
Why Enterprise?

Prepare for a successful industry career by seizing the opportunity to work on real-world design challenges on a multidisciplinary team through the Enterprise Program. Enhance your academic education through the Enterprise minor or another minor in an industry-focused field, or an immersive experience such as an internship or co-op. Adding Enterprise to your pathway gives you hands-on industry and professional development skills that will differentiate you from your peers.

Consider adding Enterprise to your pathway if...

  • You're already going above and beyond in your Enterprise
  • You're interested in business, teamwork, innovation, and problem-solving
  • After graduation, you want to be ready to lead multidisciplinary teams in industry
Meet an Enterprise Student
Enterprise is a great opportunity for people who want to work with clients [in the workforce] while they're still in school.
Maya Geiselhart photo
Maya Geiselhart
Enhanced Enterprise Experience
A line of snowmobiles getting ready for a race

Enterprise components

In Pavlis, you define success with a pathway that fits your interests. Add Enterprise components such as:

Immersion experiences like an internship or co-op

Academic enhancements like a minor in Enterprise, global business, leadership, aerospace studies, rail transportation, or manufacturing systems

Honors experiences like identifying a team need and developing, planning, and implementing a solution with long-term benefits to your Enterprise

Leadership and mentorship experiences like taking a leadership role on your Enterprise team or joining the Enterprise Student Advisory Board

Engage in Mentorship

'Accept and value shared guidance and knowledge, and fulfill this need for others.'

The Enterprise program offers opportunities to learn from student, faculty, and industry mentors while honing your own mentorship skills.
