The Michigan Tech Center for Artificial Intelligence is a hub for departments, colleges, industry partners, community organizations, and other stakeholders to catalyze interdisciplinary AI research initiatives. The Center for AI includes 30 faculty and $12.8 million in research projects since the start of FY22, working on fundamental advances in AI and cross-cutting research in areas including transportation, materials design, health informatics, and climate resiliency. The center is also committed to preparing a new generation of AI professionals by offering cutting-edge educational programs and professional development activities to promote ethical and trustworthy development and usage of AI.

$12.6Min center-affiliated awards, FY22-FY24
30faculty members
12MTU departments
700+member publications

"The accelerated advent of AI presents exciting opportunities and challenges for society. The Center for AI is the culmination of Michigan Tech's research and education in fields including computing, transportation, manufacturing, humanities, and health. Hence, Michigan Tech's Center for AI is our premier research center to provide AI solutions for today's evolving world."