for position tracking of a long-stroke piezoelectric actuator. Microsyst Technol 29, 211–221 (2023). doi: 10.1007/s00542-022-05407-4.
- Ahmed Al Maashri, Ashraf Saleem, Hadj Bourdoucen, Omer Eldirdiry, Ahmed Al Ghadani, A novel drone-based system for accurate human temperature measurement and disease symptoms detection using thermography and AI, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Volume 27, 100787, 2022.
Mohammed Salah and Ashraf Saleem, “Hysteresis compensation-based robust output feedback control for long-stroke piezoelectric actuators at high frequency”, Sensors and Actuators: Physical A, V319 (112542) 2021.
Ashraf Saleem, Mostefa Mesbah, Mohammed Shafiq, “Feedback-feedforward control for high-speed trajectory tracking of an amplified piezoelectric actuator” Smart Mater. Struct. Volume 30, Number 2, 2020.
Hisham M Soliman, Ashraf Saleem, Ellipsoidal design of robust tracking controller for large-stroke piezoelectric actuators, Smart Materials and Structures, Volume 29, Number 7, 2020.
Ashraf Saleem, Ahmed Al Maashri, Muna A. Al-Rahbi, Medhat Awadallah and Hadj Bourdoucen, “Cooperative Cruise Controller For Homogeneous And Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoon System”, International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 1131-1143, 2019.
Hassan A Yousef, Mohamed Hamdy, Ashraf Saleem, Kyrillos Nashed, Mustafa Mesbah, Mohammed Shafiq, “Enhanced L1 adaptive control for a benchmark piezoelectric-actuated system via fuzzy approximation”, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Vol 33, pp. 1329–1343, 2019.
Khurshid Alam, Ahmed Al-Ghaithi, Sujan Piya, Ashraf Saleem, “In-vitro experimental study of histopathology of bone in vibrational drilling”, Medical Engineering & Physics, Vol 67, pp. 78-87, 2019.
Morteza Mohammadzaheri, Mohammadreza Emadi, Mojtaba Ghodsi, Ehsan Jamshidi, Issam Bahadur, Ashraf Saleem, Musaab Zarog, “A variable-resistance digital charge estimator for piezoelectric actuators: An alternative to maximise accuracy and curb voltage drop”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 30, No. 11, pp. 1699–1705, 2019.
Mohammed Shafiq, Ashraf Saleem, Mostefa Mesbah, “Model-free data driven control for trajectory tracking of an amplified piezoelectric actuator”, Sensors and Actuators: Physical A, Vol. 279, pp. 27–35, 2018.
Ashraf Saleem, Hisham Soliman, Serein Al-Ratrout, Mostefa Mesbah, “Design of fractional order PID controller with application to induction motor drive”, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 26, pp. 2768 – 2778 , 2018.
Selected Conference Papers:
Saleem, A., Awad, A., Paheding, S. and Marcarelli, A., Multi-class plant type detection in Great Lakes region using remotely operated vehicle and deep learning. In Pattern Recognition and Tracking XXXIV (Vol. 12527, pp. 34-40). SPIE, 2023.
A. A. Maashri, A. Al Maashri; J. Ghommam; A. Saleem; N. Nasiri; O. Eldirdiry; H. Bourdoucen; G. Al Rawas; A. Al-Kamzari; A. Ammari, "A Multi-Drone System for Oil Spill Detection: A Simulation and Emulation Platform," 2022 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), Jeju, Korea, Republic of, 2022, pp. 397-402, doi: 10.23919/ICCAS55662.2022.10003840.
J. Rathbum, A. Sharky, P. Urunkar, A. Saleem and P. Hazaveh, "Developing a Climbing Assistive Exoskeleton*," 2023 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS), Charlottesville, VA, USA, 2023, pp. 102-107
Ashraf Saleem, Ahmed Al Maashri, Omer Eldirdiry, Jawhar Ghommam, Hadj Bourdoucen, Amran Al-Kamzari, Ghazi Al Rawas, Ahmed Ammari “Detection of Oil Spill Pollution in Seawater Using Drones: Simulation & Lab-based Experimental Study”, 2021 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), Canada, 2021.
Mohammad Salah, Ashraf Saleem, Backstepping Position Control of High Frequency Piezoelectric Actuator Used in Ultrasonically Assisted Manufacturing, 4th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM), Penang, Malaysia, 2020.
Ashraf Saleem, Khadija Al Jabri, Ahmed Al Maashri, Waleed Al Maawali, Mostafa Mesbah, Obstacle-Avoidance Algorithm Using Deep Learning Based on RGBD Images and Robot Orientation, 7th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE), Antalya, Turkey, 2020.
Ashraf Saleem, Musabah Al Hattali, Mohammed Shafiq, Issam Bahadur, “Precise Tracking Control for Piezoelectric Actuators using Feedforward/Feedback Learning-based Controller”, 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Paris, France, April, 2019. (Outcome from grant IG/ENG/ECED/15/01)
Waleed Al Maawali, Ahmed Al Naabi, Majid Al Yaruubi, Ashraf Saleem, Ahmed Al Maashri, “Design and Implementation of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle for Oil Spill Handling”, 1st IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Vehicle Systems-Oman (UVS), 5-7 Feb. 2019
Sarah Fayen Scarlett
Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Company Suburbs: Architecture, Power, and the Transformation of Michigan’s Mining Frontier (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2021).
- Mark Alan Rhodes II and Sarah Fayen Scarlett, “Post-Industrial Landscapes,” Routledge Companion to the American Landscape, edited by Chris W. Post, Alyson L. Greiner, and Geoffrey L. Buckley (London: Routledge): chapter 27.
- Sarah Fayen Scarlett and Laura Walikainen Rouleau, “Object Lesson: Architecture at Pullman National Monument as Both Agent of Division and Collective Identity,” Buildings & Landscapes 29 no. 2 (2022): 99-117.
- Don Lafreniere, Luke Weidner, Dan Trepal *, Sarah Fayen Scarlett, John D. M. Arnold*, Robert Pastel, and Ryan Williams, “Public Participatory Historical GIS.” Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 52, no. 3 (2019): 132–149. DOI: 10.1080/01615440.2019.1567418
Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Don Lafreniere, Dan Trepal*, John Arnold*, Yichun Xie, “Out of the Classroom and Into History: Mobile Historical GIS and Community-Engaged Teaching,” The History Teacher 53, no. 1 (November 2019): 11–35.
Dan Trepal*, Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Don Lafreniere, “Heritage Making through Community Archaeology and the Spatial Humanities,” Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage 6, no. 4 (August 2019): 238–256. DOI: 10.1080/2051896.2019.1653516
Laura Rouleau, Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Steven A. Walton, and Timothy Scarlett, “Historic Resource Study of Pullman National Monument, Illinois,” Midwest Regional Office of the National Park Service (2019).
Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Don Lafreniere, John D. M. Arnold*, Daniel J. Trepal*, Robert Pastel “Engaging Community and Spatial Humanities for Post-Industrial Heritage: The Keweenaw Time Traveler,” American Quarterly, Special Issue: Toward a Critically Engaged Digital Practice: American Studies and Digital Humanities 70, 3 (September 2018): 619–23. DOI: 10.1353/aq.2018.0043
- "Crossing the Milwaukee River: A Case Study in Mapping Mobility and Class Geographies,” in Landscapes of Mobility: Culture, Politics, and Placemaking, edited by Arijit Sen and Jennifer Johung (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2013).
“The Cultural Landscapes of Mining in Southwestern Wisconsin,” in From Mining to Farm Fields to Ethnic Communities: Buildings and Landscapes of Southwestern Wisconsin, edited by Anna Vemer Andrzejewski, Arnold R. Alanen, and Sarah Fayen Scarlett, 8–33 (Vernacular Architecture Forum Annual Conference 2012. Madison: Department of Art History and Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 2012). Online at:
- “The Craft of Industrial Patternmaking,” The Journal of Modern Craft 4, 1 (March 2011): 27–48. DOI: 10.2752/174967811X12949160069018
“The Chinese Scholar Pattern: Style, Merchant Identity, and the English Imagination,” Ceramics in America 2011, edited by Robert Hunter (Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Chipstone Foundation, 2011), 1–45. Online at:,-Merchant-Identity,-and-the-English-Imagination
- “Tilt-Top Tables and Eighteenth-Century Consumerism,” American Furniture 2003, edited by Luke Beckerdite (Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Chipstone Foundation; Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England, 2003), 95–137. Online at:
Timothy J. Scarlett
- Rouleau, Laura, Steven Walton, Sarah Scarlett, and Timothy Scarlett. (2019). Historic Resources Study for Pullman National Monument, Chicago, IL. Midwest Archaeology Center, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. December 31, 2019.
- Strychar, Kevin, Frank Lupi, Steven Miller, John Baeten, David J Flaspohler, Sarah Green, Amanda Grimm, Latika Gupta, Kelly Kamm, Will Lytle, Guy Meadows, Daisuke Minakata, Amlan Mukherjee, Jill A Olin, Gordon Paterson, Mark Rouleau, Mir Sadri-Sabet, Timothy Scarlett, Chelsea Schelly, David Shonnard, Roman Sidortsov, Bethel Tarekegne, Stephen Techtmann, Adam Wellstead, and Pengfei Xue (2018). Independent Risk Analysis for the Straits Pipelines-Final Report. Project ID 1801011. Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy James. (2017). A Dangerous Discipline: Practicing Historical Archaeology in the Mormon Domain. In Margaret Purser and Mark Warner (eds.), Historical Archaeology through a Western Lens, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy and Steven Walton. (2017). Archaeological Overview and Assessment, Pullman National Monument, Chicago, Illinois. Midwest Archaeology Center, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. June 9, 2017.
- Scarlett, Timothy James. (2016). Potential Applications of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction and Impregnation for the Stabilization and Conservation of Industrial Heritage Artifacts. Final Project Report (Grant #P11AP60840) submitted to the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior. January 15, 2016. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy James, Amy M. Bastion, Leslie G. Cecil, Christopher W. Merritt, and Michael Glascock. (2015). A Muddy Study: Historical Archaeology and Archaeometry for Societies in Contact. In Jaume Buxeda I Garrigós, Marisol Madrid i Fernández, and dfff G. Iñañez (eds.), Global Pottery 1: Historical Archaeology and Archaeometry for Societies in Contact. British Archaeological Reports (BfgAR), International Series 2761, Archaeopress Press, Oxford, UK. pp. 397-409. Read More
- Zhao, Shan, Bowen, Patrick. K., Drelich, Jaroslaw., and Scarlett, Timothy James. (2015). Modeling “Reproducibility in Rehydroxylation of Ceramic Artifacts.” Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98(10):3367–3372. Read More
- Bowen, P. K., Drelich, J. D., and Scarlett, T. J. (2013). Modeling Rehydration/Rehydroxylation Mass-Gain Curves for Davenport Ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2013):1-7. Read More
- Drelich, Jaroslaw., Bowen, Patrick. K., and Scarlett, Timothy James. (2013). "Effect of Humidity Instability on Rehydroxylation in Fired Clay Ceramics" Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96(4):1047-1050. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy James and Samuel Sweitz. (2012). Constructing new knowledge in Industrial Archaeology. In Harold Mytum (ed.), Global Perspectives on Archaeological Field Schools. Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 119-145. Read More
- Bowen, Patrick K., Helen J. Ranck, Timothy J. Scarlett, and Jaroslaw W. Drelich. (2011). Rehydration/Rehydroxylation Kinetics of Reheated XIX-Century Davenport (Utah) Ceramic. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94(8):258-2591. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy James. (2010). What if the Local is Exotic and the Imported Mundane? Measuring Ceramic Exchanges in Mormon Utah. In Carolyn Dillan and Carolyn White (eds.), Trade and Exchange: Archaeological Studies from History and Prehistory. Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 165-178. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy James, Michael Deegan, and Renée Blackburn. (2009). Two Seasons of Excavation at the 1865 Office Building at Scenic Hudson's West Point Foundry Preserve. IA: the Journal of the Society for Industrial Archaeology 35(1-2):105-115.
- Deegan, Michael and Timothy James Scarlett. (2008). The Conservation of Ferrous Metals from the West Point Foundry Site. Bulletin of the New York State Archaeological Association 124: 56-68.
- Scarlett, Timothy James, Robert J. Speakman, and Michael D. Glascock. (2007). Pottery in the Mormon Economy: an Historical and Archaeometric Study. Historical Archaeology. 41(4):70-95. Read More
- Scarlett, Timothy James, Jeremy Rahn, and Daniel Scott. (2006). Bricks and an Evolving Industrial Landscape: the West Point Foundry and New York's Hudson River Valley. Northeast Historical Archaeology 35:29-46.
- Scarlett, Timothy James. (2006). Flowscapes of Globalization in Mormon Pioneer Utah. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 10(2):109-134. Read More
Chelsea Schelly
Tiwari, S., Schelly, C., Sidortsov, R. (2023). Legacies matter: Exploring social acceptance of pumped storage hydro in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Case Studies in the Environment. 7 (1): 2004414.
Ahamed, S., Schelly, C., Floress, K., Lytle, W., Caggiano, H., Cuite, C., Wallace, C., Cook, R., Jarvis, R., Shwom, R., Watkins, D. (2023) Being Able to Work Has Kept Our Life Fairly Constant:” Reconciling Social Practice Models to Assess the Impact of (Infra)Structural Inequities on Household Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability 3(1): 015012
Lee, D., Schelly, C., Tiwari, S., Smith, S., Gagnon, V. (2023) Preferences and Perceived Barriers to Pursuing Energy Sovereignty and Renewable Energy: A Tribal Nations Perspective. Energy Research & Social Science 97
Tiwari, S., Schelly, C., Ou, G., Ardakani, M.S., Chen, J. (2022). Conceptualizing Resilience: An Energy Services Approach. Energy Research and Social Science 94:
Pascaris, A., Schelly, C., Pearce, J. (2022). Advancing Agrivoltaics within the U.S. Legal Framework: A Multidimensional Assessment of Barriers & Opportunities. Agrivoltaics 2021 AIP Conference Proceedings. 2635, 050002
Pascaris, A., Schelly, C., Rouleau, M., Pearce, J. (2022). Do Agrivoltaics Improve Public Support for Solar? A Survey on Perceptions, Preferences, and Priorities. Green Technology, Resilience, and Sustainability 2(8)
Gagnon, V., Schelly, C., Lytle, W., Kliskey, A., Dale, V., Marshall, A-M, Rodriguez, L., Williams, P., Price, M.W., Redd, E., Noodin, M.A. (2022). Enacting Boundaries or Building Bridges? Language and Engagement in Food-Energy-Water Systems Science. Socio-Ecological Practice Research
Schelly, C., Gagnon, V., Arola, K., Fiss, A., Schaefer, M., Halvorsen, K.E. (2021). Cultural Imaginaries or Incommensurable Ontologies? Recognizing relationality and sovereignty as worldviews in socio-technological system transitions. Energy Research and Social Science 80
David R. Shonnard
- Allen, D.T. and Shonnard, D.R. (and other contributors), “Green Engineering: Environmentally Conscious Design of Chemical Processes, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002, pp. 552, ISBN 0-13-061908-6.
- Allen, D.T., and Shonnard, D.R., “Sustainable Engineering: Concepts, Design, and Case Studies”, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2012, pp 223.
Education Articles
- Allen, D.T., Shonnard, D.R., Huang, Y., Schuster, D. 2016, Green Engineering Education in Chemical Engineering Curricula: A Quarter Century of Progress and Prospects for Future Transformations, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 4 (11), pp 5850–585410.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01443.
- Allen, D.T., Shonnard, D.R., (2012), Sustainability in chemical engineering education: Identifying a core body of knowledge, AIChE Journal, 58(8), 2296-2302, August 2012.
- Shonnard, D.R., Allen, D.T., Nguyen, N., and Austin, S., 2003, Green Engineering Education Through a US EPA/Academia Collaboration,Environmental Science and Technology, 37(23), 5253-5462.
- Shonnard, D.R., Fisher, E.R., and Caspary, D., 2003, Integrated Bioprocess Experiments for the Senior Laboratory: Fermentation for L-Lysine Production, Chemical Engineering Education, 37(4),262-267.
- Shonnard, D.R., Allen, D.T., Weil-Austin. S.A., Nguyen, N., 2003, US EPA/academia collaboration for a Green Engineering textbook for Chemical Engineering, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 5(4-3), 226-231.
- Allen, D.T. and Shonnard, D.R., 2001, Green engineering: Environmentally conscious design of chemical processes and products, AIChE Journal,47(9), 1906-1910.
- Shonnard, D.R. and Deshpande, P.A., 2001, Column transport experiments for dissolved pollutants and colloids, Chemical Engineering Education,35(3), 222-228.
Research Articles
- Chaudhari, U., Johnson, A., Reck, B., Handler, R., Thompson, V., Hartley, D., Young, W., Peralta, A., Watkins, D. Shonnard, D.R., Material Flow Analysis and LCA of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) and Polyolefin Plastics Supply Chains in the United States, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, published, September 22, 2022.
- Shonnard, D.R., Bakshi, B., 2022, Virtual special issue on the circular economy of plastics, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 10, 12475-12476 10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c05118
- Schaerer, L.G., Wu, R., Putman, L.I., Pearce, J.M., Lu, T., Shonnard, D.R., Ong, R.G., Techtmann, S.M., Killing Two Birds with One Stone: Biochemical Upcycling of Plastics into Food, Trends in Biotechnology, published Sept. 1, 2022,
- Zolghadr, Ali, Kulas, Daniel, Shonnard, D.R., Evaluation of pyrolysis wax as a solvent in polyolefin pyrolysis processing, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, published online, July 20, 2022,
- Kulas, Daniel, Zolghadr, Ali, Shonnard, D.R., Liquid-Fed Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Pilot Plant: Effect of Reactor Volume on Product Yields, Journal of Applied and Analytical Pyrolysis, published online, June 27, 2022, .
- Byrne, E.R., Schaerer, L.G., Kulas, D.G., Ankathi, S.K., Putman, L.I., Codere, K.R., Schum, S.K., Shonnard, D.R., Techtmann, S.M., Pyrolysis-Aided Microbial Biodegradation of High-Density Polyethylene Plastic in Environmental Inocula Enrichment Cultures, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022, 10, 6, 2022-2033, Jan. 31, 2022.
- Zolghadr, A., Foroozandehfar, A., Kulas, D.G., Shonnard, D.R. (2021) Study of the Viscosity and Thermal Characteristics of Polyolefins/Solvent Mixtures: Applications for Plastic Pyrolysis, ACS Omega, 6 (48), 32832–32840, Nov. 19, 2021.
- Kulas, D.G., Zolghadr, A., Shonnard, D.R., (2021) Micropyrolysis of Polyethylene and Polypropylene Prior to Bioconversion: The Effect of Reactor Temperature and Vapor Residence Time on Product Distribution, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9 (43), 14443–14450, Oct. 22, 2021,
- Ankathi, S.K., Watkins, D., Sreedhara, P., Zuhlke, J., Shonnard, D.R., GIS-integrated optimization for locating food waste and manure anaerobic co-digestion facilities, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9, 4024-4032.
- Chaudhari, U., Lin, Y., Thompson, V., Handler, R, Pearce, J., Caneba, G., Muhuri, P., Watkins, D., Shonnard, D., 2021, Systems Analysis Approach to PET and Olefin Plastics Supply Chains in the Circular Economy: A Review of Datasets and Models, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9, 22, 7403–7421,
- Kulas, D., Thies, M., Shonnard, D., Techno-Economic Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment of Waste Lignin Fractionation and Valorization using the ALPHA Process, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021 9 (15), 5388-5395, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c00267.
- Bhavik R. Bakshi, David Shonnard, and David T. Allen, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Invites Contributions to a Virtual Special Issue on The Circular Economy of Plastics, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2021 9 (4), 1425-1426, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c00209
- U. Diwekar, A. Amekudzi-Kennedy, B. Bakshi, R. Baumgartner, R. Boumans, P. Burger, H. Cabezas, M. Egler, J. Farley, B. Fath, T. Gleason, Y. Huang, A. Karunanithi, V. Khanna, A. Mangan, A. L. Mayer, R. Mukherjee, G. Mullally, V. Rico-Ramirez, D. Shonnard, M. Svanström, and T. Theis, 2020, A Perspective on the Role of Uncertainty in Sustainability Science and Engineering, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 164, 105140.
- Shonnard, D.R., Winjobi, O., Kulas, D., Chapter 2. Fast Pyrolysis for Biofuel Production, Saffron, C. (ed.), Achieving carbon-negative bioenergy systems from plant materials, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK, 2020, p.43-p.70, ISBN: 978 1 78676 252 8
- Russell, J.M.; Gracida-Alvarez, U. R.; Winjobi, O.; Shonnard, D. (2020) Update to “Effect of Temperature and Vapor Residence Time on the Micropyrolysis Products of Waste High Density Polyethylene”. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 59, 10716-10719.
- Gracida-Alvarez, U. R.; Winjobi, O.; Sacramento-Rivero, J.; Shonnard, D. (2019) Systems Analyses of High-Value Chemicals and Fuels from a Waste High-Density Polyethylene Refinery. Part 1: Conceptual Design and Techno-Economic Assessment. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 7 (22), 18254-18266, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b04763.
- Gracida-Alvarez, U. R.; Winjobi, O.; Sacramento-Rivero, J. C.; Shonnard, D. R. (2019) Systems Analysis of High-Value Chemicals and Fuels from a Waste High-Density Polyethylene Refinery. Part 2: Carbon Footprint Analysis and Regional Electricity Effects. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 7 (22), 18267-18278, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b04764.
- Ankathi, S.K., Zhou, W., Webber, J.B.W., Patil, R., Chaudhari, U., Shonnard, D.R. (2019) Synergistic effects between hydrolysis time and microporous structure in poplar, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 7, 12920-12929.
- Shonnard, D.R., Tipaldo, E., Thompson, V., Pearce, J., Caneba, G., Handler, R.M., 2019, Systems analysis for PET and olefin polymers in a circular economy, Procedia CIRP, 80, 602-606, 26th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) Conference.
- Rui Shi, David W. Archer, Krishna Pokharel, Matthew Pearlson, Kristin C. Lewis, Suchada Ukaew, and David R. Shonnard (2019) A Life Cycle Analysis of Hydrotreated Renewable Jet Fuel (HRJ) from Oilseed Feedstocks Replacing Fallow in the U.S Northern Great Plains, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 7 (23), 18753-18764, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b02150.
- Ko, S., Lautala, P., Fan, J., Shonnard, D.R., (2019), Economic, Social and Environmental Cost Optimization of Biomass Transportation: A Regional Model for Transportation Analysis in Plant Location Process, BioFPR, 13:582-598, DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1967.
- Shi, R., Shonnard, D.R., Handler, R.M., (2019), Life cycle assessment of novel technologies for algae harvesting and oil extraction in the renewable diesel pathway, Algal Research, 37, 248-259.
- Handler, R.M., Shonnard, D.R., (2018) Environmental life cycle assessment of methane biocatalysis: Key considerations and potential impacts, chapter in Methane Biocatalysis: Paving the Way to Sustainability, Ed. Marina Kalyuzhnaya and Xin-Hui Xing, Springer Nature, June, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-74866-5_16.
- Funkenbusch, L., Mullins, M.E., Vamling, L., Belkhieri, T., Srettiwat, N., Winjobi, O., Shonnard, D.R., and Rogers, T. (2019), "Technoeconomic Assessment of Hydrothermal Liquefaction Oil from Lignin with Catalytic Upgrading for Renewable Fuel and Chemical Production." Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment: (Published Online, July 2018) DOI: 10.1002/wene.319.
- Winjobi, O., Tavakoli, H., Klemetsrud, B., Handler, R.M., Marker, T., Roberts, M., Shonnard, D.R., (2018), Carbon Footprint Analysis of Gasoline and Diesel from Forest Residues and Algae using Integrated Hydroyrolysis and Hydroconversion Plus Fisher Tropsch (IH2® Plus Cool GTL™), ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 6(8), 10766-10777, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b02091.
- Ankathi, S.K., Long, D.S., Gollany, H.T., Das, P., Shonnard, D.R., (2019) Life cycle assessment of oilseed crops produced in rotation with dryland cereals in the inland Pacific Northwest, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 24, 627-641, .
- Hungwe, Kedmon N., and David Shonnard. 2018. "Supporting Curriculum Reform in Science Education." The International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning 25 (1): 23-35. doi:10.18848/2327-7971/CGP/v25i01/23-35
- Kulas, D. Winjobi, O., Zhou, W., Shonnard, D.R. (2018), Effects of Co-product Uses on Environmental and Economic Sustainability of Hydrocarbon Biofuel from One- and Two-Step Pyrolysis of Poplar, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6 (5), pp 5969–5980, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b04390
- Gracida-Alvarez, U.R., Mitchell, M.K., Sacramento-Rivero, J.C., Shonnard, D.R. (2018) Effect of Temperature and Vapor Residence Time on the Micropyrolysis Products of Waste High Density Polyethylene, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57 (6), pp 1912–1923, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.7b04362.
- Ukaew, S; Klemetsrud, B.; Schoenborn, J; Shonnard, D; (2018) Effects of torrefaction temperature and acid pretreatment on the yield and quality of fast pyrolysis bio-oil from rice straw, Journal of Applied and Analytical Pyrolysis, 129, January 2018, 112-122,
- Klemetsrud B., Klinger J., Bar Ziv B., Shonnard D., (2017) A kinetic study of the fast micro-pyrolysis of hybrid poplar, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 128 (C), November 2017, 353-362,
- Ankathi, S.K., Potter, J., Shonnard, D.R., (2018) Carbon Footprint and Energy Analysis of Bio-CH4 from a Mixture of Food Waste and Dairy Manure in Denver, CO, Environmental Progress / Sustainable Energy, 37(3), 1101-1111, DOI 10.1002/ep.12762.
- Handler, R., Shi, R., Shonnard, D.R., 2017, Land-use Change Implications for Large-scale Cultivation of Algae Feedstocks in the United States Gulf Coast, Journal of Cleaner Production, 153, 15-25.
- Shi, R., Ukaew, S., Archer, D.W., Pearlson, M., Lewis, K.C., Shonnard, D.R., 2017, Life Cycle Water Footprint Analysis for Rapeseed Derived Jet Fuel in North Dakota, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 5, 3845-3854.
- Klemetsrud, B., Eatherton, D., Shonnard, D.R., 2017, Effects of lignin content and temperature on the properties of hybrid poplar bio-oil, char, and gas obtained by fast pyrolysis, Energy & Fuels, 31, 2879-2886.
- Winjobi, O., Zhou, W., Kulas, D., Nowicki, J., Shonnard, D.R., (2017) Production of hydrocarbon fuel using two-step torrefaction and fast pyrolysis of pine. Part 2: Life-cycle carbon footprint, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 5 (6), pp 4541–4551 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b00373.
- Winjobi, O., Shonnard, D.R., Zhou, W., (2017) Production of hydrocarbon fuel using two-step torrefaction and fast pyrolysis of pine. Part 1: Techno-economic analysis, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 5 (6), pp 4529–4540 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b00372.
Guiliang Tang
- Ruimin Tang, Cailiang Zhao, Jingjian Dong, Xiayu Liu, Lu Chang, Jianghui Li, Haitao Dong, Yuntao Lv, Zhuang Luo, Meiling Wu, Shan Shen, Qianwen Shan, Yuan Li, Qijun Chen, Runzhi Li, Liheng He, Qinghe Cao, Guiliang Tang, Xiaoyun Jia (2025) Post-transcriptional and post-translational regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in sweetpotato by Ib-miR2111 and IbKFB: Implications for health promotion. Journal of Advanced Research. Online 2025/1/16
Zhanhui Zhang, Tianxiao Yang, Na Li, Guiliang Tang, Jihua Tang (2024) MicroRNA166: Old Players and New Insights into Crop Agronomic Traits Improvement. Genes 15(7), 944
Juan Meng, Weiya Li, Feiyan Qi, Tianxiao Yang, Na Li, Jiong Wan, Xiaoqi Li, Yajuan Jiang, Chenhui Wang, Meilian Huang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Yongqiang Chen, Sachin Teotia, Guiliang Tang, Zhanhui Zhang, Jihua Tang (2024) Knockdown of microRNA390 Enhances Maize Brace Root Growth. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25(12), 6791
H Li, S Wang, L Zhai, Y Cui, G Tang, J Huo, X Li, S Bian (2024) The miR156/SPL12 Module Orchestrates Fruit Colour Change through Directly Regulating Ethylene Production Pathway in Blueberry. Plant Biotechnology Journal 22(2), 386-400
C Xu, Z Zhang, J He, Y Bai, J Cui, L Liu, J Tang, G Tang, X Chen, B Mo (2023) The DEAD‐Box Helicase RCF1 Plays Roles in miRNA Biogenesis and RNA Splicing in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 116(1), 144-160
Y Zhao, X Zhang, Y Cheng, X Du, S Teotia, C Miao, H Sun, G Fan,Guiliang Tang, Hongwei Xue, Quanzhi Zhao, Ting Peng (2023) The miR167-OsARF12 Module Regulates Rice Grain Filling and Grain Size Downstream of miR159. Plant Communications 4(5)
- Teotia S, Wang X, Zhou N, Wang M, Liu H, Qin J, Han D, Li C, Li CE, Pan S, Tang H, Kang W, Zhang Z, Tang X, Peng T, Tang G. (2023) A high-efficiency gene silencing in plants using two-hit asymmetrical artificial MicroRNAs. Plant Biotechnol J. 2023 Jul 1. doi: 10.1111/pbi.14091. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37392408 Free article.
- Dongjie Zhao, Qinghui Chen, Ziyang Wang, Lucy Arbanas, Guiliang Tang (2023) Investigation of temperature stress tolerance in Arabidopsis STTM165/166 using electrophysiology and RNA-Seq. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.04107.
- Li J, Cao Y, Zhang J, Zhu C, Tang G, Yan J. (2023) The miR165/166-PHABULOSA module promotes thermotolerance by transcriptionally and post-translationally regulating HSFA1. Plant Cell. 2023 May 3:koad121. doi: 10.1093/plcell/koad121. Online ahead of print.PMID: 3713247
- Scarpin MR, Busche M, Martinez RE, Harper LC, Reiser L, Szakonyi D, Merchante C, Lan T, Xiong W, Mo B, Tang Guiliang, Chen X, Bailey-Serres J, Browning KS, Brunkard JO. An updated nomenclature for plant ribosomal protein genes. Plant Cell. 2022 Nov 25:koac333. doi: 10.1093/plcell/koac333. Online ahead of print.
- Ting Lan, Xiaoyu Yang, Jiwei Chen, Peng Tian, Lina Shi, Yu Yu, Lin Liu, Lei Gao, Beixin Mo, Xuemei Chen, Guiliang Tang (2022) Mechanism for the genomic and functional evolution of the MIR2118 family in the grass lineage. New Phytologist 233 (4), 1915-1930
- Ting Lan, Wei Xiong, Xuemei Chen, Beixin Mo, Guiliang Tang (2022) Plant cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins: an update on classification, nomenclature, evolution and resources. The Plant Journal doi: 10.1111/tpj.15667
- Guiliang Tang, Sachin Teotia, Xiaoqing Tang, Deepali Singh (2021) RNA-Based Technologies for Functional Genomics in Plants. Springer (Book Editor).
- Jiwei Chen, Sachin Teotia, Ting Lan, Guiliang Tang (2021) MicroRNA Techniques: Valuable Tools for Agronomic Trait Analyses and Breeding in Rice. Frontiers in Plant Science, 1929
- T Yang, Y Wang, H Liu, W Zhang, M Chai, G Tang, Z Zhang (2020) MicroRNA1917-CTR1-LIKE PROTEIN KINASE 4 impacts fruit development via tuning ethylene synthesis and response. Plant Science 291, 110334
- S Teotia, D Singh, G Tang (2020) Technologies to Address Plant microRNA Functions. Plant microRNAs (Book), Springer, Cham pp25-43
- W Liu, Y Mao, J Schoenborn, Z Wang, G Tang, X Tang (2019) Whole blueberry protects pancreatic beta-cells in diet-induced obese mouse. Nutrition & metabolism 16 (1), 1-9
- T Peng, S Teotia, G Tang, Q Zhao (2019) MicroRNAs meet with quantitative trait loci: Small powerful players in regulating quantitative yield traits in rice. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA 10 (6), e1556
- G Tang (2019) Modulating Plant MicroRNAs by Short tandem Target Mimic (STTM) For Crop Improvement. PAG ASIA 2019 (Conference)
- Z Zhang, S Teotia, J Tang, G Tang (2019) Perspectives on microRNAs and phased small interfering RNAs in maize (Zea mays L.): functions and big impact on agronomic traits enhancement. Plants 8 (6), 170
- Y Wang, Z Wang, W Yang, X Xie, H Cheng, L Qin, G Tang, B Huang (2019) Degradation of fungal microRNAs triggered by short tandem target mimics is via the small-RNA-degrading nuclease. Applied and environmental microbiology 85 (9)
- Ya‐Fan Zhao, Ting Peng, Hong‐Zheng Sun, Sachin Teotia, Hui‐Li Wen, Yan‐Xiu Du, Jing Zhang, Jun‐Zhou Li, Guiliang Tang, Hong‐Wei Xue, Quan‐Zhi Zhao (2019) miR1432‐OsACOT (Acyl‐CoA thioesterase) module determines grain yield via enhancing grain filling rate in rice. Plant biotechnology journal 17 (4), 712-723
- T Yang, Y Wang, S Teotia, Z Wang, C Shi, H Sun, Y Gu, Z Zhang, G Tang (2019) The interaction between miR160 and miR165/166 in the control of leaf development and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-13
- Peng T, Qiao M, Liu H, Teotia S, Zhang Z, Zhao Y, Wang B, Zhao D, Shi L, Zhang C, Le B, Rogers K, Gunasekara C, Duan H, Gu Y, Tian L, Nie J, Qi J, Meng F, Huang L, Chen Q, Wang Z, Tang J, Tang X, Wei H, Chen X, Zhao Q, Tang G. (2018) A Resource for Inactivation of microRNAs Using Short Tandem Target Mimic Technology in Model and Crop Plants. Mol Plant. 11(11): 1400-1417.
- Ya‐Fan Zhao, Ting Peng, Hong‐Zheng Sun, Sachin Teotia, Hui‐Li Wen, Yan‐Xiu Du, Jing Zhang, Jun‐Zhou Li, Gui-liang Tang, Hong‐Wei Xue, Quan‐Zhi Zhao. (2018) miR1432‐OsACOT (Acyl‐CoA thioesterase) module determines grain yield via enhancing grain filling rate in rice. Plant biotechnology journal doi: 10.1111/pbi.13009. [Epub ahead of print]
- Lei Tian, Haiping Liu, Ligang Ren, Lixia Ku, Liuji Wu, Mingna Li, Shunxi Wang, Jinlong Zhou, Xiaoheng Song, Jun Zhang, Dandan Dou, Huafeng Liu, Guiliang Tang, Yanhui Chen. (2018) MicroRNA 399 as a potential integrator of photo-response, phosphate homeostasis, and sucrose signaling under long day condition. BMC plant biology 18 (1), 290.
- Chao Song, Xiao-Huang Qin, Qiao Zhou, Zi-Yang Wang, Wei-He Liu, Jun Li, Lan Huang, Yang Chen, Guiliang Tang, Dong-Jie Zhao, Zhong-Yi Wang. (2018) PlantES: A Plant Electrophysiological Multi-Source Data Online Analysis and Sharing Platform. Applied Sciences 8 (11), 2269.
- Wang Y, Shi C, Yang T, Zhao L, Chen J, Zhang N, Ren Y, Tang G, Cui D, Chen F. (2018) High-throughput sequencing revealed that microRNAs were involved in the development of superior and inferior grains in bread wheat. Sci Rep. 14;8(1): 13854.
- Yang, T., Wang, Y., Teotia, S., Zhang, Z., & Tang, G. (2018). The making of leaves: how small RNA networks modulate leaf development. Frontiers in plant science, 9, 824. Read More
- Liu, H., Yu, H., Tang, G., & Huang, T. (2018). Small but powerful: function of microRNAs in plant development. Plant cell reports, 1-14. Ream More
- Zhao, Y., Wen, H., Teotia, S., Du, Y., Zhang, J., Li, J., ... & Zhao, Q. (2017). Suppression of microRNA159 impacts multiple agronomic traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.). BMC plant biology, 17(1), 215. Read More
- Teotia, S., Zhang, D., & Tang, G. (2017). Knockdown of Rice microRNA166 by Short Tandem Target Mimic (STTM). In Functional Genomics (pp. 337-349). Humana Press, New York, NY. Read More
- Tian, B., Wang, S., Todd, T. C., Johnson, C. D., Tang, G., & Trick, H. N. (2017). Genome-wide identification of soybean microRNA responsive to soybean cyst nematodes infection by deep sequencing. BMC genomics, 18(1), 572. Read More
- Teotia, S., & Tang, G. (2017). Silencing of Stress-Regulated miRNAs in Plants by Short Tandem Target Mimic (STTM) Approach. In Plant Stress Tolerance (pp. 337-348). Humana Press, New York, NY. Read More
- Yang M, Li C, Cai Z, Hu Y, Nolan T, Yu F, Yin Y, Xie Q, Tang G, Wang X. (2017) SINAT E3 Ligases Control the Light-Mediated Stability of the Brassinosteroid-Activated Transcription Factor BES1 in Arabidopsis. Dev Cell . 41(1): 47-58. DOI:10.1016/j.devcel.2017.03.014. Read More
- Zhang Z, Hu F, Sung MW, Shu C, Castillo-González C, Koiwa H, Tang G, Dickman M, Li P, Zhang X (2017) RISC-Interacting Clearing 3'- 5' Exoribonucleases (RICEs) degrade uridylated cleavage fragments to maintain functional RISC in Arabidopsis. Elife DOI:10.7554/eLife.24466. Read More
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- Wanzhen LI, Yulong WANG, Jianyu ZHU, Zhangxun WANG, Guiliang TANG, Bo HUANG (2017)Differential DNA methylation may contribute to temporal and spatial regulation of gene expression and the development of mycelia and conidia in entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium robertsii. Fungal Biology (Online) Read More
- Jun Yan, Chunzhao Zhao, Jianping Zhou, Yu Yang, Pengcheng Wang, Xiaohong Zhu, Guiliang Tang, Ray A. Bressan, Jian-Kang Zhu (2016) The miR165/166 Mediated Regulatory Module Plays Critical Roles in ABA Homeostasis and Response in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plos Genetics DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006416. Read More
- Yang Chen, Dong-Jie Zhao, Zi-Yang Wang, Zhong-Yi Wang, Guiliang Tang, and Lan Huang (2016) Plant Electrical Signal Classification Based on Waveform Similarity. Algorithms 9(4), 70. Read More
- Lina Shi, Xiaoqing Tang, Guiliang Tang (2016) GUIDE-seq to Detect Genome-wide Double-Stranded Breaks in Plants. Trends in Plant Science 21(10): 815-818. Read More
- Sachin Teotia, Deepali Singh, Xiaoqing Tang, Guiliang Tang (2016) Essential RNA-Based Technologies and Their Applications in Plant Functional Genomics. Trends in Biotechnology. 34(2):106-23. Read More
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- Bhagwat B, Chi M, Han D, Tang H, Tang G, Xiang Y. (2016) Design, Construction, and Validation of Artificial MicroRNA Vectors Using Agrobacterium-Mediated Transient Expression System. Methods Mol Biol. 1405:149-62. Read More
- Sachin Teotia and Guiliang Tang (2015) To bloom or not to bloom: Role of microRNAs in plant flowering. Molecular Plant 8(3): 359-377 (Highly Cited) Read More
- Xiaoyun Jia, Na Ding, Weixin Fan, Jun Yan, Yiyou Gu, Xiaoqing Tang, Runzhi Li, Guiliang Tang (2015) Functional plasticity of miR165/166 in plant development revealed by small tandem target mimic. Plant Science, 233: 11-21. Read More
- Zhenying Cai, Jingjing Liu, Haijiao Wang, Cangjing Yang, Yuxiao Chen, Yongchi Li, Shanjin Pan, Rui Dong, Guiliang Tang, Juan de Dios Barajas-Lopez, Hiroaki Fujii, and Xuelu Wang (2014) GSK3-like kinases positively modulate abscisic acid signaling through phosphorylating subgroup III SnRK2s in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(26): 9651-6 Read More
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- James Wong, Lei Gao, Yang Yang, Jixian Zhai, Siwaret Arikit, Yu Yu, Shuyi Duan, Vicky Chan, Qin Xiong, Jun Yan, Shengben Li, Renyi Liu, Yuanchao Wang, Guiliang Tang, Blake C. Meyers, Xuemei Chen and Wenbo Ma (2014) Roles of Small RNAs in Soybean Defense against Phytophthora sojae Infection. Plant J. 2014 Jun 18. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12590. [Epub ahead of print] Read More
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- Dianwei Han, Jun Zhang, and Guiliang Tang (2012) MicroRNAfold: pre-microRNA secondary structure prediction based on Modified NCM model with thermodynamics-based scoring strategy. International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 6(3):272-91 Read More
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- Lijuan Ji, Xigang Liu, Jun Yan, Wenming Wang, Rae Eden Yumul, Yu Ju Kim, Thanh Theresa Dinh, Jun Liu, Xia Cui, Binglian Zheng, Manu Agarwal, Chunyan Liu, Xiaofeng Cao, Guiliang Tang, and Xuemei Chen* (2011) ARGONAUTE10 and ARGONAUTE1 Regulate the Termination of Floral Stem Cells through Two microRNAs in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet. 7(3):e1001358. Epub 2011 Mar 31. Read More
- Xiaoyun Jia, Jun Yan, and Guiliang Tang (2011) MicroRNA-mediated DNA methylation in plants. Frontiers in Biology 6(2):133-139 Read More
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- Dianwei Han, Guiliang Tang, and Jun Zhang (2011) A Parallel Strategy for Predicting the Secondary Structure of Polycistronic MicroRNAs. Int. J. Bioinformatics Research and Applications (In press)
- Guiliang Tang (2010) Plant microRNAs: An insight into their gene structures and evolution. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 21:782-789. Read More
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Stephen Techtmann
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- Golob, J. L., Oskotsky, T. T., Tang, A., Roldan, A., Chung, V., Ha, C. W., ... & Sirota, M. (2023). Microbiome Preterm Birth DREAM Challenge: Crowdsourcing Machine Learning Approaches to Advance Preterm Birth Research. medRxiv, 2023-03. Link
- Campa, M. F., Chen See, J. R., Unverdorben, L. V., Wright, O. G., Roth, K. A., Niles, J. M., ... & Lamendella, R. (2022). Geochemistry and Multiomics Data Differentiate Streams in Pennsylvania Based on Unconventional Oil and Gas Activity. Microbiology spectrum, 10(5), e00770-22. Link
- Schaerer, L. G., Wu, R., Putman, L. I., Pearce, J. M., Lu, T., Shonnard, D. R., ... & Techtmann, S. M. (2022). Killing two birds with one stone: Chemical and biological upcycling of polyethylene terephthalate plastics into food. Trends in biotechnology. Link
- Alhajjar, R. K., Roche, K. M., & Techtmann, S. M. (2022). Comparative Analysis of the Mechanism of Resistance to Silver Nanoparticles and the Biocide 2, 2-Dibromo-3-Nitrilopropionamide. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 66(6), e02031-21. Link
- Basili, M., Techtmann, S. M., Zaggia, L., Luna, G. M., & Quero, G. M. (2022). Partitioning and sources of microbial pollution in the Venice Lagoon. Science of The Total Environment, 818, 151755. Link
- Techtmann, S. M., Baldwin, A. L., Aluko, D., Andersen, J., Becker, C., Chandler, G., ... & Schroeder, L. (2022). Draft Genome Sequencing of Three Glutaraldehyde-Tolerant Bacteria from Produced Water from Hydraulic Fracturing. Microbiology resource announcements, 11(2), e01232-21. Link
- Byrne, E., Schaerer, L. G., Kulas, D. G., Ankathi, S. K., Putman, L. I., Codere, K. R., ... & Techtmann, S. M. (2022). Pyrolysis-aided microbial biodegradation of high-density polyethylene plastic by environmental inocula enrichment cultures. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 10(6), 2022-2033. Link
- Alhajjar, R. K., Ghannam, R. B., See, J. R. C., Wright, O. G., Campa, M. F., Hazen, T. C., ... & Techtmann, S. M. (2021). Comparative study of the effects of biocides and metal oxide nanoparticles on microbial community structure in a stream impacted by hydraulic fracturing. Chemosphere, 284, 131255. Link
- Byrne, E. R., Roche, K. M., Schaerer, L. G., & Techtmann, S. M. (2021). Temporal variation of crude and refined oil biodegradation rates and microbial community composition in freshwater systems. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 47(5), 1376-1385. Link
- Kokate, P. P., Techtmann, S. M., & Werner, T. (2021). Codon usage bias and dinucleotide preference in 29 Drosophila species. G3, 11(8), jkab191. Link
- Schaerer, L. G., Webb, P. N., Corazzola, A., Christian, W. C., & Techtmann, S. M. (2021). Impact of air, water and dock microbial communities on boat microbial community composition. Link
- Rupp, D. L., Lamit, L. J., Techtmann, S. M., Kane, E. S., Lilleskov, E. A., & Turetsky, M. R. (2021). The Rhizosphere Responds: Rich Fen Peat and Root Microbial Ecology after Long-Term Water Table Manipulation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 87(12). Link
- Hubbard, B. R., Putman, L. I., Techtmann, S., & Pearce, J. M. (2021). Open Source Vacuum Oven Design for Low-Temperature Drying: Performance Evaluation for Recycled PET and Biomass. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 5(2), 52. Link
- Chen See, J. R., Wright, O., Unverdorben, L. V., Heibeck, N., Techtmann, S. M., Hazen, T. C., & Lamendella, R. (2021). Evaluating the Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on Streams using Microbial Molecular Signatures. JoVE, 170. Link
- Ghannam, R. B., & Techtmann, S. M. (2021). Machine learning applications in microbial ecology, human microbiome studies, and environmental monitoring. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. Link
- Christian, W. C., Butler, T. M., Ghannam, R. B., Webb, P. N., & Techtmann, S. M. (2020). Phylogeny and diversity of alkane-degrading enzyme gene variants in the laurentian great lakes and western atlantic. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 367(23), fnaa182. Link
- Schaerer, L. G., Webb, P. N., Corazzola, A., Christian, W. C., & Techtmann, S. M. (2020). Impact of air, water, and dock microbial communities on boat microbial community composition. Journal of Applied Microbiology. Link
- Miller JI, Techtmann S, Joyner D, Mahmoudi N, Fortney J, Fordyce JA, GaraJayeva N, Askerov FS, Cravid C, Kuijper M, Pelz O, Hazen TC.2020. Microbial Communities across Global Marine Basins Show Important Compositional Similarities by Depth. mBio 11:e01448-20. Link
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- Schaerer, L. G., Ghannam, R. B., Butler, T. M., & Techtmann, S. M. (2019). Global comparison of the bacterial communities of bilge water, boat surfaces, and external port water. Applied and environmental microbiology, 85(24). Link
- Campa, M. F., Wolfe, A. K., Techtmann, S. M., Harik, A. M., & Hazen, T. C. (2019). Unconventional Oil and Gas Energy Systems: An Unidentified Hotspot of Antimicrobial Resistance?. Frontiers in microbiology, 10, 2392. Link
- Butler, T. M., Wilhelm, A. C., Dwyer, A. C., Webb, P. N., Baldwin, A. L., & Techtmann, S. M. (2019). Microbial community dynamics during lake ice freezing. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-11. Link
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- Techtmann, S.M., Colman, A.S., Robb, F.T. (2009) “That Which Does Not Kill Us Only Makes Us Stronger”: The Role of Carbon Monoxide in Thermophilic Microbial Consortia, Environmental Microbiology 11(5); 1027 - 1037 Link
Noel R. Urban
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Trista Vick-Majors
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Greg Waite
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- Médici, E.F., J.S. Allen, and G.P. Waite (2014) Modeling shockwaves generated by explosive volcanic eruptions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 414-421, doi:10.1002/2013GL058340, preprint PDF.
- Nadeau, P.A., C.A. Werner, G.P. Waite, S.A. Carn, I.D. Brewer, T. Elias, A.J. Sutton, and C. Kern (2014) Using SO2 camera imagery and seismicity to examine degassing and gas accumulation at Kilauea volcano, May 2010, J. Volcan. Geotherm. Res., doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.12.005.
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- Lyons, J.J., G.P. Waite, M. Ichihara, and J.M. Lees (2012) Tilt prior to explosions and the effect of topography on ultra-long-period seismic records at Fuego volcano, Guatemala, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L08305, doi:10.1029/2012GL051184. Read More
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Charles Wallace
- A. Morrison and C. Wallace (2022). Making it strange: Disrupting assumptions about technology and ethics in engineering and computing education. IEEE Technology and Society 41(3): 81–90.
- B. Bettin, M. Jarvie-Eggart, K.S. Steelman, and C. Wallace (2022). Preparing first year engineering students to think about code: A guided approach. IEEE Transactions on Education 65(3): 309–319.
- D. Pontious, K. Thelen, B. Bettin, K.S. Steelman, L.C. Ureel, and C. Wallace (2022). Illuminated Devices: A sociotechnical system to broaden access to digital assistance. (poster) International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Hiroshima, Japan.
- B. Bettin, K.S. Steelman, C. Wallace, D. Pontious, and E. Veinott (2022). Identifying and addressing risks in the early design of a sociotechnical system through premortem. Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.
- A. Morrison and C. Wallace (2021). Iteration and inquiry: Toward a meaningful model of ethical engagement for engineering and computing students. IEEE Ethics Conference, Waterloo ON, Canada.
- B. Bettin, M. Jarvie-Eggart, K.S. Steelman, and C. Wallace (2021). Developing a comic-creation assignment and rubric for teaching and assessing algorithmic concepts. IEEE Frontiers in Education, Lincoln NE.
- K.S. Steelman and C. Wallace (2021). Breaking barriers, building understanding: A multigenerational approach to digital literacy instruction for older adults. ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society 49(1): 23–24.
- B.C. Bettin, M. Jarvie-Eggart, K. Steelman, and C. Wallace (2020). Infusing Computing Identity Into Introductory Engineering Instruction. IEEE Frontiers in Education, Virtual Conference.
- K. Steelman, M. Jarvie-Eggart, K.L. Tislar, N. Manser, B.C. Bettin, L.C. Ureel, and C. Wallace (2020). Work in Progress: The perception of computer programming within engineering education: An investigation of student attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. American Society of Engineering Education, Virtual Conference.
- L.C. Ureel and C. Wallace (2019). Automated critique of early programming antipatterns. ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Minneapolis MN.
- I. Pollock, B. Alshaigy, A. Bradley, B.R. Krogstie, V. Kumar, L. Ott, A.-K. Peters, C. Ridesel, and C. Wallace (2019). 1.5 Degrees of Separation: Computer Science Education in the Age of the Anthropocene. ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Educa- tion (ITiCSE), Aberdeen, UK. ITiCSE-WGR ’19: Proceedings of the Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 1–25.
- S. Kumar and C. Wallace. (2019). The case for kairos: The importance of moment and manner in software engineering communication. Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training, Maui HI.
- L.E. Brown, A. Feltz, and C. Wallace (2018). Lab Exercises for a Discrete Structures Course: Exploring Logic and Relational Algebra with Alloy. ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Lanarca, Cyprus.
- S. Frezza, M. Daniels, A. Pears, A. Cajander, K. Viggo, K. Amanpreet, R. McDermott, A.-K. Peters, M. Sabin, and C. Wallace (2018). Modelling Competencies for Computing Education beyond 2020: A Research Based Approach to Defining Competencies in the Computing Disciplines. ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), Lanarca, Cyprus.
- C. Wallace (2018). Learning Discrete Structures Interactively with Alloy. (workshop) ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Baltimore MD.
David Watkins, PE
- Agusdinata, D. B., Hanif, M., Shwom, R., Watkins, D., Floress, K., Cuite, C., & Halvorsen, K. E. (2024). Effectiveness of conservation messages to reduce households' GHG emissions: A serious-gaming experiment. Journal of Environmental Management, 351, 119948.
- Daignault, J., C. Wallace, D. Watkins, et al. (2023). A household-scale life cycle assessment model for understanding the food-energy-water nexus. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11, 1059301.
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- Watkins, D., Shwom, R, Schelly, C., Agusdinata, B., Floress, K., and Halvorsen, K.E. (2018). “Understanding Household Conservation, Climate Change, and the Food-Energy-Water Nexus from a Transdisciplinary Perspective,” in A Research Agenda for Environmental Management, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Mirchi, A., Watkins, D. W., Engel, V., Sukop, M. C., Czajkowski, J., Bhat, M., Rehage, J., Letson, D, Takatsuka, Y., and Weisskoff, R. (2018). “A hydro-economic model of South Florida water resources system,” Science of the Total Environment, 628-629, 1531-1541.
- Brown, C.E., Bhat, M.G., Rehage, J.S., Mirchi, A., Boucek, R., Engel, V., Ault, J., Mozumder, P., Watkins, D., and Sukop, M. (2018). “Ecological-economic assessment of the effects of freshwater flow in the Florida Everglades on recreational fisheries,” Science of the Total Environment, 627, 480-493.
- Takatsuka, Y., Niekus, M.R., Harrington, J., Feng, S., Watkins, D., Mirchi, A., Nguyen, H., and Sukop, M.C. (2018). “Value of irrigation water usage in South Florida agriculture,” Science of the Total Environment, 626, 486-496.
- Lanier, A.L., Drabik, J.R., Heikkila, T., Bolson, J., Sukop, M.C., Watkins, D.W., Rehage, J., Mirchi, A., Engel, V. and Letson, D. (2018). “Facilitating integration in interdisciplinary research: Lessons from a south Florida water, sustainability, and climate project,” Environmental Management, 62(6), 1025-1037.
- Spellman, P., Webster, V., and Watkins, D. (2018). “Bias correcting instantaneous peak flows generated using a continuous, semi‐distributed hydrologic model,” Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12342.
- Czajkowski, J., Engel, V., Martinez, C., Mirchi, A., Watkins, D., Hughes, J., and Sukop, M. (2017). “Economic impacts of urban flooding in south Florida: Potential consequences of managing groundwater to prevent salt water intrusion,” Science of the Total Environment, 621, 465-478.
- Miller, L.B., M.C. Moritz, and D.W. Watkins (2017). “Connectivity and Source Protection: Perspectives on Water and Sanitation Challenges in Rural Indigenous Panama,” Proc. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, ASCE, Sacramento, CA, May 20-24.
- Yang, X., You, Z., Hiller, J., and Watkins, D. (2017). “Sensitivity of flexible pavement design to Michigan’s climatic inputs using pavement ME design,” International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 18(7), 622-632.
- Moraes, M.M.G.A., Ribeiro, M.M.R., Watkins, D.W., Viana, J.H.N., Figueiredo, L.E.N., da Silva, G.S. and Carneiro, A.C.G. (2016). “Integrated economic models to support decisions on water pricing in biofuel production river basins: three case studies from Brazil,” Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref., 10(3), 255–269.
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- Pouryousef, H., Lautala, P., Watkins, D. (2016). “Development of hybrid optimization of train schedules model for N-track rail corridors,” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 67, 169-192.
- Watkins, D., M. Moraes, H. Asbjornsen, A. Mayer, J. Licata, J. Gutierrez, T. Pypker, V. Molina, G. Marques, A. Carneiro, H. Nuñez, H. Önal, and B. Germano (2015). “Bioenergy Development and Integrated Water-Energy Management in Pan America,” Environmental Management, 56(6), 1295-1314.
- LaBeau, M., A.S. Mayer, V.W. Griffis, D.W. Watkins, D. Robertson, R. Gyawali (2015). “The importance of considering shifts in seasonal changes in discharges when predicting future phosphorus loads in streams,” Biogeochemistry, 126(1-2), 153-172.
- Gyawali R., V.W. Griffis, D.W. Watkins Jr., and N.M. Fennessey (2015). “Regional regression models for hydro-climate change impact assessment,” Hydrol. Process., 29(8), 1972–1985.
- Gyawali, R., D.W. Watkins Jr., V.W. Griffis, and B.F. Lofgren (2014). “Energy budget considerations for hydro-climatic impact assessment in Great Lakes watersheds,” Journal of Great Lakes Research, 40(4): 940–948, doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2014.09.005.
- Mirchi, A., D.W. Watkins Jr., C.J. Huckins, K. Madani, and P. Hjorth (2014). “Water resources management in a homogenizing world: Averting the Growth and Underinvestment trajectory,” Water Resour. Res., 50, doi:10.1002/2013WR015128.
- Ilorme, F., V.W. Griffis, and D.W. Watkins Jr. (2014). “Regional Rainfall Frequency and Ungaged Basin Analysis for Flood Risk Assessment in Haiti,” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 19(1), 123–132.
- Lofgren, B.M., A.D. Gronewold, A. Acciaioli, J. Cherry, A. Steiner, and D. Watkins (2013). “Methodological Approaches to Projecting the Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change,” Earth Interactions, 17, 1–19.
- Etkin, D., P. Kirshen, D. Watkins, G. Hoogenboom, M. Roncoli, et al. (2013). “Stochastic Programming for Improved Multi-Use Reservoir Operation in Burkina Faso, West Africa,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000396.
- Fry, L.M., D.W. Watkins Jr., N. Reents, M.D. Rowe, and J.R. Mihelcic (2012). “Climate Change and Development Impacts on the Sustainability of Spring-fed Water Supply Systems in the Alto Beni Region of Bolivia,” Journal of Hydrology, 468-469: 120-129.
- Mirchi, A., K. Madani, D.W. Watkins Jr., and S. Ahmad (2012). “Synthesis of System Dynamics Tools for Holistic Conceptualization of Water Resources Problems,” Water Resources Management, 26(9), 2421-2442.
Veronica L. Webster, PE
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Adam M. Wellstead
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Kim, S., Heikkila, T. and Wellstead, A.M., 2024. Pathways to learning in data-based policy innovation labs. International Review of Public Policy, 6(6: 2).
Morrison, A., Wellstead, A.M. and Dickinson, H., 2024. Reclaiming public service ethics through algorithms: Implications for teaching and development. Teaching Public Administration, 42(2), pp.251-268.
Villa-Alvarez, D.P. and Wellstead, A.M., 2024. More than Semantics? Navigating the “Policy* Design” Concepts’ Landscape. Central European Journal of Public Policy, 18(2), pp.35-51.
Wellstead, A.M., Mechling, S.M., Carter, A. and Gofen, A., 2024. Artificial intelligence possibilities to improve analytical policy capacity: the case of environmental policy innovation labs and sustainable development goals. Policy Design and Practice, 7(4), pp.456-467.
Wellstead, A., Schmidt, R., Carter, A. and Gofen, A., 2024. New Avenues for Public Value Management and the Role of Nonprofit Policy Innovation Labs: Co-Experience and Social Media. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 15(1), pp.26-pp.
Wellstead, A. and Howlett, M., 2024. Public value and procedural policy instrument specifications in “design for service”. Policy Design and Practice, pp.1-14.
Jeremy Worm
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Shiliang Wu
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Bo Xiao
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Zhanping You, PE
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