Michael Bowler

- Professor of Philosophy
- PhD in Philosophy, University of Notre Dame
- MA in Philosophy, Indiana University Bloomington
- BS in Computer Science and Engineering, Concentration: Artificial Intelligence, University of California Davis
Dr. Bowler's research areas include 19th and 20th century Continental philosophy, ancient Greek philosophy, and research ethics. He is currently co-editing - with Mirela Oliva of University of St. Thomas, Houston - a special issue of American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, titled Catholicism and Phenomenology, which will be published in the Summer of 2021 as volume 95, number 3. He is also a member of the Tech Forward working group on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (https://www.mtu.edu/president/techforward/) and is participating in an NSF planning grant for the NSF Engineering Research Center for Mobility and Autonomous Vehicles in Unstructured and Semi-Structured Environments (MAVUSS). He currently serves as the committee chair of the Undergraduate Student Learning Goal 8 Social Responsibility and Ethical Reasoning Committee and since 2016 has been a member of the University's Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Assessment Academy Team charged with establishing graduate program assessment at Michigan Tech.