HuskyFAN Operations
The HuskyFAN Pantry is open based on volunteer availability. Please refer to this link for our hours or search on Google Calendar. Busy = Open, clicking on the volunteer's name for each event will indicate the duration of the volunteer's shift.
The HuskyFAN Pantry is located on the first floor of Fisher Hall. It is behind the glass wall, across the hall from Fisher 135.
Emergency Meal Packs
Individuals in need of immediate food outside of pantry schedule availability are encouraged to pick up Emergency Meal Packs from Public Safety and Police Services. They are located at 206 MacInnes Drive, in the blue building. Public Safety is working to keep you and their staff safe, so please work with their procedures for picking up meal packs; wait in the lobby area where a Public Safety Dispatcher will bring you a meal pack. Each meal pack includes 3 servings of a meal, a fruit, snack, and protein. You can request more than one meal pack, we recommend one per person receiving emergency food. Please utilize our other resources to supplement as needed.