Angie Carter

- Associate Professor
- PhD, Sociology and Sustainable Agriculture, Iowa State University
- MS, Rural Sociology, Iowa State University
- MFA, Creative Writing, University of Arizona
- BA, English and French, University of Iowa
Areas of Expertise
- Environmental & rural sociology
- Community-based and participatory research
- Agrifood systems
Recent Publications
- Wellstead, A., S. M. Mechling, A. Carter, and A. Gofan. 2024. Artificial intelligence possibilities to improve analytical policy capacity: the case of environmental policy innovation labs and sustainable development goals. Policy Design and Practice.
- Lu, H. and A. Carter. 2024. Social determinants of rural food security: Findings from Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Journal of Rural Studies. Online first.
- Carter, A. and G. Roesch-McNally (equal authorship). 2024. Gender, Land, and Agricultural Sustainability: Working Toward Greater Intersectionality for Equity, Inclusion, and Justice. Ch. 10 in Opening Windows: Emerging Perspectives, Practices, and Opportunities in Natural Resource Social Sciences, Kate Sherran, Gladman Thondhlana, and Douglas Jackson-Smith, eds. University Press of Colorado, Utah State University Press.
- Beaudoin, S., Bal, T.L., and A. Carter. 2024. Berries without Bugs: Recreational Foraging and a Fruit Fly Threat in Rural Michigan. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism. 10.3727/216929722X16354101932429
- Wellstead, A., R. Schmidt, A. Carter, and A. Gofan. 2024. New avenues for public value management and the role of nonprofit policy innovation labs: co-experience and social media. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research 15(1). DOI:
- Nichols, C. and A. Carter. 2023. It doesn't bother me: an intersectional analysis of discrimination among white women farmers in the US Corn Belt. Journal of Rural Studies.
- Carter, A. and R. Christoffel. 2023. Supporting Women Landowners in Wetland Conservation. Society & Natural Resources 36(3): 250-258. 10.1080/08941920.2022.2158255
- Thompson, D. and A. Carter. 2022. Intersections Between Rural Studies and Food Justice in the U.S.: Some Implications for Today and the Future. Food, Culture & Society. 10.1080/15528014.2022.2138319
- Lu, H. and A. Carter. 2022. Emergent regional collaborative governance in rural local food systems development. Community Development. 10.1080/15575330.2022.2135550
- Carter, A. and R. Christoffel. 2022. Social Networks as Conservation Practice: Targeting Wetland Conservation for Women Landowners. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 77(5):69A-74A. doi:10.2489/jswc.2022.0614A
- Carter, A. 2022. Cultivating Community Resilience: Working in Solidarity in and Beyond Crisis. Gender, Food and Agriculture During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Paige Castellanos, Carolyn Sachs, Ann Tickamyer, eds. Routledge.
- Carter, Angie. 2021. Tributaries: On Thinking Downstream. Compelling Ground: Landscapes, Environments, and Peoples of Iowa. Iowa State University Brunnier Art Museum.
- Wellstead, A., A. Gofen & A. Carter. 2021. Policy innovation lab scholarship: past, present, and the future Introduction to the special issue on policy innovation labs. Policy Design and Practice DOI: 10.1080/25741292.2021.1940700
- Basche, A. and A. Carter. 2021. Training future agricultural professionals in landowner-tenant conservation decision-making. Natural Sciences Education 50(1)
- Burkett, E. and A. Carter. 2020. "It's Not about the Fish: Women's Experiences in a Gendered Recreation Landscape. Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal. DOI: 10.1080/01490400.2020.1780522
- Carter, A. 2020. Women’s farm organizations in the United States: Protecting and transforming agricultural power. Routledge Handbook of Gender and Agriculture, 275-286.
- Carter, A. and A. Lazaro Lopez. 2019. "Rebranding the Farmer: Formula Story Revision and Masculine Symbolic Boundaries in US Agriculture." Feminist Formations 31:3: 25-50. DOI: 10.1353/ff.2019.0029
- Carter, A. and A. Kruzic. 2019. "'No Soil in Our Oil!": Shifting Narratives from Commodities to the Commons." in Social Movements Contesting Natural Development. John Devlin, Ed. New York: Routledge.
- Carter, A. 2019. "We Don't Equal Even Just One Man": Gender and Social Control in Conservation Adoption." Society & Natural Resources 32(8): 893-910. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2019.1584657
- Carter, A., B. Wells, and A. Kruzic. 2019. "Social Justice, Corporate Influence, and Development: Defending the Public Interest at a State University." Theory in Action 12(1): 54-85. DOI:10.3798/tia.1937-0237.1902
- Carter, A., C. Chennault, and A. Kruzic. 2018. "Public Action for Public Science: Re-Imagining the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture." Capitalism Nature Socialism 29(1): 69-88. DOI:10.1080/10455752.2017.1423364
- Carter, A. and A. Kruzic. 2017. "Centering the Commons, Creating Space for the Collective: Ecofeminist #NoDAPL Praxis in Iowa." Journal of Social Justice 7:2-22. ISSN: 2064-7100.
- Carter, A. 2017. "Placeholders and Changemakers: Women Farmland Owners Navigating Gendered Expectations." Rural Sociology 82(3): 499-523. DOI:10.1111/ruso.12131
- Carter, A. 2017. "Changes on the Land: Gender and Power of Social Networks." Pp. 76-93 in Land Justice: Re-Imagining Land, Food and the Commons in the United States. Eric Holt-Gimenez and Justine Williams, eds. Oakland: Food First.
- Carter, A., B. Wells, J. Soulis, and A. Hand. 2016. "Building Power Through Community: Women Creating and Theorizing Change." Pp. 225-239 in Women in Agriculture Worldwide: Key Issues and Practical Approaches. Amber J. Fletcher and Wendee Kubik, eds. New York: Routledge.
- Carter, A., C. M. Prado-Meza, J. Soulis, and D. Thompson Bello. 2014. "Students Creating Curriculum Change: Sustainable Agriculture and Social Justice." Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 3(1):article 5. DOI:10.31274/jctp-180810-27.
Recent Funding
- Basche, A. and A. Carter. January 2024-December 2026. Meeting needs at the margins: Building networks to support "missed" land stewards. North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE) Research & Education grant. United States Department of Agriculture. $249,284 award total with MTU $109,964 subaward.
- Carter, A. September 2023-July 2025. Institutionalizing Farm to School Integration through Community Engagement, School Purchasing Processes, and Student Involvement: Western UP Farm to School Phase 2. Subcontract in partnership with Western UP Planning & Development Region and UP Food Exchange with funding from Michigan Health Endowment Fund. $39,990.
- Carter, A. May 2021-May 2023. Building Momentum to Improve Farm to School Capacity, Small Farm Viability, and Healthy Local Food Access in UP Schools. Subcontract in partnership with Western UP Planning & Development Region and Taste the Local Difference with funding from Michigan Health Endowment Fund. $22,573.
- Carter, A. May 2021-July 2022. Western UP Community Food Survey. Portage Health Foundation. $36,510.
- Carter, A., M. Seguin, R. Pressley. Jan 2020-July 2022. Seeding Rural Development: Creating Resiliency Through Gardening. Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. $19,147.
- Carter, A. Jan 2021-Dec 2023. Growing Food, Feeding Communities of Practice: Preliminary Analysis of Community Food Provider Networks in Western Upper Peninsula. Rural Sociological Society Early Career Award. $1,680.
- Carter, A. Jan 2022-Sept 2023. Western Upper Peninsula Communities Food Systems Assessment Phase 1. Portage Health Foundation Research Excellence Fund Seed Proposal. $21,111.
- Gofan, A., A. Wellstead, and A. Carter. October 2019-December 2024. Era of 'Labification': Solving Disruptive Social Problems through Policy and Social Innovation Labs. Binational Science Foundation. $168,194.
- Gierke, J., A. Mayer, L. Bowman, A. Carter, F. Liu. May 2019-2023. Collaborative Research: Coupling participatory and hydrological research for adapting to extreme hydrometeorological events in agricultural communities in El Salvador. National Science Foundation IRES Track III: Collaborative Research. $881,974.
- Basche, A. and A. Carter. 2019-2022. "Partnering in Conservation: Engaging Women Farmland Owners and their Tenants in Collaborative Conservation Planning." North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE) Partnership Grant. United States Department of Agriculture. $40,000.
Research Projects
- Collaboration with the Western UP Food Systems Collaborative studying community food systems & food justice
- Ongoing analysis of Western UP food systems knowledge and food exchange networks to inform programmatic interventions and policy recommendations, including farm to school integration and western UP community food survey
- Cohort-learning/building study with beginning and small farmers in Western Upper Peninsula
- Collaborations with Women, Food and Agriculture Network studying women farmland owners and conservation adoption
- Grassroots movements to protect the commons, including research studying Dakota Access Pipeline resistance and advocacy for clean water in Iowa
Teaching Experience
- SS 2700 Introduction to Sociology
- SS 3110 Food Systems & Sustainability
- SS 3805 Environmental Justice
- SS 4211 Ethnographic Methods
- SS 4700 Communities and Research
- SS 5720 Social Thought and Contemporary Issues