All new professional staff or union employees of Michigan Technological University shall serve a probationary period ranging from 90 to 270 days dependent on the employee class.
- Non Union Employees: 270 days
- AFSCME Employees: 120 days
- POA Employees: 270 days
- UAW Employees: 90 days
The probationary period is valuable for the success of the new employee and their integration into the department. It is suggested that the immediate supervisor have a preliminary orientation meeting with the new employee within two weeks of the start date to outline the job expectations. Then, three periodic reviews should take place at regular intervals throughout the probation, each with the completion of a progress report in a timely and thorough fashion. The supervisor completes the progress report, discusses it with the employee, obtains the employee's signature, and returns each completed report to Human Resources for evaluation and storing in the personnel file.