Guiliang Tang

Guiliang Tang


For Web Update

For Recent Publication

  • Professor, Biological Sciences
  • PhD, Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Israel, 2001
  • Post-Doctor, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester MA 01655

Future Research Directions for Collaboration 

<<Seek National Collaborations>>

Welcome to those who would like to collaborate with me to pursue innovative project funds from NSF! Contact me via email please for potentials. Tenure-track assistant professors are especially welcome! We have experience in pursuing and leading multi-institutional NSF Plant Genome project on microRNAs using short tandem target mimic (STTM) technology. Future directions will be:

  1. Large-scale targeting microRNAs for regulations in fruit crop stress biology.
  2. Trans-species spreading of microRNAs and STTMs in plant grafting biology.

Interested PI and co-PIs with relevant expertise are welcome to connect with me to target NSF bigger ideas in PGRP. Please Contact Dr. Guiliang Tang.


Dr. Tang conducted his graduate research on the catabolic pathway of the essential amino acid lysine in the laboratory of Dr. Gad Galili at the Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Israel. He then moved to the laboratory of Dr. Phillip D. Zamore at the University of Massachusetts Medical School for his post-doctoral research on plant RNA interference (RNAi) and microRNA (miRNA) pathways. He established his independent Gene Suppression Laboratory at the University of Kentucky (UK) and became a tenured Associate Professor there.

In October 2011, he moved from UK to Michigan Technological University (MTU) after a visit to Michigan's Upper Peninsula (U.P.) for a family reunion and enjoying the first winter time outdoor activities with his wife and kids. In May 2016, he became a full Professor at Michigan Tech.


  • Gene Silencing
  • RNA Interference (RNAi)
  • MicroRNA (miRNA) and miRNA Eveolution
  • RNA Silencing in Plant Germ Extract and Drosophila Embryo Lysate.
  • Fungal RNAi and microRNA
  • MicroRNA Technologies: Small Tandem Target mimic (STTM) and MicroRNA Array
  • Plant Electrophysiology in Plant microRNA STTM lines and Venus flytrap.
  • Wild Blueberry Improvement