Sue Collins

- 906-487-3260
- Walker 305
- Associate Professor of Communication, Culture, & Media
- Associate Chair, Department of Humanities
- PhD, New York University
Dr. Sue Collins's research interests include media and cultural history, political economy of media industries and popular culture, and critical cultural policy studies. Her book manuscript, Calling All Stars: Hollywood, Cultural Labor, & the Politics of Authority During World War I, focuses on a decisive moment in celebrity’s development as a form of political authority--when government officials recruited the commercial film industry and its stars to endorse war mobilization. It argues that the film stars' participation in the propaganda campaign represented a new manner of linking state policy with cultural activities in the regulation of unified national identity. Dr. Collins was a recipient of the 2014 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute fellowship, World War I and the Arts: Sound, Vision, Psyche. In fall 2018, Dr. Collins directed the community-wide project, World War I & the Copper Country (funded, in part, by the Michigan Humanities Council). She is currently co-director (with Stefka Hristova) of the year-long campus project Bad Info: Fake News, Manipulated Photographs, and Social Influencers (funded, in part, by Michigan Humanities). She is a co-editor (with Patty Sotirin and Steve Walton) and author contributor for the book, Home Front in the American Heartland: Local Experiences and Legacies of World War I (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2020). She has published her work in Television & New Media, Film History, Cinema Journal, History of Media Studies, and in book chapters on celebrity and activism, war and propaganda, and film history.
She teaches such courses as Popular Culture, Media Industries, Globalization & Media, Media & Society, and Environmental Communication, as well as graduate courses in communication, cultural studies, and media studies in the Rhetoric, Theory, and Culture program.