More Housing Information

Do you need more Residence Education and Housing Services Information?
Here are more ways to stay informed:

  • Look on the official Residence Education and Housing Services website.  Use the "search" feature for quick results.
  • Look on the Residence Education and Housing Services Facebook page.  Updates are publicly posted here throughout the year.
  • Check your student account on August 1 for your Fall housing assignment details. Fall details will not be posted before August 1.
  • When you are on campus, go talk to your RA.  Your RA is a wealth of information and lives conveniently near you.  If they are in class, slide a note under the door, write on the whiteboard, or send them an email.  They will catch up with you.
  • Call the Reception Desk.  The Reception Desks are located in your residence hall. The reception desk students are also super knowledgeable.  They are generally open during the school year from 10am to 10pm on Friday and Saturday and 10am to 8pm Sunday through Thursday.
    Wadsworth Hall: 906-487-4600 - McNair Hall: 906-487-4700 - Douglass Houghton Hall: 906-487-4650
  • Call the Residence Education and Housing Services office: 906-487-2682 during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm.  You may need to leave a voicemail so we can call you back.  Please include your name, Mnumber, and your phone number.
  • Email the Residence Education and Housing Services office: .  Please send your email from your Michigan Tech account, state your full name and your Mnumber with your question.  This will help us to look at the correct student record when we reply.  Email is reviewed during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm.