Partnering to Prepare STEM Master Teachers for Michigan's Middle Schools

Michigan Master Teachers Program

Funded by the National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program

Track 3: Master Teaching Fellowship, Award Abstract #2345094


Michigan Technological University (MTU) and Northern Michigan University (NMU) are partnering to prepare middle school science teachers to become leaders in STEM education. Through this collaboration, the project will recruit, train, and retain high-quality STEM teacher leaders that can serve as effective mentors and address a systemic shortage of science teachers.

The Master Teachers Program (MTP) supports 30 STEM teachers in leading efforts to improve science education in grades 5-9 in diverse, high-need schools throughout Michigan. 20 teachers have entered the program as master's degree holders and 10 teachers will earn a Master's in Educational Instruction Pedagogy, jointly developed and administered by MTU and NMU. The degree is offered entirely online, making it accessible to teachers throughout Michigan.

The Program Goals for the participating master teacher fellows are to increase:

  • knowledge of participatory action research, student-centered pedagogy, and facilitation
  • capacity to make evidence-based improvements to instruction within their classroom
  • capacity to lead an effective professional learning communities in order to enable ongoing educational improvements

MTP School District and Nonprofit Partners include:

Copper Country Intermediate School District, Kalamazoo Public Schools, Kentwood Public Schools, Marquette-Alger Regional Education Service Agency, Menominee County Intermediate School District, Midland Public Schools, Upper Peninsula Center for Educational Development, Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative, Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association, Michigan Science Teachers Association, and the MiSTEM Network.


January 27 - February 2, 2025 - Crayola Creative Week

Celebrate children’s creativity with data by signing up for Crayola Creativity Week. By using new Statistics in Schools (SIS) materials during this free and fun event, you can help students develop their artistic and data literacy skills while displaying statistics in creative ways. The new SIS Create with Data page inspires students to use their imaginations and find innovative ways to showcase their new knowledge while enhancing their civic and statistical literacy skills! They can display Census Bureau facts about upcoming observances in a colorful graph or chart, design a brochure filled with kid-friendly stats, or construct a data wheel about their state. 

Click here!

Thursday, March 6, 2025 - MSELA and MMSLN Leadership Day

9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Fenner Nature Center, Lansing, MI

Learning in Places is an NSF research project which has built frameworks to help us think about nature based learning in science and emphasizing the place in which we live. These materials are NGSS aligned AND go with any curricular resource. A perfect way to get students outside and connect authentic SEL. This is a great opportunity to build on your learning and embrace where we are in Michigan, while walking away with resources to use for years to come! This is an opportunity to learn from and with Dr. Megan Bang, and Dr. Carrie Tzou.

Click here!

Thursday, March 6, 2025 - MSELA Networking Event

6 p.m., Lansing Shuffle, Lansing MI

Join the Michigan Science Education Leadership Association at Lansing Shuffle after the Leadership Day and before the MSTA Conference begins! Lansing Shuffle is a bustling riverfront food hall featuring a range of eateries, 2 bars, and shuffleboard courts. We will network, collaborate, and hear about upcoming opportunities while deepening our connection with other science leaders. With the purchase of your ticket, dinner and learning will be provided.

Click here!

The Researchers

Marianne Semones smiles for a photo

Marianne Semones

Principal Investigator

Michigan Technological University

Joe Lubig smiles for a photo

Joe Lubig

Co-Principal Investigator

Northern Michigan University

Stephanie Tubman smiles for a photo

Stephanie Tubman

Co-Principal Investigator

Michigan Technological University

Michelle Jarvie-Eggart smiles for a photo

Michelle Jarvie- Eggart

Co-Principal Investigator

Michigan Technological University

Luke Bowman smiles for a photo

Luke Bowman

Co-Principal Investigator

Michigan Technological University


Gregg Bluth poses for a photo

Gregg Bluth

Senior Personnel

Michigan Technological University

Christi Edge smiles for a photo

Christi Edge

Senior Personnel

Northern Michigan University

Cody Williams smiles for a photo

Cody Williams

External Evaluator

Western Michigan University